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I will hate myself for saying this..


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Hey community, I just want yall to know, even tho Jagex is pretty strict and snoby with its rules, stick with them!








I have a friend of mine at work who played this game. (yeah a real 3d game, lol). I joined, it was 15$ a month.








To my utter shock and disbelief.. the Company.. the gaming community, and the game... WERE TRASH!!!








I will not name this game, due to someone be curious and trying it out, because in the end, they will have wasted their cash.








Lets start with reviewing the game.








It "sounds" nice, 3 races against 1 another, open and massive pvp battles. Each race has their own unique ability which attracts players to their respective places. I was attracted to the "Mech" scheme, so I went with that race.








So whats the problem? One race special ability is Defense. Now sure, defense is good right? Doesn't hurt for this 1 race to have some good Defense because thats their race speciality. Guess what? WRONG. Just 1 of them can tank 50 guys from a opposing race.. LITERALLY.








Now imagine 20 of them rushing at you? Point Proven.








The games content consists of only 11 maps! ELEVEN! And 2 of them you can't go to due to race restrictions so that leaves you with 9.








Unbalanced and unworthy content with charging your wallet of 15$.












Now lets start with the community.








I joined the forum only to be flamed tremedously for my lack of expertise on the game. Sure, I was a newb, but after 3 months of playing this game, I was still getting treated like crap.








To put it blunt, their is far to much hate within the community. (What was shocking was they claimed they was the best community around! And going f2p would make the scum of the internet spawn before them). They are already being overcharged and the game itself is loosing more players everday, i'm suprised to see half the community denie f2p.












And last but not least, the Game Company












First off, lets say there is a bug in Runescape right? It gets fixed within next week's update. Well.. this game here, a simple but annoying bug takes MONTHS to fix. Yes, your forking over 15$ for a bug to be fixed in MONTHS!








Why a month? Well obviously, the guys who are hosting the game do not own the code to fix it.. some guys in Korea do. So you can image how long it would take to fix a few bugs, let alone new game patchs! The game has been suprisingly going on for a bit over a year now but has only 1 new release of content.








If you send in a ticket to Customer Support to get a question answered, if they do not believe you, they will literally take one item out of your account!!! Why? "For Wasting Their Time". Yet they get PAID to do this? Its like playing a game of risk! "Will they believe me and fix the issue? Or not and take something I own?"








Eventually, I voiced my opinion how bad the company was doing on the forums, people are trusting them to give gamers what they want for their money. My IP was banned.












So to put it blunt, thank God for the weekly updates, thank God Runescape has a better company looking over it, thank God its cheaply priced and thank God its balanced with a great community!!!








*Falls over dead*








I just went from hell to heaven. *Hugs Runescape*









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now compare it to wow








I lol'ed. hehe.








TBH, I have never in my life played WoW. Maybe I should give it a try? I wish I had instead of THAT game.. God.. what a waste of time and cash.








I'll probably just stick with Runescape though :)









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If you send in a ticket to Customer Support to get a question answered, if they do not believe you, they will literally take one item out of your account!!! Why? "For Wasting Their Time". Yet they get PAID to do this? Its like playing a game of risk! "Will they believe me and fix the issue? Or not and take something I own?"











that ould be kinda good on runescape then there would no false or fake message or atleast a lot less which would make real messages answered more faster

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This is going to be locked... also is it WoW?












No its not WoW or StarCraft.








But my God, Runescape is far better than it! You guys should really appreciate Runescape! <3:









If you love me, send me a PM.


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I think I know what game you're talking about, but I'm not sure.








I played it for about 3 days and then quit because of how...evil....it was.




there are a lot of games a lot worse than RuneScape.

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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I've tried plenty of other free mmorpgs and none of them have been as good as Runescape. Some bad things were: bad controls, bad skills, bad quests, bad inventory set up, bad instructions, ect. Those were in various games I have tried. Runescape is still better.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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WoW and GW and other MMO's generally have trashy communities outside of clans.








That's what I like about Runescape. We have a pretty tightly knit community.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Well that is one of the reasons that I play a bit more AdventureQuest than RuneScape.

Give a man a lighter, and he will be warm for a while.

Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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Thank you for posting this. You're right though.








It's just that a few people start bickering and whining and complaining and soon other people are like "Hey, they're right" (Even if those people aren't right.) and join. It's a dominoe effect. Anyhow, Jagex does an excellent job, they make a SLIGHT change, and the SPOILED players who are so used to being given so much leeway complain that they change a tiny something. The new rule update isn't even that bad for crying out loud (FCOL). This goes for other changes to rules, bannings, etc. The community on the Official Forums and players have been spoiled by Jagex, and then Jagex tries to control the now out of control spoiled brats (such as a rich child who gets everything, is a brat, and parents don't do anything, but then try to). And they (Bad B-Word) and moan about it.








So it's the community that's bad, not Jagex. The community now has become one massive complaining, bratty little git who gets everything it wants and can't be easily controlled. Jagex, is the control-less parents trying to get some more control over the child.








I give props to Jagex for trying to take back the Runescape community and gaming adventure, rather than let the community take over and try to run itself. The community acts like Jagex isn't there and doesn't do anything most of the time (Anarchy) but when they do something like a rule change they freak out all of a sudden. It's pathetic really.









Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Thank you for posting this. You're right though.








It's just that a few people start bickering and whining and complaining and soon other people are like "Hey, they're right" (Even if those people aren't right.) and join. It's a dominoe effect. Anyhow, Jagex does an excellent job, they make a SLIGHT change, and the SPOILED players who are so used to being given so much leeway complain that they change a tiny something. The new rule update isn't even that bad for crying out loud (FCOL). This goes for other changes to rules, bannings, etc. The community on the Official Forums and players have been spoiled by Jagex, and then Jagex tries to control the now out of control spoiled brats (such as a rich child who gets everything, is a brat, and parents don't do anything, but then try to). And they (Bad B-Word) and moan about it.








So it's the community that's bad, not Jagex. The community now has become one massive complaining, bratty little git who gets everything it wants and can't be easily controlled. Jagex, is the control-less parents trying to get some more control over the child.








I give props to Jagex for trying to take back the Runescape community and gaming adventure, rather than let the community take over and try to run itself. The community acts like Jagex isn't there and doesn't do anything most of the time (Anarchy) but when they do something like a rule change they freak out all of a sudden. It's pathetic really.









I agree with you on most of what you are saying. Alot of peopel complain without knowing all of the facts, I am guilty of it sometimes but as soon as I calm down and learn the facts, there is always a good reason as to why it was done.
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Yes, Runescape is truly great, compared to some others...this one just happens to be an extreme. I got into an argument over what to play.




"Dude, play WoW! RS is so gay! It's boring!"




Me: It's not boring if you get into it and actually play it some. Also, I don't have the 50$ to buy the CD, and 15$ a month to play that.




"Dude, Oh my God, you are a Noob! (Yes, he called me a noob.)"




My other friend: Lay off, man. Runescape is pretty good. I'm gonna renew my membership next week.




"Wow, you both love men. Get away."








I love arguing people who never tried Runescape...It's so fun. :mrgreen:

Still alive, still alive.

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now compare it to wow








I lol'ed. hehe.








TBH, I have never in my life played WoW. Maybe I should give it a try? I wish I had instead of THAT game.. God.. what a waste of time and cash.












wow is not a waste of time, WoW has 8 million subscribers and counting...imagine, compare that to runescapes 200k players








if u had a classroom with 40 kids....the 39 kids would be WoW players and only 1 kid would be a runescape player....

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