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Everything posted by Runeman231

  1. Hey! Pepto Bismol! <- And when that isn't enough, there's always: Pepto Bismol ice cream! EDIT: A useful thought I had, laying on a cold floor(normally the bathroom floor) always seems to work amazingly for me.
  2. I've never used it, but my friends tell it works quite well if you don't use too much...
  3. I love how most of your advice here in Off-topic is completely useless and no one is bothered by it! :lol: Oh contraire. His advice is so delightfully simple, primative and accessible, it's more often than not the soundest advice of all. I guess saying "completely useless" was not the right way to word it. Anyway, I guess i'm just looking at his advice in the wrong way... ah well..
  4. I doubt it. Don't worry, less than 13 months until lil' Bush gets out of office.. ah that sounds so nice :)
  5. There's been discussion of the draft returning for about six months, this isn't new news... Also, I see no reason to even be in Iraq. Ugh I can see this thread bursting into a mass flame war...
  6. I love how most of your advice here in Off-topic is completely useless and no one is bothered by it! :lol: dunno about you, but his advice is very sound and useful to me...where do you come from? "Kill a bear with your teeth!" don't get me wrong, I like humor, but thats plain useless. plus take a look at the Relationship advice thread, most of his posts there are just weird(but still make my day better)
  7. I love how most of your advice here in Off-topic is completely useless and no one is bothered by it! :lol:
  8. So JaGeX when the heck do us players get a major overhaul? Hmm...? Dramatic improvement, she looks much more realistic now(even though I've never seen a green person...) :lol:
  9. Maybe to distinguish between player-grown trees and regular trees? No one knows, your question is like asking what the New Years Update is, no one knows...
  10. If you're going to use the world grammar, at least spell it right... :lol:
  11. don't exaggerate, i think less than 20% plays with music off http://tip.it/runescape/?poll_id=30 32% never use music, and 25% 'rarely' use music, which i would guess means they only use it at special points such as going to a new area etc. thats 57% that don't really use rs music, i doubt jagex would make a music based skill with this many people indifferent to Rs music atm. A Tip.it based poll isn't relevant in this situation. Not everyone who plays RuneScape uses Tip.it ...
  12. The difference between a politician and Stephen Coblert is that Stephen can make you laugh if he makes a mistake...
  13. Where are you, I need to punch you in face for your stupidity... whether you're joking or not.
  14. I love that sticker. :D At school I got loads of people to write "Colbert '08" on their hands!
  15. RuneScape is 3D god *bleep* it... :roll: :evil: I'm thinking it will either be the Bank Update or a new skill( or two..? :-w )
  16. There's a new sticky in the Suggestions Forum on RSOF that explains it:
  17. So you met your best friend by punching him in the face? :shock: Weird I met my current best friend through school. I just moved here so it worked well I guess...
  18. Not sure if you know this but doing ANY type of drug on a school campus in the USA is illegal. _________ OT: Way overreacting about it. Crime does NOT fit the punishment and they should stop trying to make an example out of her...
  19. You must not live in the US then, because here it is legally required that you have 180 days of school a year... lucky...
  20. JaGeX doesn't allow suggestions about Drop X or Drop-All, so you know.
  21. I think doing any of that stuff is stupid. Flame me, I don't care, its my opinion and I'm stucking with it. :)
  22. I have relatives in California, but luckily they live in San Francisco. These massive fires are scary! :ohnoes:
  23. I remember a guy names 1800 [garden tools], but I believe he was banned...
  24. If you couldn't figure out that he meant pedophile, you have more mental problems than he does. Well, I suppose a person with a degree in mental health such as yourself would know... obviously. :roll: In case you haven't noticed, we don't take very kindly to insulting on these forums. It was a perfectly good question. All it needed was a Yes or No. No, we don't. Which is why I didn't appreciate your USA comment. :shame: ____ Didn't see that coming... tsk tsk Dumbledore..
  25. Quite a few quests and minigames were player-suggested, and just adapted to fit RuneScape... :)
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