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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Ahh! So jealous! I heard from their Facebook page that they're going to announce a tour on Monday of smaller venues in which they're going to play their self-titled in its entirety. Hoping for something a bit closer to me. :pray:
  2. Diesel


    Dizzle, I have the same feelings sometimes. "Oh, he did something stupid and died? Oh well, natural selection".
  3. Diesel


    Went home for tonight. Going back to campus tomorrow afternoon. Just had to get out to get a Valentine's Day present sometime this weekend and figured I'd fulfill my son-ly duties by visiting my parents at the same time. Got back at my house and found that my bedroom has been recarpeted and my bathroom has been repainted - big changes that I was unaware of until now...
  4. is on Twitter. djxfactor306

  5. http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/blogs/gear-up/guitar-hero-dead-20110209 Fun while it lasted. I wonder how long Rock Band will stick around.
  6. Diesel


    Gonna go play some racquetball after my history class. :thumbup:
  7. Ball and Biscuit - The White Stripes Gonna miss them. :sad:
  8. Diesel


    So about a half hour ago my suitemate decides to microwave some mac n cheese for a late night snack. Thing is, he didn't put any water in the cup. Smoke starts bellowing out of the microwave, and the dummy opens the microwave door and starts fanning the smoke away from the fire alarm. I rushed to open all the windows of our dorm, but it wasn't long before the fire alarms in our room start going off. I close the microwave door to prevent any more smoke from coming out, unplug it, and take it to an open window before opening it again. So the campus police show up, but of course my suitemate had fled the scene of the crime by that point, so I had to deal with them. "It wasn't my fault, I swear!". Now our room smells like burnt cheese. I don't know if I'll have to rewash all of my clean laundry again because it smells. We'll probably keep the windows open all night, so our room's going to be freezing cold. Overall, an interesting Monday night, but I would much rather have had an uneventful one.
  9. It's like I was watching Tron: The Musical minus the Daft Punk.
  10. Diesel


    Twitter posts about the Black Eyed Peas are freaking hilarious right now. But yeah, probably one of the worst Halftime Shows ever. Decent game so far though. Not watching it with my girlfriend because I forgot she had a show audition. #-o Oh well.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQaViH6hU5A
  12. Other than because I'm a Bengals fan, I think the Packers will win. Basically for the reasons stated above. Although my girlfriend and I will probably just watch for the commercials.
  13. I'm the exact same way. A lot of the artists that I've come to love were discovered at my local library for free, but I ended up buying their other albums later on, so they still gained from me. Typically, if I'm going to pirate music, I make sure that they're already fairly mainstream and well known. I always support smaller bands by purchasing physical copies.
  14. Diesel


    So I've been having trouble with my weight lately. I started college weighing around 185 lbs, by Christmas break I was down to 175 lbs, and I just weighed myself today at 165. That's 20 lbs lost so far through the school year. I haven't been working out, I eat 3-4 meals a day depending on if I go to Subway at night, and the other meals aren't too much smaller than the ones I would have eaten at home; I still eat until I'm full. I have a doctor's appointment for later this week. Possibly going to get some bloodwork done. I don't know what's going on...
  15. Diesel


    So my girlfriend decides to go home for the night - probably because of all the craziness that is happening in her dorm as I type this. It's 11:20PM and someone's already gotten sick and I'm pretty sure there's some business going on in another room. I don't blame her for going home, but it really messed up my plans for the night. I took one shot with them for the girl's birthday and went back to my room.
  16. Diesel


    Follow us. Considering I have friends following me that have no idea I still visit a Runescape-based forum, probably not the best idea. You guys are my dirty little secret. Just say you go to the real-life section and avoid the actual RS section. :thumbup: That's what I do anyway... Then comes the "You ACTAULLY used to play Runescape?" question. But yeah, I'm following the Tip.it Crew one now, even though nothing really gets tweeted on it anymore. I think following the Stellar Dawn one would be a little much. More because I probably won't play than anything. Still love you though Bows. <3: And of course I love you guys. <3: :lol: Anyways, I'm sitting here waiting for my girlfriend to finish up practice before we figure out what we're gonna do tonight. Probably not much because of last weekend's horrific ending. Also, it's her roommate's friend's birthday, so their friends will be getting extremely wasted tonight and tomorrow night. We'll probably end up having to take care of them. *sigh* When do I get MY weekend to party?
  17. Diesel


    Follow us. Considering I have friends following me that have no idea I still visit a Runescape-based forum, probably not the best idea. You guys are my dirty little secret.
  18. Diesel


    So I just got a Twitter... Not exactly sure what I'm doing.
  19. Diesel


    I agree. I think it got snubbed for the Golden Globe (and possibly others, I've only watched the Golden Globes...)
  20. It actually looked to me that there were more horses in that video than camels. I only saw one that looked like a camel. But yeah, all of the riders definitely got pulled off and beaten up from the looks of it. and AoE2 <3:
  21. I'm in the exact same boat. I've just never thought about it.
  22. Diesel


    Are you really? When I say 'typing a history paper' I really mean I'm browsing tif, Facebook, Last.fm, and listening to music. But yeah I guess the paper will get typed somewhere in there.
  23. Diesel


    So we just missed the ice storm/bizzard. All we got was a little freezing rain. Mostly rain. Didn't even have a chance of school being called. Today I had lunch with a family friend from church - really interesting guy who's a alum of the university I'm attending. I think this will be a once a month thing. Now I'm typing up a history paper on 19th century Italian-American immigrants. Fun.
  24. American Mary - The National Listening to some National before they appear on Letterman tonight. Seeing them become fairly well known is kinda cool since the lead singer graduated from my high school and the band formed at a local college.
  25. Diesel


    My floor has an odd contest in which we try to get each other with sly Facebook links. We kept score for a while. Good times. :thumbup:
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