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Everything posted by dkjestrup

  1. Lol guys it's a Wip (work in progress) I haven't done the legs yet, the whip and book are going to be fixed, I posted here for feedback. Programs don't matter that much. I just used Photoshop cause of layers and it's more user friendly
  2. Hi guys, I'm back to the gallery forum with a new piece of pixel art Update: changed it so its not on the dock part and added lobby pot over whip and book updated, added legs, new whip, redid lobby pot and put on ground, added 99 thieving cape.
  3. It's very nice apart from the crouch and sq shield. the sq should be darker red (it doesn't get reflection on the inside) and its lop sided (goes too far down past the handle and not far enough above it
  4. instead of making hatchets just mine your own coal and sell bars. Its a safer and more consistent way
  5. Your Stats are fine but one thing you could get if your going for a long time is lvl 50 construction for a POH. You have a house teletab, tele to house after a run or so, pray at your altar and use a kharal portal back to canafis
  6. Thats true, but the Same Monsters drop Different things at Different places, Also, its far from a bank / shop, Right? And also, In Varrock, it has the specialty shops. Thats why its an ideal place for money and training umm they have the same drops. REASEARCH YOUR STUFF! ok I wont type in caps now.
  7. It's possible - I did it with 50 def and 40 prayer which i barely needed. You will need either 70+ mage and black dhide or 37 prayer to kill the demon.
  8. dkjestrup


    i have 70 att and 68 str and im saving for a whip. im just gona pc till 70 str
  9. dkjestrup


    even at members under lvl 70 att you should be using the strong hold of security on fleshies / spiders though you'd want 65+ def at spiders
  10. the dude that you get sent to on d slayer quest. hes in edgy
  11. +1 to tripsis' idea. I'm currently saving for the same as you but with v skirt instead of torag and im not getting a helm. I'm working on 44 rcing then making nats. fires are very quick way to level with rings! also air company 16 is quite good
  12. buy ur green dhide top from oziach (spell?) from drag slayer for 10k. buy chaps 4.5k champions guild
  13. committing suicide @ barrows always rules!! :D
  14. a good level for thiefing is 91 for all the rooms in pyramid plunder
  15. I'd bring a god stole for a very high prayer bonus (10 i think) and its not nearly as expensive as a fury (200k roughly) also If you use a stole and a trimmed skill cape over say 3 runs you could save maybe 1 ppot dose? so over every like 60 runs about 20 doses (5 ppots 5 x 7 = 35k saved)
  16. my username on rs is 33allmity!!!! but i prefer the allmity monk fish!!! good for f2p tho
  17. good guide! the pollvineach one is good if you're KOing, Pickpocketing, pickpocketing bandits/menaphites (spell?) like it shows in Steiners Master Thiefing Guide (which is an awesome guide btw.)
  18. This Is a very very good guide. Clear, Cut to the Chase and lots of new information. I personally think salmon/trout are the best food for the koing, pickpocket pickpocket as they are very easy to catch
  19. when i had 60 att 56 def and str with full rune and a dlong i owned pures in duling arena including a range pure with 80 range. my dlong spec hit 23,18,24,21 and then my dlong went 13 and he was dead.... i didnt splash 1nce
  20. I'd Say Guthans/Veracs/Karils/Arhims/Dharok/Torag I like guthan as its good def plus no food. Veracs>Dharok because dharoking is too risky imo especially as my computer is quite laggy. Veracs is best staking/duling option as you don't need dangerously low health for it to be good.
  21. I completely agree with everyone saying this is a great topic and should AOW etc but one thing you could add (not 100% sure you didn't could be bothered to read ALL) is how to make stews. Also your account has the same melee stats as me (not including HP) 66 att 68 str 63 def! check my sig. your sig owns though (noobs ftw :XD: )
  22. good to see someone who doesnt all ways put what they wear at the top of the list. I've seen guides like this: guthix book>zammy book or Archer>robin simply because they couldn't admit that they didn't have the best equipment. nice joke about f2p lumby btw! :XD:
  23. Ok guys I'm saving for a whip so I've decided to get 44 rc to make nats in the abyss. How long do you think it will take me to craft 10k fires to bring me to around level 44-46 rcing
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