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5 weeks of Vegetarianism, reasons why and my progress.


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vegans actually have an avrage lifespan about 2 years shorter then most people because they tend to miss trace elements that come with eating meat, and other factors.




I searched "Vegan lifespan 2 years shorter" and I couldn't find anything to back that up, infact, try searching "Vegan lifespan" a majority of resources will say it's longer.








Observing the health and longevity of people who eat better than Americans provides clues to the potential gains from reducing chronic diseases. Japanese people who eat a diet based on starches (rice and vegetables) with little meat and no dairy products have an average lifespan of 85.59 years for women and 78.64 years for menÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã
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I won't mention any of the horrible things we do to animals, because this is ussually the most contraversial thing about vegetarianism, in my point of veiw, yes, animals have feelings. (plus if all meat factories in the us stopped, we'd have enough extra grains and things to feed africa)








There's no evidence that cows, etc have feelings.








If the world became vegetarian, millions of people would die of hunger because many third-world countries rely on it. And the grain/grass/leftovers that the animals eat is not edibal to humans.

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I won't mention any of the horrible things we do to animals, because this is ussually the most contraversial thing about vegetarianism, in my point of veiw, yes, animals have feelings. (plus if all meat factories in the us stopped, we'd have enough extra grains and things to feed africa)








There's no evidence that cows, etc have feelings.








If the world became vegetarian, millions of people would die of hunger because many third-world countries rely on it. And the grain/grass/leftovers that the animals eat is not edibal to humans.
















My definition of feelings is being able to feel pain, aka having pain receptors and such, and animals definitely have that.








I don't get the part about how millions of people would die of hunger. Perhaps you never heard of the 10%/100% ratio. Basically, 10% of whatever you eat gets converted to tissues, or some type of mass within the animal.








Let's say a chicken eats 100 lbs of grains, 10% of that is used for building tissues in the chicken, etc. The other 90% is burned for fuel or expelled.








So what the people are trying to say is, that instead of feeding 100 lbs of grains to animals to get 10 lbs of meat, we could distribute the 90 lbs surplus grains to other people.








And I'm pretty sure most farm animals are fed with food that's edible for humans.

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I won't mention any of the horrible things we do to animals, because this is ussually the most contraversial thing about vegetarianism, in my point of veiw, yes, animals have feelings. (plus if all meat factories in the us stopped, we'd have enough extra grains and things to feed africa)








There's no evidence that cows, etc have feelings.








If the world became vegetarian, millions of people would die of hunger because many third-world countries rely on it. And the grain/grass/leftovers that the animals eat is not edibal to humans.
















My definition of feelings is being able to feel pain, aka having pain receptors and such, and animals definitely have that.








I don't get the part about how millions of people would die of hunger. Perhaps you never heard of the 10%/100% ratio. Basically, 10% of whatever you eat gets converted to tissues, or some type of mass within the animal.








Let's say a chicken eats 100 lbs of grains, 10% of that is used for building tissues in the chicken, etc. The other 90% is burned for fuel or expelled.








So what the people are trying to say is, that instead of feeding 100 lbs of grains to animals to get 10 lbs of meat, we could distribute the 90 lbs surplus grains to other people.








And I'm pretty sure most farm animals are fed with food that's edible for humans.








In humans, pain only relates to a few feelings. If you think of animals with human brains and feelings ect, like they don't have, then that isn't true.








Yes they would. Lots of people rely on meat and don't have soy beans and portabello mushrooms.








Here's some pig foods:
















And bovine foods:
















Some regions don't have grain at all.

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Yes they would. Lots of people rely on meat and don't have soy beans and portabello mushrooms.








Some regions don't have grain at all.








Oh, I get what you were trying to say. Some regions depend on meat for certain vitamins.








I was just using grain as an example, there are lots of other plants or w/e animals eat.

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Meat has the hormone estrogen (because meat factories use them on animals to make them grow faster)




this is only if you buy bttom-of-the-barrell meat. good quality meat is more expensive, but tastes better and is better foryou.








Amazingly, around the secound week of vegetarianism I stopped getting acne :shock: , and now when I do, they're gone within a day and not as bad/noticable.




acne is due to a build up of grease. s if you cut your fat intake, of course it's more likely you'll get less acne












we're herbivores.




