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Hi everybody, I am James. I've been joined to these forums for some time yet only post occasionaly, I figured why not post my stats and stuff for rating ::'. I Started being active on this account in rs2 (was previously only used in classic) about a year ago. About a month after my first account ever(Someguy 2213) was falsely permenently banned. Well heres some stuff.








Stats as I'm making this post:















by the way my bank is the same minus the white and santas..cousin figured my recoverys the other day and guessed my pin...while i was out eating dinner... came home to him saying he staked them..kind of sad seeing as he stole them, even worse is that it was from a family member..currently im thinking about quitting..i probably wont though..dont know








Bank as I'm making this post:












Stats when I first made this post:












Bank when I first made this post:












My stats and bank 3 days ago when i had my partyhat (i apologize for its size):












Picture from when i got 50 in all skills(12/28/06):












1500 total level picture(1/22/07):












Current Goals:




-99 Firemaking(banked):








-Maybe 99 Cooking :?: (any training suggestions?) :








-At least 60 in all skills (in time):
















-Fire cape one of these days ::'




-1600 Skill Total eventually












Possible questions:




How did you make a phat and all the items with your stats?








friend that quit long ago logged in one day about a month or 2 ago and goes "you still play? wow! come to my world fally i have a gift for you"




so i go expecting like a nice gift of 100k or something like that also to spend time with an old friend, we trade and gives me a red party hat, he was like"i have no use for it now" i was like :shock: thanked him about a million times it must have been, and hung out with him until he had to go :(








sold red for a green and 28M about a 2 months ago








then sold green for 173M 14th of february








How did you get a white p hat all of the sudden?




The answer in a nutshell:




I lent my cousin about 60m or so a few days ago, he went and staked :shame: eventually he won a white p hat, and knowing I felt somewhat lost after selling my only phat ever, payed me back the 60m with a white p hat <3:








Rate 1/10 if you want




Also feel free to pm me ingame my chats set to on about 95% of the time when im playing,drop me a hyt or something ::'.








The Corporeal beast has become wise to your tricks and has gained a stomp attack that hurts players standing underneath him. Watch out!

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How did you make a phat and all the items with your stats?




Did you invest in RSC rares?











friend that quit long ago logged in one day about a month or 2 ago and goes "you still play? wow! come to my world fally i have a gift for you"




so i go expecting like a nice gift of 100k or something like that also to spend time with an old friend, we trade and gives me a red party hat, he was like"i have no use for it now" i was like :shock: thanked him about a million times it must have been, and hung out with him until he had to go :(








sold red for a green and 28M about a month ago








then sold green for 173M yesterday








also thanks for the good ratings so far :mrgreen:




The Corporeal beast has become wise to your tricks and has gained a stomp attack that hurts players standing underneath him. Watch out!

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Guest geeman122


How did you make a phat and all the items with your stats?




Did you invest in RSC rares?











friend that quit long ago logged in one day about a month or 2 ago and goes "you still play? wow! come to my world fally i have a gift for you"




so i go expecting like a nice gift of 100k or something like that also to spend time with an old friend, we trade and gives me a red party hat, he was like"i have no use for it now" i was like :shock: thanked him about a million times it must have been, and hung out with him until he had to go :(








sold red for a green and 28M about a month ago
















then sold green for 173M yesterday








also thanks for the good ratings so far :mrgreen:








you got lucky with your friend but nice bank + stats

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I think you did good selling it,now you got a nice bundle of cash to spend and some santa's.














How many 'scapers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


1 to screw it in and 49 to complain how better it was before.

Was signed,Kioh Twan

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