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Did miniclip destroy RuneScape P2P?


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Is this a stupid question?








What is this 'MiniClip' everyone keeps talking about... :?








Never heard of it...








Miniclip is a leading online games website: http://www.miniclip.com








Ohh..Thanks :D




I have been playing sinse like..I don't know, but sometime in 2005, because I have the 2005 xmas items.




Anyway, I've been playing for a while, and this is the first time I heard of this..'miniclip' thing.

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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I joined long before runescape came on miniclip, and there is nothing special about that, absolutely nothing. Maybe you should sue miniclip for advertising runescape, or what are you trying to prove by writing that? I see you want some level 100+ worlds, but isn't that just idiotic? Especially since runescape was advertised on miniclip for more than 2 years now. Even if persons level is 120+, that doesn't mean he or she are much more mature and smarter than anyone who is level 89 or below. I've met many players with low levels who were really smart in real life or at least honest, unlike players who are level 120+ that scam others or bug abuse.








And fresi1 had a very good point there but no, you had to point out his grammar while his first language obviously isn't English. You can pat yourself on the back.

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or maybe, we could blame people like some of the ones that posted on here. I just saw some of the worst examples of the runescape community right on this thread.








Nope, you only saw angry and frustrated people.

or idiots like you who have nothing better to do than to look for someone to blame after getting pissed off at some two or three people that nobody cares about.
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miniclip has ruined runescape, i lernt of runescape from http://www.runescape.com, and, is miniclip really affiliated with runescape, of is that just a lie? i alwise thought it was(a lie). miniclip just attracts the so called "n00bs" or "newbs" or "noobs" or "nubs" or "n33bs", froobs, choobs... and what ever you have been called or called or heard some one call. miniclip attracts younger players, and i thought Runescape was a 13+ game? i'v been playing for 5 years, and was before miniclip got involved. the game was so much beter then! and players were NICE to fellow 'scapers. now its a throng of pepole spamming the REAL RuneScape players, or folowing, or just making the game unpleasant. Like when they folow you and say: sniff my lower anatomy baby, or [bleep] me up. or the most common, and anyone who has played on a f2p( happens alot LESS on p2p) for more then 3 minuts in a slightly crouded (and if you are more then 40cb) you will get the ol' I NEED MONEY. and most of those pepole originated from miniclip(a.k.a. the JaGeX killer). well, thats all i have to say, and after this i'm adding "miniclip distroyed runescape" into my signature.


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Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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its only the people under 13 that are immature and cant play to save their life








wrong, there are tons of immature players that are older than 13.




, i guarantee it.








OT: i suppose so, but remember, Jagex's goal is to get more members

click here to see a kickin' clue reward!!!!!!sigri6.th.jpg

double ownage--->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_oblEe9bQ4


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or maybe, we could blame people like some of the ones that posted on here. I just saw some of the worst examples of the runescape community right on this thread.








Nope, you only saw angry and frustrated people.

or idiots like you who have nothing better to do than to look for someone to blame after getting pissed off at some two or three people that nobody cares about.








No! It is 100,000 people like that for a start!








And Malo - you used to be nicer.

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miniclip has ruined runescape, i lernt of runescape from http://www.runescape.com, and, is miniclip really affiliated with runescape, of is that just a lie? i alwise thought it was(a lie). miniclip just attracts the so called "n00bs" or "newbs" or "noobs" or "nubs" or "n33bs", froobs, choobs... and what ever you have been called or called or heard some one call. miniclip attracts younger players, and i thought Runescape was a 13+ game? i'v been playing for 5 years, and was before miniclip got involved. the game was so much beter then! and players were NICE to fellow 'scapers. now its a throng of pepole spamming the REAL RuneScape players, or folowing, or just making the game unpleasant. Like when they folow you and say: sniff my lower anatomy baby, or [bleep] me up. or the most common, and anyone who has played on a f2p( happens alot LESS on p2p) for more then 3 minuts in a slightly crouded (and if you are more then 40cb) you will get the ol' I NEED MONEY. and most of those pepole originated from miniclip(a.k.a. the JaGeX killer). well, thats all i have to say, and after this i'm adding "miniclip distroyed runescape" into my signature.
I would have taken you seriously if your writing was better than that of a "miniclipper"











or maybe, we could blame people like some of the ones that posted on here. I just saw some of the worst examples of the runescape community right on this thread.








Nope, you only saw angry and frustrated people.

or idiots like you who have nothing better to do than to look for someone to blame after getting pissed off at some two or three people that nobody cares about.








No! It is 100,000 people like that for a start!








And Malo - you used to be nicer.

you joined less than four months ago... and I'm not mean, I'm just honest and I don't hesitate to voice my thoughts. I haven't changed all that much over the past year.








Second point- its not 100,000, next time count the number of people that are rude, and the number of people that arent, then you'll get a better perspective. Secondly, there are over 6million runescapers.








Also, I often edit my posts in order to avoid spamming, so look back to what I say, I may have added something. -this post has been edited three times.

