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Tip.It Times Presents: The Good, The Bad and the...


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This week's Tip.It Times has been released. Feel free to discuss the article or post any comments. If you have any criticism, please make sure it's constructive! :D








The Good, The Bad and the...












We've had a couple of interesting updates lately that haven't made the front pages. Jagex has apparently decided that, although it's against the rules to deceive other players in order to get their items, luring someone into the Wilderness in order to get those items doesn't count as deception and is thus not illegal. Now most ...








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That article had too many points. I didn't really get the main focus of this one. First it was about babying the new players, then about luring, then about the music, then about annoying dialogue, then about unanounced updates, then about swift switch, etc. Unfortunately, this one wasn't my favorite.








PS: 1st post.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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Yay 3rd post lol now I can read the article!








Edit: Now that I've read the article, I totaly agree with the fact that Jagex is starting to baby the younger and less experienced players. I don't condone luring, but if you are stupid enough to fall for it, then, well, you deserve what you get. And by babying the newer players, they make the game less fun for the rest of us.



| . . . . Pure F2P . . . .|


| sig8.png |

| 73 74 73 75 70 86 65 80 |

| sig9.png |

| 85 80 80 80 80 80 80 65 |


| Combat: 092 Total: 1235 |


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Superb article discussing the more annoying aspects of the game. I enjoyed reading it.








I'm very much dissapointed with the way Jagex has veered the game so much to the needs and safety of younger children. Personally, as I believe it's the same with many older teens and adults, I find it annoying. It would be so much more exciting if there weren't caution messages on every street, and restrictions on the most meager of things. Jagex has done a poor job in focusing their attention to things like 3rd party software, rather than focusing on the bigger issues at hand (i.e. macroers, luring, scamming, lack of pmod powers, etc.).








5th post ;p



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Jagex will never listen to us... I've only come to accept that and realise it. I doubt things will ever change, until Jagex becomes privatised. And frankly, me saying that I'd prefer privatisation to the way things are now is pretty drastic; baring in mind - I'm a socialist for God's sake! Privatisation is, like, my worst enemy!!!








I'm starting to become VERY irate at Jagex in times of late. Many say that the mods are kind, and Jagex rule because they release new updates etc. etc.. These people are fools. Go on the Rants forum, and the mods there are the most rudest people I will ever have the misfortune of meeting in my life! One inappropriatly threatened me with my account if I didn't stop posting perfectly valid arguments that criticised Jagex ever so slightly. So much for a free speech...








And as for the updates. Have your stupid low-level quests! What exactly are we higher level players meant to do in the meantime!? Oh... the 'Tower of Life'. God what a quest that was! Excuse me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the word 'quest' imply a journey? You literally had to take a few items out of a box and build something. wwoooowwww... thrilling. And yet still we face things like autoers, a (forgive my language [i have a feeling the Editor wanted to say this word but for obvious reasons could not]) crap CS service, and the smallest amount of player-input into a game I've ever seen in my days! What are you thinking? You're letting this game fall to rack and ruin, while ducking and covering behind your half-baked updates!








One update that really angered me recently was a hidden CW update, meaning all players cross the rocks at exactly the same speed. This was just stupid! I have faster reflexes than someone else? I'm soo sorry for that... tell ya what, when I next go on Nintendo Wi-Fi, I'll try and control my reflexes a bit more so I don't win as much... yeah right!!!








If you want an example of just how Jagex try to block anything which might actually kick-start some anger, see this piccy. BTW, I didn't go all the way to Page 50 on the rants forum to get this... this was the first page. Half the page was covered in locked threads, half of those didn't actually break a rule... they were locked without a reasoning:








Jagex... Censored? Surely not...








A final note to Jagex... I'm fast getting incredibly bored of this game, and so ae my mates. You know, the Wii came out a few months ago? I might just leave here and go play that if things don't improve, and when the PS3 is released later this year, I'm sure many teenagers will follow suite. RS has become one of the most oppresive dictatorships I've seen (and I've studied Stalin and Hitler in great detail...), and what's worse... it's not even well run!!!








A month ago I made a thread apologising for my past rants, saying things were improving. This month, youhave done EVERYTHING to completely alienate me away from RS, and retract that apology immediately!

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Great points. Excellent article. The dumbing down of the game is quite annoying. My pet peeve is the emote page. Why change to images from text? If you can't read, get your priorities straight. Learn to read and then come back and play rs.

Cieco mondo...cieco mondo

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Jagex will never listen to us... I've only come to accept that and realise it. I doubt things will ever change, until Jagex becomes privatised. And frankly, me saying that I'd prefer privatisation to the way things are now is pretty drastic; baring in mind - I'm a socialist for God's sake! Privatisation is, like, my worst enemy!!!








Jagex is already privatised -- they're a private company owned by the Gower brothers and a friend. They don't have to answer to anyone except the taxman.








If they went public and had to answer to stockholders, they still wouldn't necessarily listen to the players -- unless we all went out and bought stock.

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Well, to Ginger. You don't have free speech at all on their privately owned forums. Sorry to burst your bubble.








And those rants look pretty rule breaky to me

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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Part of the fun of a RPG is its risk. You could choose wrong and loose a lot, or choose right and gain even more. I agree that Jagex should lighten up and make the game more fun and try and support 3rd parties! NOT TRY AND MAKE IT A 2nd GRADE HAVEN!!!









