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Everything posted by manitstinks

  1. I would do a single uni trip instead of a 2x uni trip. You run too low on supplies at the end of the first uni already.
  2. After like many years, I have to train my hunter to get those damn jadinkos. Such a boring skill. Title speaks for itself. [spoiler=Im not using runehq ever again.]
  3. But hes so close. It would take a lot of time to make 110m for turmoil. Pretend he gets ovls now, he can solo tds with them Wednesday. If he chooses turm, it would take a couple of months while he has to use ext
  4. Well youre already up there so yeah you should. It would take a while to get the benefits of 95 pray while u can get ovls in a couple of days.
  5. Funny how half of the people dont have the aforementioned turmoil + soul split. @ Bladewing the guy said what we use not what is the most efficient. P.s. Use soul wars cape or ardy cape w/ rapier. LOL 102 dung
  6. I sense RWT already Im pretty sure you will sell when you use it often, compare it to other armour pieces, and be disgusted @ bandos for ever even dropping it for another player to sell to you.
  7. Never ever use bandos as veracs skirt and prossy plate are way better. I mostly use extremes but I ovl if the monster is a dragon, black demon, waterfiend, dark beast, or some other strong monster. (extremes are for more "casual" slaying) 95%+ of the time attacking basically. I sometimes run to pick up loots or run to another spawn thats kinda far. Should be under a minute per hour. I think I miss about 1/10 depending on the monster. W/o knowing the monster, it can vary greatly.
  8. Yes thank you to someone who understands that barrows > bandos
  9. The necklace, the scrolls for smith and herb, and maybe the ring of vigour all should be considered.
  10. I have to pot to catch common jadinkos. I dont like the minigame as I keep having to look at guides to remember what to plant. All I want are the farming potions. I guess I will have to keep catching common jadinkos to keep myself supplied in the long run. Thanks
  11. You should just go down there with nothing in invy or equiped. Learn to prayer switch. As soon as the aforementioned "stubborn and get stuck" occurs, take a screeny and post so we can help.
  12. One last question about the ugunes. Should I pay the fee to protect it? Should I keep hunting common jadinkos to obtain ugunes or should I hunt something else?
  13. I am on my way, I can go the distance Found out I'm going to need at least 3 months minimum to get 99. So it will be 4 - 5 months for me.
  14. Oh yes thanks. I also discovered 2 pairs of unused hunting brawlers. Guess im off to get killed by clans in the black sally area
  15. Aslan said 74 so if u want me to get it at level 70, how do I do that?
  16. So you would spend half the money of chins (X/2) on defence. So while you could do x + 0, you would be doing x + x. That would double the cost. Im 75% sure my calculations are correct as it just struck midnight. Back to Letterman!
  17. 1 in 65 minutes including banking and all that jazz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXBiOS5NpeQ
  18. Yes Yes but it well depend on your level Cannoning + steel titan at cave crawlers
  19. They are a lot more than before. Ge merchanters have made a crapload of cash by manipulating.
  20. Unf -> pots is just a bit more expensive. I recommend you get the Wasteless Herblore thingy from dungeoneering. It's not a lot of tokens so I think you should get that before doing ANYTHING. Also, you can get the scroll of life to farm some herbs on the side to make an unnoticeable difference. As long ass you have at least 150m, I wouldn't worry a whole lot.
  21. Lmao how would you type / use keyboard? Imagine someone pking on it... that would be godlike.
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