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Long time no see

Well it's been a while. Have not had much time on my hands for the last few months due to University so this Blog became very neglected.   The work here in my first year is astounding. Unlike most other courses, my one has been laid out opposite to the others. Most courses have very little work at the beginning letting you transition into the course. However mine had so much work prior to Christmas, around 5 essays in a three week period. With this year having very little wok, while most others



Spiritual Mages? What do they drop?

Well. Yeah. 83 Slayer this morning. May or may not camp them for a bit. If I do, I hope they'll put some cash into the 'Nomad Fund'. Can someone show me the way to kill them? I know you pray for them, but i'd like a set up before I run in all crazy-like. :thumbsup:   Catch you next time. ~Daxter.



Art Assignment

Here is half of my assignment for art class. This photo is absolutely terrible. The lighting in my room at uni sucks, making the image dark and just desaturating most of the colours D:  



Today was a good day..

This blog post is dedicated to the random Level 131 who I fought Steels with before she lagged out. :thumbsup:   Woke up this morning, had brekky and as it hit 7:30, I remembered what I planned to do today, to go to the TET event. Half an hour late, I didn't bother going. So, I got stuck into Slayer. A few tasks later, I got Steel Dragons. THinking to myself 'God damn it, i'll have to skip this one' after walking in and taking down a few Steels. I decided not to waste my potions and stick aro




yep im DIY-ing again i got bored of normal rs :P still going for the same goals though



Ooh hello

Hello there everyone, this is my first entry to my blog, in what shall hopefully be many more to come from it. The main reason of this blog, it to get back into the Tip.It Community again. Ever since about the middle of last year, I have stopped become a frequent poster here, where I would post possibly 50 comments a week. That number has gone down to a average of 2 a week. Indeed, that is a very big drop, and there a few factors that lead towards it, but anyway, that's behind me, and I am going



Moving and Barbarian Assault.

In a previous blog, I mentioned that my girlfriend and I live together. Sadly, starting in two days, our living arrangements come to an end. Fear not, however, for our relationship is still very much intact, and I'm happy to report that our no longer living together is due to our financial and educational situations. I have not been able to secure job since October, when I lost my position at an Italian restaurant. I've also discovered that graduation requirements at my college differ greatly fr




Finally after almost two weeks of studying, working on projects and revising some more I'm almost done all of my finals. :D   Yesterday was the last day of my Mathematics and Information Technology classes and today I finished both my English and Physics courses. Now all I have left to do is revise for my Math provincial worth 40% of my mark which is on this upcoming Tuesday.   Both my Math and IT courses ended off on good notes, my teacher seemed to really like my flash portfolio and I ended



This has NOT been my week

Definitely not the greatest week ever. On Wednesday we found our missing cat. He had been missing for a month, stuck under our neighbors house. He was still alive, amazingly, but he died at the vet :( Then on Thursday my neighbor who has ALS couldn't breathe and was rushed to the hospital. He's still there now. :(   So yeah, this week has been pretty bad. Hopefully next week will be better :)



No post since late December?

I haven't posted here since December? Well, I think that I need to fix that.   For the first of two updates that no one but me will care about: my break is long since over and I'm back in school, with all the hassles and stresses that come with it. Mondays come from hell (classes from 9-5 with a total of 90 minutes of break, which isn't much considering the walk between some buildings on campus), other days aren't as bad (3 days a week I end at 1 or 2, and the other day I end at 4), so it's not



i am the pro agilitizer!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjcgC-9BDlo this method takes ~50 seconds per lap, giving you 4070 xp. At 50 seconds per lap, you gain 287k agility xp per hour, making this the fastest agility method in the game.   yepp, getting 87 like this i should have enough brawlers and horn charges



Tasks 101-105

Task 101: Blue Dragons (177) [sumona] Drops: Obvious. :-) Charms: 15,49,22,7 Points: 524   Task 102: Kalphites (144) [sumona] Drops: Gold (7k), Fires (640) Charms: 12,7,7,5   Task 103: Black Demons (124) [sumona] Drops: Rune Med (4) Charms: 23,14,49,3   2162 - 50% penguin points   Task 104: Kalphite (135) [sumona] Drops: Charms: 13,13,3,8   Task 105: Cave Horrors (124) [sumona] Drops: Black Mask Charms: 7,0,7,1



Family Guy

Family Guy...   I watch it. And it's not that bad, it's nice to have a laugh from time to time and relax a bit, certainly during exams.   But I can't figure out why some think it's the best out there (compared to South Park, The Simpsons, American Dad and Futurama). Even though it's entertaining, it's annoying at the same time. Why? Pretty much every episode contains annoying fillers. Which are in my opinion, extremely annoying. Cut them out and an episode will be 10-15 minutes long (or short).



What just happened here?

I just realized I was gone for too long from my blog. I wanted to write a lot in here, but I just forgot/gave up on it. Well anywho here we go again.   I am currently a Junior in college, a year and a half to go. I am over the half way point. I look out for my career is on the horizon. I just can't wait for what is before me, but the problem is, I look back as well. I turned 21 this past weekend (happy birthday to me) and I always dreamed of the day I would get to this day. The day went and past



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