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Great article, I couldn't agree more. RS is sadly turning into a babysitting world for kids ages 10 and below, when they're not even supposed to be playing the game. Jagex is exceptionally unfriendly towards player feedback, they don't seem to realize that if their website had the same stuff 3rd party software does, maybe they wouldn't be in this mess right now.












Now how long will it be before Jagex contacts Tip.It to say that they're offended by the article and threaten legal action? Remember what happened last time there was a controversial article about Jagex's treatment of players?


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"Life is about making choices. If you don't make those choices, life will choose for you."

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NOO SwiftSwitch is now illegal? This is an outrage..I love SwiftSwitch, I've used it almost every time I go on RS and now it's illegal? I hope very much that RS change it's mind about the world switch and high scores. I do agree that the sigs that we use up are quite too much, but I doubt we would go mad because of it going away, since we can easily put it in manually, sure it's a bit more work.. But without being able to look into highscores easily it would change PKing forever, not only that but I don't see how one glance at high scores or clicking links to worlds directly would affect them too much. SURE we miss out that ad at the side of the worlds, but that really isn't much. Especially for paying members, haven't we already done our bit? I'm so frustrated with this... Ginger_Warrior I agree with you in most cases, but I think you're taking it to the extreme. Multiple threads ranting will not help, especially if it gets locked, it means either they don't care or are already considering it. If they don't care and you keep doing it, you'll certainly be banned. Right now the only thing we CAN do is wait and see what happens, really.. We should atleast give them until next update or so. Quite frankly I think people like Strider is going to be heard most. Like remember the time he was on the front page before and editted their rules. If none of this works, I suggest multiple threads in rant forum, but NEVER insult them, use a proffesional manner and clearly state the point with titles that clearly give the point. This is where our school essays come in place, people. For us to be able to enjoy the things we love we can't idle around... I think I typed way too much but I have quite a bit on my head...




EDIT: You're not suppose to make threads about this in the Rant forums on the official site, so if any complaints we have to go to the "Customer Support" and then click "Complaints", I think this reduces our chance of being banned @.@

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I think you've actually both missed my point somewhat. If that image didn't prove it to you, then go on the official rants forum and look at the code of conduct - the amount of things you can't rant about, and more importantly, the types of things, are ridiculous, and it just reminds me of a tyranous dictatorship quite frankly.








The point of that post was that something incredibly dratic needs to change about how Jagex is run and how it communicates with a) its players (perhaps accepting their suggestions for once, instead of shunning them aside) and B) its fansites (because a game without a fansite to promote it, and aid its development is a pretty doomed game, believe me. The Editor himself touched on this in the "So Who Needs Fansites Anyway?" article)








@ Kevin, thanks :D . I think you've kinda contradicted yourself a bit though. You're telling me I'm going too extreme, then you say at the end you can't sit idly by. Maybe I didn't convey that very well... I don't make rants aimed at Jagex, I have actually a hell of a lot of respect for the accomplishments of the Gowers. But there comes a time where enough is enough and a stand must be taken. At the end of the day, they theoretically don't have to listen to any one of us, but if things carry on the way that they are going, I can't really see RS2 lasting for many more years to come.








My rants which criticise aspects of the game, relating the problem back to Jagex, are an example of this. But there are obviously other ways, and I would invite any sort of protest to change things right now, becasue the game is slowly becoming worse and worse...

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so...does this mean the skill calcs wont work anymore? :ohnoes: but y would you spend so much time complaining about jagex....maybe you should go play another game and leave us happy runescapers alone...

Will get a new Siggy, if I get around to it[/size]

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I strongly agree with the article and the majority of the posts. I hope that Jagex actually reads this post so they can tell how annoyed people truly are, assuming they don't know (which I really doubt).








I used to never really get why lots of people complained about Jagex, but now I'm really starting to see why(most of this has been previously explained):








1) Jagex is trying to have too much control.




I see nothing wrong with SwiftSwitch or whatever other programs they had in mind. If we're using too much bandwidth, then learn to accept it. You morons have a game with nearly one million members and tons more people who play for free. Don't try to pull a low budget deal off here. Is ~6million dollars net a month (~72 million American a year) not enough for us to enjoy some extras?








2) Us not being toddlers.




I am a teenage boy (by teen I even mean older than 13). I'm not stupid (except when I got lured in Lumby caves for both my masks, which is the last mistake I'm making). I don't want to be treated like a toddler. I have a great education and don't want to feel like every time I'm on the computer playing a Barney game with a bunch of adults. Everything is dumbed down and I feel like they're trying to make everything easier for people so they'll relax.








3) Customer Service




I actually have a funny story. A couple days ago I tried to get out of Jagex why you can't have more than one firecape at a time (since you should be able to). They responded four times in two days. I was completely amazed. The first three I was pretty subtle, and Jagex just got around what I was asking. On my fourth query I was not subtle at all. I was basically told how I could make a suggestion on their official forums. I was outraged. I would have rather had one good reply back than four crappy ones. They obviously didn't read what had been sent back and forth previously.












Jagex is digging a HUGE pit for themselves. Most members are probably the mature ones who are sick of the babiness that the ten year olds who lied about their age like. So they're really decreasing revenue by trying to increase it. Want more money Jagex? Listen to everyone else who posted before me and MAKE THE GAME THE WAY WE WANT TO PLAY IT, NOT YOU! I can't believe I would ever say it but this year might be the last time I'll subscribe. I still got 163 days to see if Jagex might improve.


^^ Spreadin' da wurd ^^

I'm old skool baby ;) *looks at join date*

Current amount of years playing Runescape: 5.5 On TIF: 5

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