Think about how biologists determine whether extinct animals were herbivores or not, carnivores have claws, long canine teeth(our canine teeth are pathetic compared to real carnivores), and never opposable thumbs(someone will probably correct me here).




Herbivores have flat grinding teeth, and alot of them have opposable thumbs for picking fruit.




we are omnivores, which is why we have such a varied tooth arrangement. we are designed to eat eat, fish, vegetables, whatevr we can find











We cook our meat, we can get fataly ill if we dont







only on animals like chicken and pig, which contain dagerous bactria naturally. there are many meats that are edible raw, just NICER cooked.











Carnivores have an instinct to want to eat all of the meat they kill, not just muscle or fat.




Humans don't have an instinct on what's edible and whats not, we learn from testing out things, normally if it doesn't kill you, we consider it safe, nowadays, we learn what to eat from our parents.




babies all have an insticnt to eat whateer they see, but are conditioned into eating what is "best" for them.

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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We cook our meat, we can get fataly ill if we dont




only on animals like chicken and pig, which contain dagerous bactria naturally. there are many meats that are edible raw, just NICER cooked.
I think the point he is trying to make is another animals that are naturally adapted to eating beats such as bears, dogs, cats, etc and they can eat this meat without getting ill, yet we can't.













Japanese eat dolphins yet some people feel this isn't right...yet americans eat hamburgers and Indians would find that barbaric...




Exactly, as some people eat dog, we think thats insane, because we have emotional attachement to them, imagine if you were able to have a pet chicken, cow or pig, wouldn't you think the same about people eating those animals to?

Indians don't eat cows because they believe they are sacred.








On topic: Good job, I wouldn't do it but if it's improving your lifestyle and making you happier, you should continue.

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Statistics show that vegetarians have higher average lives.




A mostly carnivorous village somewhere in Asia, infact have one of the lowest average death ages.








That, of course, being the only reason.








Yeah it has nothing to do with them living very poorly in poor living conditions. No man, its the meat!












If you want to be a vegatarian I don't care, but the second you start waving it around as if you are 'supperior' to others I start to take notice and dislike you.

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Millions of raccoons, mice, rabbits and other animals die from wheat and soy combiners every year. Saving the animals eh?








By the way you still need calcium, Calcium comes from milk and other dairy products which are a big no-no to you. Be ready to break bones every second time you jump off something higher than 2 meters.

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We have to eat meat, imagine the kind of overpopulation that would occur. Even if we discontinued domestic animals that we raise to eat, in the world we have today, even natural animals would be harmed. Diseases would spread like mold.


Me doing staff.

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"For every person that turns vegetarian, 10,000 Animals are slain to feed America."




"Gentlemen, we received 20 calls last night about the David Hyde Pierce incident.




As you know, one call equals a billion people. So, 20 billion people were offended by this."








I hope now you realise how pointless your statement was. Thank you, Family Guy, once more.

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Millions of raccoons, mice, rabbits and other animals die from wheat and soy combiners every year. Saving the animals eh?








By the way you still need calcium, Calcium comes from milk and other dairy products which are a big no-no to you. Be ready to break bones every second time you jump off something higher than 2 meters.








But, those animals aren't dieing for our own use, they happen to be in the wrong place in the wrong time.








I'm a vegetarian now, not a vegan.




Vegetarians : Don't eat anything that an animal died for (no meat, no fish)




Vegans: Don't eat or use anything that animal made/ died for (No leather, no eggs, no milk)








When I said I only drink Stonyfeild milk, that might of thrown some people off, Stonyfeild is just an organic dairy company that's arguably the most humane to animals (well, they better be, it's alot more expensive that regular milk, they even include the address of their factory on their milk pints, if you ever wanted to see and judge for yourself)








Plus, Bob Burnquist and Geoff Rowley are both big time pro skateboarders, both hxc Vegans.












That's a good webpage about the natural agrument for vegetarians/vegans, but you have to understand this about the logic used there as compared to most people who argue eating meat is natural.




Our feeling that our current actions are correct isn't based on our arguments. Rather, our actions come first and then we come up with the arguments to try to support those actions. If we were truly logical, we'd consider the evidence first and then decide the best course of action. But often we have it in reverse, because it's too difficult to accept that we might have been wrong.




















