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Everything posted by frogmann2

  1. I would say it's more like getting a dragon chain from Barbarian Assault, I have done it, but that's only because I was training in my secret spot for a week straight. Well, there may have been one or two, but none that I noticed. But I did get a full rune, minus the plate and legs, and some other good stuff from a macroer who died while training in my spot. There is a higher being in this world. Karma done right.
  2. Be vewy vewy quite, I'm hunting scammews I have done this many a time. Just hang out in the bank, do a bit of merchanting and slam down on the scammers. Now, it's time to go patrol the f2p worlds yew trees, and see if I can find one who's about to die from a random. Always fun, isn't it.
  3. Yeah, there's no one there, but you have to wait for it to respawn. I like the ones I use, but I'll be a smarty and not say where it is. It has a few bots, but not many, and you can always dodge them by switching worlds.
  4. Finally, something has been done about the bots. If you want to see some real bot problems, go to the yews south of falafor on most any world. There are so many bots that a tree rarely lasts three seconds! I'm sick and tired of those $%#&@ stealing money out of my pocket. Not only are they cheating, but they're stealing too! When I returned to f2p after a year of p2p, I realized what a problem it had become. Go to any yew spot in f2p during a busy time and you'll see five bots, go at a less busy time and you'll still see one or two. Thank you Jagex, I applaud you for finally paying attention to a problem that, due to your own lack of attention has grown way out of hand. Yes, I am blaming Jagex for letting the kindling smolder and not putting it out before it became a raging fire. It is their fault for believing, "Why should we worry, It's not like it's a problem." Well, problems don't just pop up. They grow and grow until, finally, you can't put up with it anymore. And by then it is too late. Thank you.
  5. Not to seem nooby or anything, but how can i join the OoC? Seems...interesting.
  6. I believe that Jagex should try to alot it's time between gaining new members and preserving the older members. Sadly, the money lies in a continuos stream of new members. Jagex is, after all, a company, and there are bills to pay. So, sadly we "veterans" are pushed off to the side while jagex focuses on capturing new players.
  7. The topic of this article is why I like runescape so much. It allows so much (reasonable) freedom which plays on my ADD. One minute I can chop some yews for cash, the next I can kill demons, and then i can hang with my pals. I think this is what has made runescape so succesful. It allows such different game play then other rpgs. We aren't just on a mission to solve a specific quest, but you can try to get one skill to 99, try to balance all your skills, or not do skills at all and just fight. I love the utter unorganizedness of runescape.
  8. Here you all go! Flee from my zombie froggy goodness! (Woot, microsoft paint, FTW)
  9. I once accidently opened Pachebels Canon in D while pking. Ah yes, calm peaceful classical pieces playing while I'm bashing in the brains of a noob. When looking around the wildy with my team, I can't help but hum the theme of Mission Impossible. But I usually just let my iPod run its course while doing anything in runescape. You'll be surprised at the strange combinations it can make. Oh, and when I was pking a bunch of lvl 50's during a war, my iPod began to play "Another One Bites the Dust." I couldn't help but laugh.
  10. Some noob was dropping 500k on the ground and telegrabbing it when any one went for it. I reversed it on him and tele grabbed it for myself. MWUHAHAHAHAHA :twisted: . Stupid little noob.
  11. I agree, except the price of the logs should be decreased, other wise it would kill any market outside of the market. Have the logs be 400 gp each to buy, but the shop buys them for 200 each
  12. I think it should be wielded in the ring slot, like necklaces and amulets. You can't wield an amulet and a necklace at the same time, and maybe it should be that way with a ring and a braclet.
  13. This is Runescape, nothing makes sense hear, like the fact you can eat a shark in one bite, and never get fat, even if you eat 20+ lobsters in 1 minute.
  14. Maybe you can also add flaming arrows to that list. You use a cloth and take swamp tar to the lamp oil guy. He coats either the cloth or the dagger in oil. You can set it on fire afterwards. One piece of "oil soaked cloth" will allow you to light 15 arrows or 1 dagger. To light them, you'll need 55+ fire making and for arrows, some fletching level and for dagger, some smithing level, both of which increase with the level of the arrows and dagger. I think that would be neat.
