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I will not live in _______ because of _______


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I see many people say they wouldn't live in Russia for this and that reasons. Well, if you say Russians are violent what do you say about the war in Iraq? Or the overflowing violent chavs in England? Or how about the ignorance of George Bush? Oh yeah, calling everyone who lives anywhere close to Afghanistan/Iran/Iraq/Arab Emirates a terrorist was very smart of him. Also invading Iraq for fuel was even smarter. And Canada has to support America... Excellent.








USA was an awesome country before him, but he somehow managed to ruin it.








Anyways, I would hate to live in US. Can't bear looking at the overweight people... Plus the president would make me live in shame, hope he won't get reelected and USA will regain its strength through.

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I see many people say they wouldn't live in Russia for this and that reasons. Well, if you say Russians are violent what do you say about the war in Iraq? Or the overflowing violent chavs in England? Or how about the ignorance of George Bush?








How does that make Russia less of a crappy place to live in? :)








And Canada has to support America... Excellent.








What does this mean?

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I see many people say they wouldn't live in Russia for this and that reasons. Well, if you say Russians are violent what do you say about the war in Iraq? Or the overflowing violent chavs in England? Or how about the ignorance of George Bush?








How does that make Russia less of a crappy place to live in? :)








And Canada has to support America... Excellent.








What does this mean?












For the first one, everyone says Russians "will shoot you for shoes" which is not true, so I gave a few examples of violent people, and chavs just came to my mind. Plus how can you say Russia is crappy if you didn't even live there? Yeah, you probably watched some amateur movies of idiots doing stuff, or skinheads beating a jew, then skateboarders beating skinheads, but can't you say the same about all the other countries? Show me a single country where there are no criminals or morons, I'm begging you. I can also say USA is crappy after watching a video of a group of white people beating up a black/mexican in USA. Just because a certain group of people are idiots, doesn't mean whole country has to be crappy because of them. Perfect example: Russia and USA. Russia due to the skinheads and USA due to Bush and skinhead like people.








For the second one, Canada is the USA partner and that means Canada has to support USA in war even if it doesn't want to. And that is just ridiculous.








By the way you better remove your street and postal code, who knows what might happen.








Oh and to anyone who wonders, I'm not Russian.

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All of Africa - Disease, Civil War, and hardly any modern luxuries.








Thats an ever so slightly stereotypical desciption of Africa. Not all of Africa is like Sudan is at the moment.








Agreed. There are many nice places to live in Africa. South Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, etc.




Sotuh Africa=Nice place to live? Hmm, some bits....




Isn't there like 20something+ murders there a day?




|That's what I heard anyway....

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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Or how about the ignorance of George Bush? Oh yeah, calling everyone who lives anywhere close to Afghanistan/Iran/Iraq/Arab Emirates a terrorist was very smart of him. Also invading Iraq for fuel was even smarter. And Canada has to support America... Excellent.







USA was an awesome country before him, but he somehow managed to ruin it.








Anyways, I would hate to live in US. Can't bear looking at the overweight people... Plus the president would make me live in shame, hope he won't get reelected and USA will regain its strength through.








I am sorry, but ignorant stuff like this makes me forget your post. You either come from a nation where you have no concept of US politics, or you are a really young person.








Bush has served twice, he can't be elected again. Ever. We did not invade Iraq for fuels, seeing as how fuel prices here are starting again to move to all-time highs.








The average American's life has changed diddly-squat over the past 20 years, no matter who the President was. You say that all Americans are obese? That is morbidly gross stereotyping. I frequently fast in prayer for people around the world who can't eat, and our family donates hundreds of dollars that feed thousands.








And Bush did not call everyone in the Middle East a terrorist. If he did, we would have the world's largest Jihad on our hands. That sounds like something an ignorant person would say.








I am sorry to go off topic, but ignorant people bother me too.








