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What's black, big, musculair.. and wants to kill?!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - 2 - 2010 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today, first day of the new month started out rough. I had to get up earlier then my body wanted. Ah well, the good news is. I got my laptop back! Previously I was playing on the old computer we have standing here, causing my game experience to be less entertaining then one would like after a hard day of work. O well, got everything back, all files, all songs. It is great :) Spend most of the afternoon installing everything I needed. Things like firefox a



Ooh, nice picture.

Alright, so this is nothing new, since most everyone here has seen a snapshot of some dude standing around in RuneScape, holding a funky-looking camera, but this one is special.     Reason: It was taken on 64-bit Linux.   Yes, that's right - for the first time since RSHD came out, those that choose to use a 64-bit platform (and install 64-bit Java) can finally make use of RuneScape in all of its HD glory. What a fantastic update.   (Now I don't have to worry about exorbitant amounts of lag, s



88 Woodcutting and a grown Raven.

My Raven just grew up, moments before 88 Woodcutting. I think i'll be taking a break and doing some other skills, despite the fact i'm still getting a heap of homework. It hasn't gotten hard yet, though. ;)   EDIT: I also got 79 Crafting an hour and a bit after. :thumbup:  



Welcome Message

Hi there. Since I have so much to do, I thought "Hey, why don't I make a blog?" And here we are.   Enjoy yourself, and help yourself to a plate of cookies on my desk :smile:  



Making a RL Zamorak Book

I have embarked on a new book-related project! This one is going to be much more time consuming than my last two books, first of all because it's going to be more intricate, and second of all because it's going to be THICK (over 200 pages). So far here's what I'm thinking:   A red leather-bound book with "aged" pages. On the front cover, the leather will be engraved with the Zamorak symbol. On the corners of the book will be black metal corner protectors. I may add other engravings/decorati




In my last post, remember how I said my week was going to go from good to [cabbage]? It went from [cabbage], to [cabbage]ter. Our coach resigned. Why? His grandson who is short as our Coxswain, stroked it. All the parents got pissy about it. Then, our coaches son in law, his grandsons father, threats members of our squad. So, he quits, due to interference.   We have no coach now. It's going to be a hard few weeks.







Real life for 48 hours straight!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31 - 1 - 2010 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last day of the month and what a month it was. The final days were quite busy for me. It all started last Thursday evening. I went to see Mark vd Veerdonk, a well known comedian in my part of the country. He isn't nationally known which is a shame. With his humour, he could have been famous, yet he decides otherwise. I went there with a old girly friend of mine. Can someone please post the correct words to say that my friend is both female, a friend and



First blawg entry :D Boohya!

Ummmmm, now how do I work this thing?? *presses button* ooooh, *Suicide Silence blasts through speakers* Not quite what I wanted, but goooooood.... *presses more buttons* Ah there we go :D Now tiffers are we sat comfortably? Now it's time for Ezzy's first blawg entry after finally discovering how to do it! :D Can I hear a yay? *tumbleweed*........ Oh :(   Anyways, today be the last day of the wonderful month of January which has had it's up and downs for me, but I've had a stellar group of mates



Handmade Journal

I made this journal for my sister :) Sewed the pages and made the cover myself, I didn't just throw some fabric over a pre-made journal ;) It's 80 pages and I used a lovely Chinese silk for the front cover (as well as some rhinestone trim along the edges). The bookmark isn't totally done yet. The leaf charm actually isn't attached to the cord yet, I need to find an O-ring somewhere. Once I do, the cord will be trimmed down and the charm will be attached. I don't want the cord to be quite th



Hello ladies ;)

Ohhh what gloriousness is karma or great luck! I passed my driving theory test this morning and i'm happy; so ignore the blissfull happiness you may experience :roll:   But ever notice how arma can happen really fast? it happened to me since thursday when i apologised to a friend who lives pretty damn far away and i haven't spoek to in 8 months..she accept the apology too which was great, but what was greater is that ti put me in a good mood, and everythign seemed to just go the right way! it w



7 Brilliant Machinima Ideas

For those of you who missed the announcement, Jagex will be holding a new Machinima contest for 2010, complete with another round of lifetime membership for the winners and a trip to Jagex HQ for first prize. This time, the theme is advertisements--the video must be a 30-second ad for something in Runescape. You know what I think? I think that [cabbage] is easy! Anyone can write one of those, and to prove it, here's a good half-dozen or so ideas right off the top of my head!   Do you have permis



86 Woodcutting, 87 Woodcutting and a Raven.

Well that's two things in one picture. Really happy to see this one fall out of the vine. I'll raise this while continuing to Woodcut. Other than this, I have nothing else to say, really. Although I am hyped about the fact tht I saved $40 today. Meaning I can get both the GTA IV Expansions for PS3 and Final Fantasy XIII. But I am also sad to say that I probably won't buy the second, due to the amount of focus it takes to keep up with those type of games. Although, with only a few more GTA missio



THIRD POS- Damn it again!

Damn, I'm not very good at this whole updating lark, am I?   Dunno why I'm bothering, everyone hates me anyway, but I digress.   So, I've got that namechange, and surprisingly, nobody stole it while I was waiting, for which I'm thankful for.   I've ran of Ideas of what skills to grind, give me a suggestion, pl0x; http://services.runescape.com/m=adventurers-log/display_player_profile.ws?searchName=WorstUnicorn&submit=   So, I think this really wraps up this very very very very short blog post



You are not the father!

Is there anything on this world better than watching Maury Povich and watching two guys fighting over who is the daughter of some girl and it turns out neither of them are the father and she's a total skank?



Last Week & This Week

Figured I might as well start up a blog here. Not that I expect anyone else to read it; if they do, great, but I mainly just wanted to journal a bit of my avatar's journey to remember it by. I think I'll try to log something here on a weekly basis or so.   Last week's big accomplishment: Full Void Melee and Range sets. I guess I also went from 80-84 Herblore in the last couple of weeks, finishing that last week as well.   This week's accomplishment: Rank 1-303 in Mobilising Armies, as well as



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