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~~~~~Three-Word-Story~~~~~ New format.


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Well the old Three-Word-Story game wasnt being updated, and one that was being updated got lost after the rollback, so I decided to create a new one.




Anyway, a few rules:


Dont post anything designed to offend another user of this forum.


Keep it clean.




In the begininng


In the begining there was a


In the begining there was a really big house






Just post the part you wrote in bold tags. And once it gets pretty big use hide tags.




I'll start.




A long time

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like too. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like too. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand.


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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue


A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of plankton! Which is

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of plankton! Which is very easy to


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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of plankton! Which is very easy to eat without teeths

Dharoks, emo's ultimate weapon if you know what i'm sayin. :lol:
Very nice 10/10

For a second when I was looking at your drop-list picture. Ilooked at the dragon longsword and said "They have a dragon longsword now??" ohh I'm tired :wall:

..., then I noticed a gravestone where our tank was supposed to be and my health was a 1 digit number again.

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A long time ago in a past, teachers had giant machines that slaughtered all children. However, now they eat monstrous amounts of cute chickens that are dangerous because they like to. On Sundays, cookies are slowly melted down to save the planet of New Zealand. The planet USA, however, tried to erect a statue which they believed would lead to the discovery of plankton! Which is very easy to eat without teeth because it has


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