Russia is a dangerous place to live because of the collapse of the USSR. There are WELL documented incidents involving foreign tourists being killed for their belongings. Eventually they will be able to pick up the mess that Yeltsin screwed them with, but it won't be soon.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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This is going to end in flaming. Oh well.








U.S.A: To many morbidly obese people (had to be said)








France: the most disgusting food items on Earth








Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac.








How would the fatties effect your living style?








You know, things like blocking door ways, stealing your sandwiches, cannablism etc. Pretty obvious really.

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so what, he would not live in the us because of the reasons he gave. true or not.




there are a lot of stereotypes in this thread anyway, one more? who cares








obviously, he cares. jeez, read my first post, I said you can counter if you want.

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This is going to end in flaming. Oh well.








U.S.A: To many morbidly obese people (had to be said)








France: the most disgusting food items on Earth








Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac.








How would the fatties effect your living style?








You know, things like blocking door ways, stealing your sandwiches, cannablism etc. Pretty obvious really.








*Imagines funny images*








But they're not that bad I have never encountered one who has blocked doorways.

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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This is going to end in flaming. Oh well.








U.S.A: To many morbidly obese people (had to be said)








France: the most disgusting food items on Earth








Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac.








How would the fatties effect your living style?








You know, things like blocking door ways, stealing your sandwiches, cannablism etc. Pretty obvious really.








I've rarely ever seen an obese person. Most Americans I see on a daily basis are fit, or just overweight. No more than in any other nation.








Yes, there are some people (mostly kids) that disgust me with their obesity. But they are not so common as to stereotype Americans as all being morbidly obese.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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This is going to end in flaming. Oh well.








U.S.A: To many morbidly obese people (had to be said)








France: the most disgusting food items on Earth








Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac.








How would the fatties effect your living style?








You know, things like blocking door ways, stealing your sandwiches, cannablism etc. Pretty obvious really.








*Imagines funny images*








But they're not that bad I have never encountered one who has blocked doorways.








So you have encountered one staling your sandwich and one eating another person? :-k








Anyway, for all those who say that calling America fat is steriotypical should remind themselves that America is proven to be the fattest country in the world, and the UK is becoming just as bad because of american influence (for example, McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, the hamburger...)








If another country becomes fatter than America, then we'll shut up, but you, the country, need to become thinner, jeez...

~ W ~



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This is going to end in flaming. Oh well.








U.S.A: To many morbidly obese people (had to be said)








France: the most disgusting food items on Earth








Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac.








How would the fatties effect your living style?








You know, things like blocking door ways, stealing your sandwiches, cannablism etc. Pretty obvious really.








*Imagines funny images*








But they're not that bad I have never encountered one who has blocked doorways.








True that one is alot less common :-k








*Mocks Barihawk's futile attempts at disproving the fact that if you call yourself American you are related to atleast one obese person*








Similarly in the U.K you must have had tea with the queen, it's compulsory as soon as you get your British passport.

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ya great, another one of this pendantic discussions. #-o wait... where was that other thread again? oh nvm








Waaaaa waaaaaaaaaa I can't argue waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa








I know a lot of you love brainless threads, but don't spam just because you can't participate, jeez. The reason I made this thread is to maybe disprove the false impressions people have over your country. If you can't do that, then shut up.

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This is going to end in flaming. Oh well.








U.S.A: To many morbidly obese people (had to be said)








France: the most disgusting food items on Earth








Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac.








How would the fatties effect your living style?








You know, things like blocking door ways, stealing your sandwiches, cannablism etc. Pretty obvious really.








*Imagines funny images*








But they're not that bad I have never encountered one who has blocked doorways.








So you have encountered one staling your sandwich and one eating another person? :-k








Anyway, for all those who say that calling America fat is steriotypical should remind themselves that America is proven to be the fattest country in the world, and the UK is becoming just as bad because of american influence (for example, McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, the hamburger...)








If another country becomes fatter than America, then we'll shut up, but you, the country, need to become thinner, jeez...








