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Everything posted by Garrgoyle

  1. Didnt read the plot but it could work yea. People make hl2 comics using gmod and they are usually really good.
  2. Just read a couple of pixelling tutorials and start drawing. Post it up here when you're relitivly happy with it and we'll help you to improve. :)
  3. Heh, I thought squash was fun, now you have to look out for balls in five different directions? We should play this over here...
  4. I like the concept but, Jys... no buddies man. Buddies are bad, mmmk? If anything, it needs a border, the colours need to be more saturated and less bright, and the middle guthix dude should probably be in the middle (ie center them all).
  5. I think cricket could be compared to our version of baseball. Though cricket is, imo, the most boring sport ever. There just seems to be so many variaties of that sort of sport that I don't know whats going on. I have a question: What the heck is raquetball?
  6. The outline on the shotty needs to be less dark methinks. Also the blood is too bright, especially on the clothes. When you spill blood on clothes (you know, as you do.) it soaks in and goes much darker yes? The gunmans chin is like a right angle, also the shotgun arm looks reall strange, shorten it and sort the shoulder out.
  7. Haha, those guys are great. They should play over here sometime though...
  8. Hard topic... :-k Cheers for the long deadline.
  9. XD I agree, get over here and let Bush rot. 8-)
  10. Could we please have a bit longer to do the next round? Say like 14 days? Since this is still the "exam season" and all...
  11. I actually really love this. And your other deviant deviantart work, especially the interior design stuff, amazing! Infact I'm going to sign up to da just so I can fav you :P Keep it up, it's appreiciatted, it's my current wallpaper. =P~ No crits because I'm in love with it.
  12. :D Congrats mate. That's awesome. Edit, just seen DH's imp is in there too, wonderful! :thumbsup:
  13. Have you ever seen any marvel comics... sheesh. Anatomy needs some work, though I'm really not the guy to give cc on that.
  14. Oh my, Pokemon, what happened to you... I should write a poem about it.
  15. Loads of people on this thread seem to have done the same thing, but a few of the words you're saying are wrong.
  16. Woah! I must get one! Where?!?!?!?
  17. Shutup. It's good, great to see sigs around here with originality, infact I really like your cartoony style. The background of your sig could do with some work though, try looking at some sig tuts, there are a few in the stickys in this forum I believe. One more thing: On the animated one, the text is pretty hard to read because of the checkered background, I would suggest using a plain black or white background with perhaps a large checkered border. Also I would make the ball simply roll on, rather than fade in and then roll on.
  18. Right now I'm doing AS level Animation, it's the first A level animation course to run in the UK. A lot of lens based work, such as stock frame and stock motion animations, but now we've gone onto flash animation, which is fun.
  19. I dont really like the colours, I can't see that fitting with any decorated house. But its good though, nice to see something different on here too.
  20. Do you smoke pipes? :anxious:
  21. Slim and no. I'm from the uk, so quite irrelevant.
  22. I'm confused, how do you know this is a private server?
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