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miniclip has ruined runescape, i lernt of runescape from http://www.runescape.com, and, is miniclip really affiliated with runescape, of is that just a lie? i alwise thought it was(a lie). miniclip just attracts the so called "n00bs" or "newbs" or "noobs" or "nubs" or "n33bs", froobs, choobs... and what ever you have been called or called or heard some one call. miniclip attracts younger players, and i thought Runescape was a 13+ game? i'v been playing for 5 years, and was before miniclip got involved. the game was so much beter then! and players were NICE to fellow 'scapers. now its a throng of pepole spamming the REAL RuneScape players, or folowing, or just making the game unpleasant. Like when they folow you and say: sniff my lower anatomy baby, or [bleep] me up. or the most common, and anyone who has played on a f2p( happens alot LESS on p2p) for more then 3 minuts in a slightly crouded (and if you are more then 40cb) you will get the ol' I NEED MONEY. and most of those pepole originated from miniclip(a.k.a. the JaGeX killer). well, thats all i have to say, and after this i'm adding "miniclip distroyed runescape" into my signature.








And again, there are a lot of players who are over 13 but immature.








jonmondalson answer my question, what would level 100+ only world give you, and since when do you have an ability to judge people by their combat level?

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I found Runescape from Miniclip :( .








I'm not saying that everyone who met runescape on miniclip is bad... I'm just saying the vast majority is.

ok seriously, before you name another few hundred thousand people rude and obnoxious, how about you explain your reasoning, and why exactly you think so, because meeting a couple of rude people in keldaghrim, and a some more else where does not equal 100,000.
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The noobs aren't a big deal. If your at rock crabs chances are your training a pure. Pure's are dumb and are usually (not always) used by obnoxious noobs, so it comes with the territory :XD: . I surround myself with nice people and if a noob starts to bug me I just LOL them to death. They only annoy me when they are being rude though. There has only ever been 1 case of this that I've seen and I got the guy muted :P

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if miniclip didnt advertise runescape on their site then jagex wouldnt became to what they are today




im sure that 90% of rs players know about runescape from miniclip




i knew about it from miniclip too ^_^




where would people know about runescape if not from miniclip you think?

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Yea I hate it when the lower lvls start following you around asking for free stuff or saying they just got hacked.(A lvl 42 came up to me yesterday and had full addy (g) on and was asking for free stuff because he got hacked....i was like..sure u did..). The sad thing is I am only lvl 81 and it's not like I am wearing a p hat or a santa when this happens to me it is ussualy when im wcin wearing mime or zombie outfit..I am just glad I was not this way when I was this low of a level.




This also makes clan recruitment kind of hard when lets say a 6 or 7 year old joins and they dont know what they are doing and can't keep up with the clan events.

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if miniclip didnt advertise runescape on their site then jagex wouldnt became to what they are today




im sure that 90% of rs players know about runescape from miniclip




i knew about it from miniclip too ^_^




where would people know about runescape if not from miniclip you think?








I learned about runescape from my good friend when we were going on a trip to the library and he decided to look himself up in the highscores :)

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i learnt about runescape from miniclipa actually.i ven igned an account a couple of years ago but neer got the hang of walking or opening doors #-o




it wasnt really till i saw a freind playing it which got me intrigued howver i do think miniclips destroyed the runescape community not runescape as a game

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finally some one that feels the same im getting sick to death of seing theese noobs theyre like rats, rats that are constantly humping producing more rats and scum runescape p2p/f2p has gone downhill so much its starting to anoy me when i walk around and just see level 10-40 they drive me crazy with there begging and following








lol that reminds me of someone speaking of the homeless when they walk downtown in a big city.

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They need to make a series of worlds that only level 90/100+ can enter to get us away from the drones of "whats my combat level?"








i pormis u thers alot of noobish plaer whit thos lvls... dont juge player by lvls but an age world wolld be good tho.. but i dont see how that wold woork they just say theyr older than they realy are..








Like yourself. You appear to have a good account but can't use proper grammar to save yourself.








I love when people like yourself fail to read people's signitures that say they're dislexic.









[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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I'm not saying everyone who got runescape from miniclip is bad, or ruined runescape, its just that the younger kids (age 6-10) are'nt useing runescape properly.




cowmasta13 wrote:




I heard of this game through Miniclip. I don't think it's destroyed the game, there would be newbs and noobs no matter what, Miniclip doesn't have anything to do with that.








jonmondalson wrote:




But it does - it opened runescape up to the age 5 players who play miniclips flash games.








That is so true, younger kids get runescape from miniclip, and dont play properly, especially the kids that come from violent homes, or rude parents.




i think JaGeX should not be affiliated with miniclip.


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Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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miniclip has ruined runescape, i lernt of runescape from http://www.runescape.com, and, is miniclip really affiliated with runescape, of is that just a lie? i alwise thought it was(a lie). miniclip just attracts the so called "n00bs" or "newbs" or "noobs" or "nubs" or "n33bs", froobs, choobs... and what ever you have been called or called or heard some one call. miniclip attracts younger players, and i thought Runescape was a 13+ game? i'v been playing for 5 years, and was before miniclip got involved. the game was so much beter then! and players were NICE to fellow 'scapers. now its a throng of pepole spamming the REAL RuneScape players, or folowing, or just making the game unpleasant. Like when they folow you and say: sniff my lower anatomy baby, or [bleep] me up. or the most common, and anyone who has played on a f2p( happens alot LESS on p2p) for more then 3 minuts in a slightly crouded (and if you are more then 40cb) you will get the ol' I NEED MONEY. and most of those pepole originated from miniclip(a.k.a. the JaGeX killer). well, thats all i have to say, and after this i'm adding "miniclip distroyed runescape" into my signature.








By the way, its "Miniclip Destroyed Runescape". I suggest you fix your sig...

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