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Everything posted by oegly41

  1. It think this is a really great story to fit into the category of children's stories. However, I agree with Sworddude, you should use his actual name, Dede.
  2. Kids rebel against authority. Have done since the times of ancient Greek city states. What age exactly was Joan d'Arc? It's just a fact of life, and so far as I can see, over half of children in the UK go to college and the vast majority will still get on fine with their peers. It's part of growing up, learning to see things for yourself. This is very different in different locations. I've moved around a little, and found major differences between the countryside and the cities. In isolated redneck places, it's the same as it's always been; hate everyone who's not like you. I would get beaten up for things like knowing what "addition" means. In the not so isolated places, new popular culture stands a little stronger, but the redneck factor is still strong as well. Youth isn't that xenophobic anymore, but still quite ignorant. I survived by finding my place in the nerd community. :D In the city, I found major differences. People are much more tolerant, and slightly less ignorant. I believe that our generation is different from other generations. Technology follows an exponential growth. As young people are the ones to absorb this new technology, each generation will be more and more different from the last generation. Our generation is the first to grow up with home computers and internet access, which is a revolution. Our "music" is more based on computer generated sound, our films are more based on special effects, and various tools have made it easier to communicate and get answers. The human race has gotten more and more lazy as it has lived, and this will continue. Sooner or later a generation will be doomed. If our generation is the one, I will do what I can to change it. Speaking of generations. Is the world always going towards and end? Our generation has global warming and "the Fear of Terror". Our parents grew up during the Cold War, but what we are experiencing is "OMG SO MUCH MOAR SERIUS". Does the world end for every generation?
  3. Yeah, you think you know someone, then BAM! They're a communist! And then BAM! You get run over by a bus. Then we're back at what I said. You actually need some ability. It's not enough to work hard.
  4. This is how the world works. You either work hard, or you are lazy. This is the only reason why people die because of lack of water and food. To bad they spilled their chance and chose to be born in poverty! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's a strawman! :lol: M'kay... My view upon political stoof... I would define the perfect society, a utopia this way: A society where everyone lives in the ultimate level of happiness from they are born, until they die of natural causes. (Or something as close as possible to this) To achieve this, I would go with these values: Distribution of wealth - Very important. Everyone is equal, and should have the same chance of living a good life. There should be no separated class. From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. Discrimination - Everyone is still equal, regardless of gender, religion, political view, sexual preferences or ethnicity. Religion - This is personal. Religion and politics should not be mixed. Anyone can believe what they want, and others should respect that. Still, no-one should be able to be a threat to someone else's well-being and hide behind religion. Freedom - Let's follow the Law of Cardemon: Labour - People need to contribute to have the utopia running, but the conditions for the workers should not be defined by a third part, such as some kind of CEO. Workers shall control the means of productions. (Not that this quote fits in anywhere in my post :? ) Oh no! It seems like the bloke with hammer and sickle in his avatar and signature is a commie! :ohnoes:
  5. Never had a surgery. Have I missed out on anything?
  6. I am surprised no-one has mention the financial crisis yet. (If it has been mentioned, I'm really sorry, I'm just a bit tired at the moment :? ) When CEOs and people like that can take all sorts of risks without thinking about the social responsibility they have in the capitalist system, these sorts of things are bound to happen. We need to control the market to prevent this from happen. Socialism is the solution. And I don't understand how people can divide people into two groups; hard-working and lazy. Most people want to work for a living, while there are many who can't. I'm getting tired of the slogan "Everyone is born equal"! It is complete and utterly wrong, everyone is not created equal. I am not created equal, I am created over average bright, which means that I don't have to work to get an education, I just understand everything without really trying. In capitalism, I can use these abilities that got handed out to me at random to earn a fortune by sitting on my [wagon] (so I heard it's not censored anymore)and moving money from investment to investment, while my classmates would be cleaners (a job that is actually contributing to society) and struggle to make their ends meet.
  7. I think is meant to be illustrating the power of books, not how to keep them.
  8. I will feel really bad for you the day you encounter a real problem.
  9. Yes. I fail when it comes to seeing the point in everything. I don't enjoy so much in life, and I'm going to die someday anyways, so why wait? I've tried to kill myself a few times, but the problem I encountered the last two times was that I didn't find a decent thing to hang myself in. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say I've been suicidal my whole life. The first time I thought about suicide was when I was six years old. They say I have that from my great-grandmother, and I'm seeing the same view in one of my little sisters. So it's severe genetic depression. How awesome is that?
