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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. I'm not taking stock in anything right before the return of the wilderness. Some crazy things are going to happen over the next few days and weeks, and we all know that idiots don't need a big reason to do what they do. I can see this as just a reaction to what's coming. I've always hated and avoided these spammy areas.
  2. Diesel


    We're expecting an ice storm tonight. :pray: :pray: Snow Day :pray: :pray:
  3. Diesel


    So today I got a calculus quiz back that I would have gotten a perfect score on, but I got .25 of a point taken off because my tangent line wasn't straight enough on one of my graphs. I mean really? Then I got the next 40 listening memorization songs for my History of Rock class. The section is titled "Teen Idols of the late '50's & early '60s". This is going to be painful. [hide]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHZaFbwUHkc[/hide]
  4. Went to a blues festival this past Saturday. Last year's was better, but this one still had some memorable moments. 1) During one band's set, I got hit on by a very drunk mid-40's lady. Made me laugh 2) One of the bands had a drummer that was 102 years old. He could still drum fairly well! 3) The last band that we saw had a 17 year old kid on lead guitar. Man could he shred. I told my Dad that he's the second coming of Hendrix. [hide]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWuTqHYW-R8[/hide] That video's from a year ago. He's even better now (more variations and style) and played a few solos behind the back and over the shoulder. 4) Saw the best saxophone solo that I've ever seen. I dubbed it "Sex on Sax".
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjIhDD8GwpE
  6. Diesel


    We'll miss you. <3: I'll miss you guys too! <3: I wish I could have ACTUALLY taken care of her last night. By the time I got back from the festival, she was already passed out in her bed, and from what I heard about her night, she got sick quite a bit before she passed out. I hardly got any sleep last night because I felt so bad for not being there. I should have known that this would happen. She's pretty small and doesn't handle anything well, even stuff like caffeine. Waiting for her to wake up this morning to nurse her back to health. She has her last show tonight - probably not good to do with an extreme hangover. In other news, the Jersey Shore night pictures are up on Facebook but my friend forgot to rotate them. I'll get those up on the RL pics topic hopefully later today. :razz:
  7. Diesel


    Sitting in my girlfriend's room as she memorizes lines for her next show. She's currently freaking out that she can't properly rhyme "hand" with "command" because of her self-proclaimed thick Cincinnati accent. I told her that no one else would notice except her and that speaking inflections like that are splitting hairs and not really worth the effort. She's so cute when she stresses like this. <3: Today I got up at 11ish and had some people over to my dorm to watch a basketball game. The game itself was pretty boring and we won by 20 or so points. Decided to get some homework done, but I somehow ended up here. Tonight my father and I are going to a blues festival for a father-son bonding night. Pretty excited about it, except the band that I wanted to see won't be performing this year. The gf will be attending a cast party while I'm away, so I may have to take care of her when I get back from the festival. We'll see.
  8. Diesel


    So angry right now. Girlfriend's show was sold out tonight. I've got some explaining to do later. :mad: Gonna try to make it for the Sunday show now I guess. This really messed up my weekend planning.
  9. Diesel


    Getting ready to go see a show that my girlfriend is in. From what I hear it's a series of social commentary/social justice sketches. Apparently her character takes photos of a gay couple and posts them on the internet, and later the gay couple commits suicide. All of this is done without any spoken lines and only the accompaniment of a string quartet. Morbid, yes. The other sketches range from sexuality and race to Twitter. Should be interesting. Afterward I'm going to see The Social Network.
  10. Diesel


    Haha, I'll post it in the RL pictures topic once my friend uploads it from her camera. It wasn't a full fohawk because my hair isn't long enough, but still waaayyy different from anything I've ever worn before. And yeah, I loved getting 3 semesters of programming in before college. It was really convenient.
  11. Diesel


