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~Death Dude's Blog~

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Good luck running around in circles. \'




*Yawn* I'm going to bed. But thanks for wishing me luck.




Got my torso! Thanks to all who helped with BA of course! Here's to many, many more games after this!




80% of the way to 85 agility. I will get 83 next morning, as I'm too tired right now.

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lol! nice one! the torso is hawt!




Are games in BA were fun even though I sucked :wall:




oh well! we gotta play again sometime! ok?




:thumbsup: well done on the blog!




That will require you to learn a role besides collector. I'm sure you could be an attacker as well, but you will need another attacker with you because your combat & attacker role level are low.




Healer isn't that bad, unless your team is made up of people who are lower combat.




Defender can be pretty hard though.






30 hunter from Tears of Guthix, and you can see my new torso from here ::'
















83 Agility!










Check out the highscores:












So I have this notepad on my desk. I was just writing down a few things I was considering doing sometime:




Get V Helm/Skirt?


52/55/66/69 herblore?


Rune Defender


Black Mask


Rune Boots


54 RC?


70 Def


85 mining?


Mage Cape


Torags plate/legs?


66/67/69 construction and a gilded altar


66 crafting


70 magic


81 fishing?


66 hunter




Full V


Full G


karils Top




Guys I'm housesitting at my uncles, so I hope I can still get pics :-k

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84 Agility!




As I said I'm housesitting, so I may or may not be able to transfer the pictures.




Thanks so much to Zaid for donating:




100 bodies


300 chaos




300 feathers


100 trout


and 100 fires




Thanks Zaid! \'




I've been farming alot, and that got me 47 farming and 46 herblore. I have axeman's folly brewing for the new quest--if I ever do it.




I really want to get a bit higher farming to make better use of the seeds I get from slayer, and herblore to make the potions for it. I made like 20 ppots and 10 energy pots.




To save time farming I'm only growing herbs and trees now.

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Im not even in donators, or friends blogs! :shock:




Add me = )




You're not in donations because I have to transport the pic from my uncle's comp. I can't believe you're not in friends though! One sec..




You donation is written in, and your blog is added! yays!




Did Royal Trouble!




I'm investing in MTK now, and am probably going to do lunar diplomacy because I really need to be able to contact bert and ghrim. Also the slayer masters.




Did Lunar Diplomacy! This is useful because I can MTK on the run and also contact Bert at Ape Atoll.






I'm working on an outfit for the 99 agility cape as well.

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I'm getting so few posts nowadays :(




I need some new people to post. Ah, oh well, with time.




Been brewing, and of course I'm up to agility. I've dropped farming--it takes too much time. I'm planking the teaks I get from MTK, and making potions with the herbs.




47 herblore! ::'




I'm thinking of making a brewery shop.

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brewing = pwnz0r. chef's delight sells for what, 10k a pop? :o I forget how much respite goes for. It's a shame one can only brew 16 glasses a day. =(

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brewing = pwnz0r. chef's delight sells for what, 10k a pop? :o I forget how much respite goes for. It's a shame one can only brew 16 glasses a day. =(




Truly Ant, truly. Ale is precious and every vat is 80-90k. Was nice to see you when brewing! Enjoy the ale!




And thanks for posting Peter.




And on the contrary Fire, I feel I'm going slow. I've been busy with lunar diplomacy and MTK, which I'm investing in now, and it's GREAT!!! (Thanks for the advice Ant and Warrior), and now I'm full throttle agility!




85 agility! pic is at my uncles.

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just asking.. how much agility exp are you getting daily?




I have no idea. I don't count xp, and I don't use calculators. I use xp bars only to my current goal. (Which reminds me because I need to update my goals!)

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Congraulations on 85 agility!! I wish i had that determination. the agility cape looks soo good untrimmed!! <3:




I may start my blog up again, but i dunno yet. i'm to busy with some other "business :anxious: " and Emily <3:




Remind me to make some more Super energies for ya too!! :thumbsup:




Keep it up! ::' Agility is one of the few skills that still has class.


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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I took a small break from agility yesterday to do a few things:




A) Sold 301 teak planks for ->>>500k<--- \'<3:




B)Trying to get a black mask from cave horrors, though I may just buy one.




C) completed the worst level 3 clue: 10 white firelighters, 13 green firelighters, 29 lobs, rune full helm, 13 purple sweets.




D) Did legend's Quest. -> Got 50 herblore and 59 prayer thanks to it.




E) Did elemental workshop for a clue.




I think I'm going to get/buy a black mask while I'm at 85.




At 90 I think I'm getting 70 defense on slayer.




At 92/95 I may do some barrows (I don't know what all gear I'm going to need for it).








I was thinking of getting possibly verac's skirt, torag's plate/possibly legs.

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Whoa, nice blog death, i saw u were a friend of zed, so i decieded to post on here.


Agility is very cool, hope u get the level u want soon.Oh, and could u tell me:Is slayer easy as everybody says?




Cya, add me ingame if u want.




PS:COuld u please take a look at meh blog?It is a bit poor rite now....

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In order to ease the transition from agility to slayer and barrows, I'm working on some things in between agility.




A)Rune defender (On mith now)


B)Black Mask (Gotten!)


C)Cash to work with.


D)Possibly Rune boots, possibly some torags, possibly V skirt, possibly K top.




I was busy today. I didn't get my addy defender, but I did do a clue which got 45k and some laws.




I had to go to help my mom with a crafting show.




I came back and helped Ant and Non with their dk trip.






First trip: Ant had to go. Non was soloing. Rex attacked him. he teleed




Trip two: Successfully got the package to the drop-off point. Exit went smoothly. Success of drops is yet to be determined..




I could suicide more often. I'm so good at it now.. :wink:




But I want to kill them myself. That's fun too.

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gratz on the 85 mate :thumbsup: ::'




btw, 'tis me, brainiac :-$

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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Hey Death, good luck , hope u get ur agility cape soon.


Thanks for the help with my blog, i fixed a lot of things thanks to you, maybe u want pass by and see the results?(no need to post, i just want you to see what you did)


I still need to update the images with Photobucket, i will do it tomorrow.



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Nice blog you have there! I like how you've gone on so many giant mole trips :P I have never been down there once in my RS career...i guess you could call me "scared", but I'd go if you were there to protect me <3:




Will you post on my blog too? I need support aswell! :D Just click the banner in my siggeh. :uhh:

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