  10. AIDS is spread because there are too many people in this world. If we found a cure, a new decease would come up. Sadly... :(
  11. Eureka! This show is marvellous. It might be a bit childish, but it is great at simplifying physics. Rn470XtSYK0
  12. Ivan Peter Freely. (I Pee Freely) Mudkip Of Doom Bucket Hassing Man Communist Commune No I Do Not Have Any Money Now [bleep] Off (No, that's not really communist)
  13. Is this a perpetual motion machine?
  14. "I notice you don't have a penis. Would you like to borrow mine?" ^ The silliest I could come up with. "Would you like to make snow angles?" ^ (It's not a metaphor, it's to be used when you find yourself in a snowy area) Some girl in my class made that up, and she guaranteed that it worked when she tried it. I explained to her that girls don't need pickuplines. Any approach is interpreted as "This is my uterus. Please come inside!". (From Coupling)
  15. And yet, you think the CIA will provide you with neutral info about Iraq... :roll: Not that ethnicity is relevant, but if you go to Iraq and start calling them all Arabs, you will get beaten up sooner or later.
  16. I would like to congratulate mister Obama, who is the lesser of two evils. He is far from socialism, but it's a good stepping stone. And the fact that the USA would be the first Western country to elect an ethnic minority as their president shows how far they have come. It's so great that I would accept it even if it was a pure façade. Why should it be a choice? They never chose that they had to be helped. Everyone is not created equal.
  17. Have you talked to him since the backstab?
  18. I have used some of those rooms, in the dark times when I was probably not much older than 11 or 12. I once called myself "Oldhornybastard" and asked if some young girls wanted to cuddle with me. Nobody seemed to like me. And another time, I called myself "Luddigmannen" ("luddig" is an obscure South-Middle-Western-Norwegian word for clever) and had a private chat with some girl: She: What's your name? Me: Luddigmannen. She: Where do you live? Me: In Worldland. She: How old are you? Me: 45. She: 45?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111one111!!!!!!!1@@@ * She left *
  19. What? :-s I never knew that putting a mudkip on your head would make you non-existent. Besides, Jesus lived so long ago that you can't for certain say he never had a mudkip on his head.
  20. Damn! You stole mine! [*:38spg1tz]Karl Marx (He's a must in all parties) [*:38spg1tz]John Lennon (Imagine how cool that would be :mrgreen: ) [*:38spg1tz]Jesus (He could probably sum up some theological questions) [*:38spg1tz]Richard Dawkins (He of all would be exited to meet Jesus!) [*:38spg1tz]Socrates (Because therefore)
  21. I think this is a little relevant: tDg211Z9yPU
  22. If by communism in its pure form you mean the fifth stage of Marxism or Trokskyism, you're right. ;) I usually eat paper when I'm bored.
  23. True, but at what cost? If you don't pay much money for it, it just means that the workers must pay for it by getting low wages. I recycle quite a lot. I hardly ever use a car (not that we have one), I walk or ride my bike, even if I'm going to the Red Youth meeting 10 km away. I do some political demonstration from time to time. Two weeks ago, I was handing out fliers about taking the Norwegian troops out of Afghanistan. [/bragging]
  24. A friend of mine just started calling me "Øgly" (to illustrate "ugly"), which I first hated, but I eventually got used to. When I signed up to some MSN thing, I tried using the name "Øgly", but it was taken, so I added "41", because I used to listen a lot to Sum 41 back then. I got used to use Øgly41 for everything, so when I signed up for RS, I used "Oegly41" although "Oegly" was available. I didn't think about what consequences it would have to add a number to my name. :(
  25. I'm agnostic, and I'm actually more open to ghosts than a god. For a ghost to exist, it must simply be something that can be experienced somehow. If I could see a ghost and be sure it is not an more of an illusion than something else I usually see, it would be just as real as my table or my laptop. God, however, is a little more tricky. A ghost can easily be defined as a ghost, but how can you be sure of what's God or not? Perhaps this god has its own god that "programmed" it to think of itself as God? :shock:
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