There's no evidence that cows, etc have feelings.




For a cow that doesn't understand a human, they could say that we don't have feelings either.




Imagine, you go in front of a cow, it sees and recognizes you, and you painfully brand it. The next time the cow sees you it will remember that you've hurt it before, and will be afraid of you.




If you can say honestly that dogs and cats have feelings, how can you deny that other animals do to?








this is only if you buy bttom-of-the-barrell meat. good quality meat is more expensive, but tastes better and is better foryou.




The USDA is very leniant on what it puts its "Organic" label on, so even that meat can be filled with hormones.




The meat you buy at your regular grocery store would be still considered "bottom of the barrel meat" even if you have it as a filet mingon. The companies that produce this meat don't care for what happens to the buyer, all companies want profit, faster growth = less food used = meat made faster. The meat you would find without these hormones would be in a rural area in eastern europe, where the meat is still eaten rarely and the pigs, chickens, and cows are grown on an old couple's farm.




(My mom used to do little jobs for these kinds of farms in Lithuania, such as catching the chickens at night and putting them in the barn)




Not only that, but the animals that are killed for meat in those kinds of farms are killed by hitting a nerve on the head hard that kills the animal instantly, and not the neck slitting process big factories use.




Meat used to be more humane than it is now.

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The meat you would find without these hormones would be in a rural area in eastern europe, where the meat is still eaten rarely and the pigs, chickens, and cows are grown on an old couple's farm.




(My mom used to do little jobs for these kinds of farms in Lithuania, such as catching the chickens at night and putting them in the barn)




Not only that, but the animals that are killed for meat in those kinds of farms are killed by hitting a nerve on the head hard that kills the animal instantly, and not the neck slitting process big factories use.




Meat used to be more humane than it is now.
















Coming from Eastern Europe, actually lived in rural areas, this is the first time I hear of this. :\








You know how my family kill their chickens and pigs? We slit their throats and let the animal just sit there and bleed to death. As do their neighbours, and their neighbours. So.. no. It's not only the 'factories' that do what you just described.








Meat never was more humane, it's more humane now than it was back then. We have the tools to kill the animals quickly that we didn't have many years ago.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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If you're healthy already, there's no need to be vegetarian. I eat meat, and I'm healthy as a horse.. erm, ox? Whatever it is, I'm healthy though lol.








Goodluck with not eating meat. You'll start having vaganatitus. :P

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We have to eat meat, imagine the kind of overpopulation that would occur. Even if we discontinued domestic animals that we raise to eat, in the world we have today, even natural animals would be harmed. Diseases would spread like mold.








... how'd you figure that out?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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I was at camp for 7 nights and they served the WORST meat I have ever tasted in my life. So I decided to just eat fruits and vegetables for the week.








During camp, I was hungry 24/7 even though per meal I ate tons of lettuce and probably 2-3 oranges + apples and plates of grapes.












After the week when I got home,








I was super tired




Very skinny and pale.




Had tons and tons of dairhorrea (sp?)




Too weak to even read a book, my mind would scatter off.




I also had huge bags under my eyes












It was the ONLY time in my life where my parents FORCED me to eat fastfood.

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If you side with PETA, you should quit using anything that was tested on animals/developed using animals. That includes medicine, soap and shampoo.








Be a vegetarian, but don't say you are superior over others since you don't eat meat and don't act like even your crap smells good since you are vegetarian.








It has only been 1 month, I would like to see what you will say after about a year when your body will run short on essential vitamins.








By the way if you drink ANY animals product you are NOT a vegetarian. That includes milk. That means you are nowhere close to being vegetarian and fooling yourself. Especially since you side with PETA.








Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming meat, with or without the use of other animal derivatives, such as dairy products or eggs. Some vegetarians choose to also refrain from wearing clothing involving the death of animals, such as leather, silk and fur. Veganism, sometimes called "strict vegetarianism", excludes all animal products from diet and attire, whether or not this involves the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool and down feathers). Vegetarians have varied motivations including religious, financial, ethical, environmental, and health concerns.








You feel good now since you still have the vitamins in your body, but you will start feeling weaker and weaker. You need protein to grow.








Anyhow you aren't a vegetarian, don't lie to yourself, you drink milk.








Good luck.