    Are you in high-school? If you are I didn't know they offered classes like that. They don't/didn't when I was in high-school, anyway. We had computer classes like that in high school. I chose to take Java instead of graphics and such though. The fohawk's gone now. Couldn't stand having half a bottle of gel in my hair. Good news, I possibly got a new lulzy Facebook profile picture out of it.
  12. Diesel


    So one of the guy cheerleaders on my floor kidnapped me from my room while I was doing my homework and proceeded to do my hair. I now have a fohawk in honor of Jersey Shore.
  13. Fun doing some woodcutting with you last night. We should do it again sometime! :3
  14. Just discovered a good 3 shows that I want to see in the next few months. Josh Ritter on Feb. 15th Keller Williams on March 4th Bobby Long on March 24th Kaki King on March 28th (Already knew about this before today) :thumbup:
  15. Diesel


    Rumor confirmed. Oh well. At least I have the Kaki King concert to look forward to a few days before that. Today my philosophy class got canceled. Yay!
  16. Diesel


    So there's a rumor going around campus that B.O.B. is the concert coming to campus this year. Of all the lousy stinking...*muffled ranting*
  17. Apparently this has been debunked. http://screenrant.com/matrix-4-5-bill-and-ted-3-keanu-reeves-rob-97796/
  18. I'm a sucker for anything Matrix related, so this is good news to me. :thumbup:
  19. Diesel


    Was gonna go out with my girl last night, but I could tell that she didn't feel like it. So we stayed in and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and had just as much fun. It was nice to have some alone time with her for once. Today we're going to a basketball game before she has practice for a show that she's in. Oh, and the Black Keys are on Austin City Limits tonight as well, so I'm pretty pumped.
  20. Diesel


    2nd snow day in 2 weeks today. Hoping for a re-freezing tomorrow so we get off again. Not keeping my hopes up though, so I'm doing my homework now.
  21. Thank you so much for the kind words Grade. I think it goes without saying what I think about you. <3: This actually got me a little teary! Especially considering what I'm posting for today. This week I've made the decision to mostly, if not fully, retire from Runescape. This has nothing to do with the return of the Old Wilderness, and I cannot stress that enough. My life over the past 6 months has changed drastically, in Runescape as well as in real life. My clan, Goldskillers, closed earlier this year as many of our longstanding members, and most of my Runescape friends, moved on. The only things keeping me playing were Crew here at Tip.it, my remaining friends, and the goals that I had. Earlier this fall, I reached 2 of those goals, 99 HP and Def, and I realized that my love for the game, and even my love for slayer, was just not there anymore. By that point, I had started college (university) and finally started a relationship that I did not want to put in jeopardy because of a game. I just don't have the time to commit to this game anymore. This game has been such an enormous part of my teenage life. Hell, I've spent over 100 days on it! I can say that many of my friendships created here have gone beyond the game and I've very happy about that. These bonds are something that older generations didn't have; they are something completely unique to our generation and the generations to come. The world is getting smaller and smaller. It's pretty amazing to say that I've worked with people from every continent except Antarctica! As I look back on the first few pages of this blog, I see how naive I was, and how much of a [puncture] I used to be at times. I hate it, but the growth that occurred during these 71 pages and however many years is mind-blowing. I'm not going to make a specific list of people that I want to thank. You all know who you are and how much of an impact you've had on my Runescape career as well as my life. I tip my hat to you all, whether you're still here or not. To those that I have outside connections with, be it Facebook or otherwise, I look forward to continue our friendship. I still plan on frequenting Tip.it, so you'll still be seeing me around in OT. You never know, I may be back in a month or two, but I doubt I'll be playing at the level that I did in the past. Maybe just some skilling. Thanks for reading over the years. ~Diesel
  22. I'd love to see: Friday: The Black Keys (again), Interpol, Cee Lo Green, Flogging Molly, and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Saturday: Arcade Fire, Cage the Elephant, and Animal Collective Sunday: The Strokes, The National Too far away for me to travel to. I'll have to keep my hopes up that Lollapalooza become relevant again or try and get tickets for Bonnaroo.
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