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Everything posted by jemathonical

  1. Well, Australia's media must be begging for some news. Why else would they turn to our affairs to broadcast? Not much goes on in Australia except sports... and that was a sore topic until this morning. :P *Puts up flame shield* How's England going with the whole sporting thing? :P
  2. FC means Full Combo, meaning you hit 100% of the notes while maintaining your combo throughout the whole song. This means that you don't over hit or under hit any notes, and that you keep your note streak constantly going throughout the whole song until completion. Thanks for that. :)
  3. I bought my first Guitar Hero on Sunday. Already beaten the game on easy, which was fairly easy :) Now gonna hit up the medium. I don't think I'll ever be able to do hard or expert. Question, what does FC mean?
  4. Woah. Cheer up. Life is great. Don't bag it. I love it.
  5. Great win today by the Aussies. I was following it as much as I could at work on cricinfo and it sounded pretty tough. A good grinding victory by Australia. And I just gained even more respect for Smith, that's tough batting with a broken finger. Australia is still number 1, baby!
  6. I'd always use the white crayon to draw people. It would come out on the paper, lightly, but you could still see it.
  7. 1. What is your job? Hardware store, electrician 2. Do you have any nicknames? Jem, bullfrog. 3. What famous celebrity/fictional character do you look like? None? 4. What famous celebrity/fictional character do you want to most look like? OMG EDWARD CULLEN!!!!! 5. What are you most proud of in life? Winning state championships 6. What do you regret most in life? Going for that tackle that destroyed my knee. 7. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes 8. Favorite cookie flavor? Choc chip. 9. What is the most expensive thing you have bought? Guitar Hero 10. What is the most expensive thing you have broken? Nintendo 64 11. What is the funniest thing you've seen? A bloke named Andrew. Long story. Sorry. 12. What's your dream meal (appetizer, entree, and dessert)? Roast Lamb. 13. If you could go back in time, what year would you go to and why? 90's and live it up 14. Pizza, yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh or naaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh? Yeh
  8. When you think about it, they have some pretty awesome songs. But I couldn't listen to them constantly, as previous poster said, his constant falsetto can get annoying
  9. They deserved what? That pissweak attempt at a funny prank call? Those employees would get dozens of them calls a day and I don't think it's getting any funnier to them.
  10. Can't stand wine. I prefer some rum over beer, but not picky. Has anyone else tried some home brew? I tried some home brew rum at Xmas party and it was the sweetest thing I have ever tasted, but still had that rum taste.
  11. Just woke up :). Been 2009 for about 14 hours now! Hells yeh public holidays!
  12. Tropic Thunder on DVD. Hilarious. Non-stop laughs.
  13. My little sister has it on TV everyday and I have to hear it. Does that count? :? Nope. :
  14. Why do people say this? Is there a rule against it? And ACDC rock.
  15. lol @ sponge. A few hygienics products like a good deodorant or cologne would be a nice gift, but as a whole, your sister's gift seems rude in an indirect way. A 'hint' if you will. Yeh last year my other sister bought me some nice cologne, and shower stuff. I was happy with that :). But just getting simple deoderant stuff isn't bad I guess. If she was hinting I smell she would've bought me a can of roses ;). This year must have been the year for smelling, everyone got perfume and I got deoderant. I suppose they are all simple gifts for a nice simple family :)
  16. Yeah but the world is screwed up. Admit it. Everything thats 'popular' among stereotypical people is fake. Chavs? Most rappers rap about stuff that never happened/happens to them :| Think about shows and televised bands and all. So? If you are getting money by being 'fake', why change? I don't know why everyone gets up in arms about Disney and the marketing with Miley and JB. It's not meant to appeal to 16 year old males - not everything does. It's just a thing we call the generation gap.
  17. Probably getting a work ute. Either Hilux or Courier. Whatever I can get.
  18. In the end, the mothers don't care either. They've had sex, been through 9 months carrying around a baby inside them, squeezed it out in pain and had many sleepless nights with a baby. So if they show a little bit of boob in public and people get offended and want them to cover up - just go ask them to. I'm sure they will listen to you. Or they will tell you to piss off.
  19. When you squeeze out a baby, you'll be dam proud too. And it's just a breast. We all know what they look like, no need to get up in arms when a mother breast feeds her baby. No one is getting up in arms - some people just don't think nudity is appropriate in a dining atmosphere. Refer to the first post. We're talking about losing your appetite by seeing something you didn't want to see. And I know it's just a breast. It's also just one area (restaurants) that I don't think women should be breastfeeding at. We can play the "it's not a big deal" game back and forth. I don't see how you could lose your appetite unless you were staring at a mother breastfeeding. Would you rather a screaming baby?
  20. I think that's for the actual RuneScape hi-scores. The server the signatures use is timed to check once every 12 hours since the sig was created. Is there any chance that Pure_MageUK could be talked into creating a page for forcing a manual update? (Which, BTW, is well within RS rules, last I knew.) ~D. V. "Oh, how I'd like to update it sooner..." Devnull Or you could wait 12 hours? It's just a stat signature, I really don't think many people will be studying each others sigs for updates every 10 minutes
  21. When you squeeze out a baby, you'll be dam proud too. And it's just a breast. We all know what they look like, no need to get up in arms when a mother breast feeds her baby.
  22. Diss them all you want. But the bottom line is, they are rich and famous. They are appealing to the right demographic and getting millions.
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