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you relise those changes are only occouring because you are actually makeing sure you get all the stuff you need, this happens also if you make sure you eat the right stuff, and this stuff can be obtained from meat. It looks like your saying that being a vegetarian made those changes :-k

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Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming meat, with or without the use of other animal derivatives, such as dairy products or eggs. Some vegetarians choose to also refrain from wearing clothing involving the death of animals, such as leather, silk and fur. Veganism, sometimes called "strict vegetarianism", excludes all animal products from diet and attire, whether or not this involves the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool and down feathers). Vegetarians have varied motivations including religious, financial, ethical, environmental, and health concerns.












Anyhow you aren't a vegetarian, don't lie to yourself, you drink milk.








Good luck.








Reading level? :lol:








And not everyone who sides with peta has to be a complete vegan, thought I don't use animal tested products, besides the medicines that I don't know are.
















During camp, I was hungry 24/7 even though per meal I ate tons of lettuce and probably 2-3 oranges + apples and plates of grapes.




That's the problem, thats all you had to eat, and you didn't eat large meals, I however eat like a pig breakfast lunch and dinner.




And I have snacks lying around the house that I eat if I get hungry.




















Coming from Eastern Europe, actually lived in rural areas, this is the first time I hear of this. :\




My parents lived in Lithuania in a small town until I was 3, when they were kids they never had many processed foods of any kind, everything had to be farmed, neighborhoods would ussually gather around for the killing of a livestock animal and that would be their meat for the week unless they caught some fish.

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My parents lived in Lithuania in a small town until I was 3, when they were kids they never had many processed foods of any kind, everything had to be farmed, neighborhoods would ussually gather around for the killing of a livestock animal and that would be their meat for the week unless they caught some fish.












Yup, Romania here, and it was just like that for us too. We still killed the animals brutally.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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Reading level? :lol:








And not everyone who sides with peta has to be a complete vegan, thought I don't use animal tested products, besides the medicines that I don't know are.















First of all, I'm not American or from any other countries where they speak English on the streets. Second, I spell better than you so lol. Third, PETA kills animals, do a little research and see how innocent they really are. Fourth, PETA wants TOTAL animal liberation, that means no pets buddy. Liberate your dog please. Fifth, soap (YES, soap) was invented using animal fat and ashes. You should give up on soap as well.




If you support PETA, get rid of everything that has to do with animals. Even the sweater your granny made








Oh, and you said something about humans being herbivores in the beginning?




That sir, is the dumbest thing I've heard in my entire life. If we weren't supposed to eat meat in the first place then why the hell 5000 years ago humans went hunting? Explain please. Also if we were herbivores gag reflex would prevent us from eating meat. As for "flat grinding teeth" look at the ones next to the ones in front. Yep, looks very flat. :lol:








PETA also says chickens play soccer if you give them the ball, which is completely... Pathetic.




The propaganda PETA uses is so [developmentally delayed]ed it's surprising they don't work for the government. It's funny how they mentioned that baby chickens' beaks are cut, but didn't include that THE REASON THEIR [bleep]ING BEAKS ARE TRIMMED IS BECAUSE THEY [bleep]ING CANNIBALIZE EACH OTHER.




And yeah humans are very cruel for chopping up animals to eat and survive. Would those PETA jack [wagon] prefer we lunge right at them and sink our teeth in to their throat, then rip their stomach apart while they're still alive like all other predators do? Or maybe we should get them entangled, and while they're wrapped up, pierce their body and drink their blood while they're still alive.




Or maybe they'd like it if we caught a baby deer, wounded it, then brought it to our home to watch our children chase it down so they can learn how to hunt.








''aww this little pig is so cute, anyone who can kill a little pig like that has no heart''.








Give that little pig an empty stomach and a set of sharp teeth. Show me one person that argues and says that the pig won't eat you if given the chance, and I'll show you someone who has their head a few inches too far up their [wagon].




This kind of reminds me when I was back home and had hamsters. The mother had babies(by her brother), and after they grew their fur and teeth, one morning I woke up and checked the tank and one of the baby's heads was completely ripped off. Blood and [cabbage] everywhere.




