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Everything posted by Zimbe

  1. Yamataka was leading together with majinvegeta. Yamataka was really inactive tought, and never to be seen anywhere.
  2. Blacknights for life. A clan with 8 years history, a clan where I have been over 4 years, the only clan I ever been to.
  3. MK was weakening for a long time. BK got close with em, and we had around 3 months fun together having joint pks etc. and were already talking about an official alliance. However, a few MK's quit and joined BK. Then theyr leader (Majinvegeta9) also quit MK and joined BK and a lot of people followed him into BK. So yeah, MK died around 2 years ago and most of it's members came to BK.
  4. Might be some old names you remember from The Alliance times in BK :P Living Large is still in RSD I think.
  5. From what I understood, SA wanted it to end at the time it was agreed to end at, even because of the fight delay was no ones fault. Should have agreed on ending time before starting the fight imo. As it wasn't done, good job on the win UBH.
  6. So BK decided to leave tonight to explore the wildy a bit. We started out with pulling a bit dissapointing 78 ops. We explored first a bit random worlds, hopped to 32 and almost accidentally crashed a fight between Coll and some one else. Since it was quiet (like usually) we decided to go 21. Fought some clan that mostlikely outnumbered us, full of level 90s-100s and cleared em out in a few minutes. At this point we got seriously bored, and decided to go level 20 wildy/fally. On our way to fally we met Higher Force. Fought em a bit, but they all ran into single. After that we got to fally and cleared it pretty fast. We banked and decided to do a round 2. Started off with a bit more people. We walked again a bit around level 40 wildy and decided to go for a fally tour again. However, we ran at BH into our enemy Gladz, and thats where the fun started. BK starting ~80ops Gladz ops - confirm? Fight started with BK dominating and Gladz going to remuster at altar. Once gladz had finished remustering, they charged us, and we got a more even fight. Pics of fight: Last gladz: After fighting a bit some clan named PH came into fight. BK wasn't thrilled about this since they pked in welfare gear (even addy), teled and ran to clan wars for single zone. However, we decided to stay in the fight just because gladz was there. Soon gladz pulled out tought. I went to theyr irc, here is gladz side of the story. I moved the right edge of the picture a bit left to make it smaler.
  7. BK MEMBERS NO FLAMING HERE! Last Tuesday mod contacted us for a planned pkri fight. We originally set rules to: -Members Gate -Tree to Tree -Cadets/FA's allowed -Melee -Binds -Range -1 Hour Cap -No pools -Rings allowed -Start at 4 EST, 9 GMT, 6 AM aussie. However, there was a misunderstanding in times. BK tought it was next Sat and Mod this Sat. So we decided to cut the time down to 1 hour and war this Saturday. BK starting: 102 ops Mod starting: ~90 confirm? The fight vent pretty even during the whole time. In the start the fight was stopped for a while because of NG (ac) was killing our members. When I went to tell em to stop, they killed me. I was too shocked to even care about it and just died. BK was lacking on binding, but our range unit took care of that problem. like 5 kills 3 deaths to me. Random pics: When time was up, both clans called a fall in. It was a really close fight and BK won with just 1 person! BK ending: 75ops MoD ending: 72 ops To me the fight seemed mostly clean. Theres a rumour that MoD thinks 11Allerb was from adelais, but he quit adelais, and got BK FA before this war. Proof will be provided if needed. Thank you mod and respect. The fight could have gone either way, and was basically a tie.
  8. All our older members are superior tanks. (Those who are still here from the time we dominated capped fights).
  9. Gladz. Now thats a stupid name.
  10. We won pretty clearly. If you feel that we cheated on this, i'm sure we can null this result and rematch. It would NOT chance the outcome a bit.
  11. 3 clans in 1 month for redfat1? Nice clan hopper. Way to crash DF. Sad.
  12. wrong coding on pics mate, try to fix it :P
  13. NI is a clan whos existance is based on crashing other clans :thumbdown:
  14. They will most likely cover sharks as training food (even if Guthans is mainly used thease days) but no matter how cheap they are, unless shark prices goes dramatically upp I still use sharks to KQ and King dags, and no matter what I use sharks to pk.
  15. Zimbe


    It will be most likely fixed then. It is also possible that you don't have the actual mining level to MINE with it, but you do got the attack level to use it for fighting..
  16. It's all good unless you lie to the guy to get him killed. It is a game, if you can make some one die and it benefits you (with out lying) it is ok. For example closing that door, its fine, it is a game. But when you for example say "go down there to mine rune ore" and quide some one black dragon cave or something alonge those lines its scamming.
  17. Your wrong. Firstly it wasnt form a monster :wink: Second, it wasn't a best item at those times. Third at start pink p-hat (purple to you rs2 products :lol: ) was worth more than blue (when the prices started to separate between the hats) The best drop I have got (well I didn't get it, Absuseless my clan member got it) was one of the very first D2H's in the game, there where 15 people from my clan killing it, including me, and we shared all the loots so basicly I got it also. We sold it for 80M (5,3m ea) so thats a damn good drop :P Oh and an other guy got 11 dragon chains from same dust devil (bug?)... Im not sure if it is true, but I saw the picture, and I saw the chains too.. Wouldnt be first time jagex messes something up.
  18. I did read your post at whole, not the replys tought. I must say, that it makes sence, but I don't belive in that. Why? In RSC times I remember people thinking that they won't ban members, and thats why members are so high levels, they magro. However, trust me they did ban them. On a second point, there are LOTS of f2p magorers, Jagex just can't handle them all. There are companies (yes companies as jagex) that simply magros with penty of pcs and sells the cash for irl cash. They make a lot of money that way, and turst me, they know how to change IPs etc. so Jagex has no change to track them down. No matter how hard jagex trys, they can't really dtect all of them. But instead of banning those who sell the cash, they have started to ban those who buy it. Thats much more easy way to stop it, and when its clear that you get banned for buying cash, no one will buy it, and the problem will go away. On an other note, Jagex don't aim to get as much cash as possible. How do I know? If they wanted a lot of cash.. I mean a lot, what would be the best way? They would start to sell RS itmes THEYRSELF. Much more people would actually buy them, and if those magroers make profit with it, even paying members and internet, sure Jagex would also. So afterall I need to disagree with you Btw my favorite vegetable stay secret (you dont get this unless you did read the whole post) :?
  19. It is in no way an abuse as he didn't intend to cheat in anyway. If jagex messes something up, and it happens to effect a player it is not a bug abuse. If there was a possibility to do this again, and this time he would do it, trying to get the p-hat dupped, ONLY in that case would it be a bug abuse. A bug yes, an abuse, no. Anyway, you got lucky :wink:
  20. What I hate in wars like that is that you don't even have a change to gain any loot unless you got a brother looting stuff, but you loose a mill on rune :roll: Nice fight, how many hours did that exactly take?
  21. The thing is, that it's stupid to pk as ranger, mage or melee. Hybrid is the way to go, I my self use melee + mage or ranged + melee. At the moment im getting 99 ranged, its a good help when you meet mages/mage melees.
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