  15. posted from this site Not anymore, they are now in the Warriors Guild.
  16. There are two different types of Cabbage. One comes from a regular cabbage patch. When you eat it, the chat box says "Cabbage, Yuck!" If you eat the cabbage from the black knights quest, it says "This cabbage taste better then usual." When you stick both of them in the bank, it takes up two bank spaces. Different cabbage people, IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!
  17. or one boot :lol: You can get odd number of boots if you fish a boot while big net fishing or the trawler mini-game.
  18. I like to lead them to draynor mansion and ditch them. They ether get stuck, or killed by trees.
  19. I'd say noob. I know I use it a lot (WTF! No you noob, I won't give you 100k) But I would say LMAO Stupid Noob is probably the most common. (LMAO Stupid Noob, that ditch is just seperating you from a secret fairy wonderland, jump over it and go north.)
  20. I say the wilderness ditch should be more of a garden, with lots of little flowers, and trails of gp leading deep into the wilderness where they will meet the business end of my dds. Yep, that's how it should be. And maybe they can have signs that say "Go further in for money and candy," rather then "Beware." Now wouldn't that be better? But seriously, Jagex is pampering the noobs. They get all that they want, when they want. If they lose an item, no problem, just ask a tutor. If they get stuck on a quest, no problem, just use the "Quest Help." If they're about to be scammed, no problem, a little robot will pop up yelling, "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" Let the noobs learn the hard way what we did. You can't get by in Runescape without a little bit of trouble, a little bit of brains, and a little bit of help from your friends, oh, I get by with a little help from my friends. All this help is also ruining the community aspect of Runescape. A long long time ago, I had to ask three people about the "Cook's Assistant" Quest, two of them were my first, and oldest, friends. So Jagex, stop pampering the newbs, and let them (or force them to) stop being little children.
  21. I agree with the editor(Who are you mysteryman/woman/both/neither?!?) on the fact that Jagex does to much to "save" the stupid people. Let them learn the way most players learned, experience. I learned never say your password the hard way (I mourn for you Lord Of Pie, victim of the haxors) and never go into the wildy with your best items. So let the little newbs learn to fend for themselves, and take away the tutors, helpers, blocks, stops, and all around annoyances. Save Runescape for the peoples with da smartiness.
  22. I just remembered a few more things. I was fighting some kid (he started it). I beat him hard. He was down on the ground crying, and I unconsciously said "I pwned you, NOOB." Luckily, everyone thought it was a cool slang term, not extremely nerdy/geeky. I was in science, and we were dissecting a crawdad/crayfish. I emptied out it's head shell and slipped it on my finger. I used it as a finger puppet. MWUHAHAHA :twisted: . Okay, maybe it's not evil, but it's still funny. I was down in a storage room in my school, helping carry up props for a school play. I accidently step on a board, which swings up and smacks my teacher in the...guy's best friends. Luckily, he knew it was an accident, and I hated that teacher cause he gave me an F. Payback is hell. I threw a bottle over my shoulder to see if I could get it in the trash, without looking. I hit a teacher in the side of the head (detention). I am not the best little Scaper, now am I : .
  23. I would have to say the time I broke my nose while running into a door, with my eyes closed, while yelling, "I'm the Chicken Lord, I'm the Chicken Lord!!!" I didn't get in trouble, but man it was embarrassing. I ended up being featured in the school yearbook. What a wonderful cell phone picture of me, lying on the ground, clutching my disfigured and bloddy nose with a caption of "Alleged Chicken Man breaks his "beak" on Mr. Smith's door." Not my proudest moment. P.S. Something I forgot. Toilet Paper + A water Ballon slingshot= A T.P.ed school The best way to get them on the roof. Works with eggs too. When flung at high velocity, they take serious scraping to come off. Spray down the T.P. with a high power squirt gun to make it a paste that is nigh impossible to get off.
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