If a 6'0 man who weighs 125 Lbs is in a crowd of people who are 6'0 and weigh 120 Lbs, does that make the 125 Lb man fat?

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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All of Africa - Disease, Civil War, and hardly any modern luxuries.








Thats an ever so slightly stereotypical desciption of Africa. Not all of Africa is like Sudan is at the moment.








Agreed. There are many nice places to live in Africa. South Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, etc.




Sotuh Africa=Nice place to live? Hmm, some bits....




Isn't there like 20something+ murders there a day?




|That's what I heard anyway....








More than that, i'd still choose SA over Britain or America though. Crime in South African cities is no higher than anywhere else, its violent crime which is higher. In effect you are as likely to get shot/stabbed or threatened with a gun in Cape Town or Jo'burg than you are to get mugged in London, which is frightening.








The thing with SA is that while yes it is developing very quickly, that only helps out the rich and (predominatly) white people. The massive urbanisation makes it very hard to police the cities. Besides I've been to Soweto and other townships, they are still incredibly poor areas and white people are still racist. Not all but most of them. The reason i would stilllive in SA than the UK or US is that most people are genuinely really nice. I didn't meet a single person who i wouldn't want to be friends with (besides one or two white people) I met an Ethiopian guy in Soweto who gave me his house number and told me to get in contact with him when and if i go back in 2010 or any other time. I don't think I've ever met anyone like that, and there was a country full of those type of people.








Places i wouldn't want to live are




Glasgow - its crap




Luton - its also crap.




China - censorship




Zimbabwe - Mugabi no likey white folks












I'm open to pretty much anywhere really.

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If a 6'0 man who weighs 125 Lbs is in a crowd of people who are 6'0 and weigh 120 Lbs, does that make the 125 Lb man fat?




Yes, it does.








Theres a reason noone here likes you

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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If a 6'0 man who weighs 125 Lbs is in a crowd of people who are 6'0 and weigh 120 Lbs, does that make the 125 Lb man fat?




Yes, it does.








Theres a reason noone here likes you








ROFL!!! hahahaha!! omg so true! =D> :thumbsup:








on topic:








USA: too many fat people, too many christian extreemists, to much gun crime, too many gangs, ignorance, it is the biggest super power so everyone assumes they are the best and can defeat anyone or anything probably even God if they wern't relegious :-$ but the worst: rednecks








England: (only applies to majour towns anywhere else here is bliss) chavs, idiotic goverment, too many hobo's and ignorant people.








anywhere in Africa: i don't care what you say the place is aids infested. I would not go there even in a [bleep]ing space suit.








anywhere in eastern europe: do i need to say much? its like going into a gypsy village everywhere!








Anywhere other than western europe! - we once ruled the whole of the world between the whole of western europe. We rule!








(i know there are other nice places to live outside of europe but the culture chang i would have to go through would not suit me ::'

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no where near Pakistan and China. Specialy China.








They might soon have war with India....and USA looks like changing sides from China to India....












and pakistan cause of same....and there are alot of muslims....not of me...

????ClAn????wHaT iS iT???

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USA: too many fat people, too many christian extreemists, to much gun crime, too many gangs, ignorance, it is the biggest super power so everyone assumes they are the best and can defeat anyone or anything probably even God if they wern't relegious :-$ but the worst: rednecks












1- There are fat people everywhere, it just so happens that people hear about American fat people more.




2- Really, I hadn't noticed... Maybe it depends on where you live but I would guess that maybe less than .0000001% of Americans are Christian extremists.




3- As long as you don't live in the city, there really isn't more gun crime compared to other countries.




4- That is a huge stereotype. There really aren't that many, it just gets noticed because America is so publicized that no matter what you do, people will know about it.




5- Yes, people are ignorant. I can't touch that one :D




6- Well, we are too, "In your face" about it, I guess.




7- Rednecks are easy to ignore.


im level 76 and IM NOT A NOOB 30- is a noob
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