And after the babies got a bit bigger(about 3 weeks old) guess what they did? They all ganged up and killed the mother... Every last one of them kept biting at her rear and I had to put her in a separate tank, and she bled to death and died. And it was a huge [wagon] tank too so don't try throwing in the ''maybe they were crowded'' excuse. And even if you were to, show me one family where the children bit their mother to death just so they can have more space.




May be you should fight for the rights of insects too? Insects are living creatures, and have feelings too, right? Hahaha









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Whoa Rodl, calm down :|








I was only pointing out that you thought vegetarians couldn't drink milk, and right there in the qoute you showed me, you were disproved.




(To add to that (in rebuttal to your attack on my grammar), I learned Lithuanian and English at the same time, my parents only spoke Lithuanian and little English, and I had to learn English basically on my own, and I'm doing pretty well, with the honors course english classes I take in highschool now and all...)








If you support PETA, you don't have to go all out, that would be like saying, if you support the troops, go sign up for the military and get yourself to Iraq as soon as you can.








Soap was invented using animal fat and ashes, but I'm certain they don't make soap like that these days.








Does our gag reflex prevent us from eating ANYTHING at all? You can eat dirt perfectly fine without gagging if you don't mind the taste, then again, I'd like to see you eat a cow raw, like a real carnivore would.








A 1000 years ago people thought the world was flat. Not even a century ago a group of people thought it was right to kill all jews. Not everything humans do is right.








Carnivores have all strong, sharp teeth (http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/anatomical_images/family_pages/carnivora/carnivore_teeth.jpg/medium.jpg) You try biting through an animal's skin with out severly messing up your teeth, our "Canine" teeth can be found in the same places as gorrillas and monkeys, who have nearly the same teeth structure as us but are completely herbivores. (Which can obviously disprove the common opinion that vegetarians lack protien, look at these 400pound beasts)








If you throw a ball to a dog, it'll go catch it if it wants to play, who are you to say that Chickens wouldn't?




Factory farm chickens sometimes attack eachother for space, not eat eachother, so imagine if someone cut off your hands because you picked a fight with someone who was making you feel uncomfortable and was intruding your space.








For your next statements, I'm pretty baffled as to what you're trying to say, so I'll try my best. If all humans did have the instinct to lunge on top of an animal and eat it all, then PETA wouldn't exist, as that would be a carnivorous instinct.








Your example of the pig, imagine you're starved, don't have any tools and are stuck in an empty room with a live pig, to make it more interesting, say you have extremely sharp teeth.




Would you lunge at the pig?




Would eat it's raw meat?




If you answered yes to these questions, you'd be dead fast, because you can't eat raw meat, because we're herbivores, just like the pig who wouldn't eat you. So I guess to you I have my head stuck to far up my wagon, apperantly, it's a wagon full of logic.








Seeing your upsetting statements I can't reply to your hamster problem, as I can't trust that you didn't play a role in it.








We don't farm insects to eat them. Infact there are many bugs out there that would start eating you before you eat them.












There you have it, I replied to everything you've stated.
















Trader Joes and Whole Foods shouldn't be to hard to find locally in the US.








As for my research, its from when I started considering Vegetarianism, if you want me to find a source for a specific statement I made, I can try and look it up agian, although it wouldn't be to difficult to look it up yourself if you're really interested.








Also, http://www.stonyfield.com <- supposably the most humane dairy company out there, the Organic Trader Joes milk is actually also bought from Stonyfield and anouther humane milk company, depending on the prices that those companies sell at the time to them.

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cool :D








you make me want to go vegetarian... one question, if i don't like eggs/milk, where should i get my protine (sp?) from? Pm me the answer please :)








Thanks tonnes :D













"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Well, atm i'm reading a christian book on health by Don Colbert. The 7 pillards of health.








He talks about not eating dead foods.








Dead foods produce death.




Live foods produce life.








One of the most intresting statements that was so cool was "We have food to support life, but not to sustain health" or something closely related, been a few day since I picked it up.








I'm seriously considering eating certain stuff like oranges/apples or whatever else.








My problem is how in the world can I go get these healthy foods when my parents are munching on tacos? I don't have any personal money.. so I feel i'm stuck atm.








Either way, i'm serious about my health.. I just have no idea where to start.








But I have started drinking water over sodas, and getting atleast 8 hours sleep.. now i'm... E.... E... . e.... exce....... excersiing :shock: :ohnoes:









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