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Everything posted by Numer0_un0

  1. It says Greater Demon cage and that's it, where am I supposed to dig? I can't just dig anywhere it's a big area and there's revs and demons all around me... Somebody please help! OK never mind, I finally found it on RuneCrypt. If anybody else is wondering where this is, it is 2 or 3 steps southwest of the ladder.
  2. I'd have to guess anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000.... I often quit for a month or two but always come back.
  3. Yes, Yahoo is right, the black market is huge. Also there is always at least 2 spambots in world 2 spouting nonsense about rs3 beta or rs2 with no trade limit and old wildy back, and whatnot. Sad part is, i see tons of pmods there too and they don't do anything about it.
  4. The piece I highlighted, are you actually joking me? The Dragon Dagger can't hit over 60 easily. It just can't. Not once have I hit 30-30 or 25-35 with it. It's very inaccurate, you know that yourself. Dragon Claws are actually accurate when it comes to the special attack and most people that own a pair will tell you that. I've hit higher with my claws since I got them (the day after their release) then I have with a Dragon Dagger since I first got membership. :| You don't use the dagger enough then. I've hit multiple 30-30s or better with dragon dagger. Dragon claws is slightly more accurate... but not by as much as most people are claiming. Whenever I was in a PVP situation, I'd have my Dragon Dagger. I'd use it's special first then pop to my whip. The special, however did me no help. I would have done better with the whips spec. Dragon Dagger is only good for the few LUCKY specs some might get. I've yet to experience a lucky spec in my time of using them. +1 to what carl said. Dragon Dagger blows for specials. It's only good vs. unarmored, whereas Claws can punch through max defense. I have 88 attack and 89 strength, but more often than not I will fight someone in the duel arena and hit like this: 17-9, 0-0, 9-3, 0-0. Seriously, it happens all the time... Claws almost never miss like that.
  5. They said there would be "new" weapons right? They might make some for each 20-level such as; 1, 20, 40, 60, 80 Attack to wield? Probably not 80... 80 attack reqs means it's gotta be pretty awesome... better reqs than GS, and double EXP on top of it doesn't sound likely. But double exp for the existing weapons sounds very interesting... I'll be eagerly awaiting this update! :mrgreen:
  6. Think back... killing the King Black Dragon was a huge accomplishment. I just killed The Feared Dragon alone using only 4 sharks. Not to mention, I don't even have close to the best armor and weaponry! Maybe in a few years, Godwars dungeon would be a low level training area. Sharks more common that the water they swim in, cheaper than the dirt they don't. Potions as cheap as plain water. Several Godswords being obtained daily by mid level players alone. Of course, more difficult things would be released, unimaginable to beat at our current time period. You've managed to make that all sound a little bit realistic, but guess what... it'll never happen (or if it does RS won't be worth playing) without Jagex changing the max hp. Right now, with d claws you can 2 spec someone almost instantly, even if they have best armor and a sara brew. Imagine a 99 attack and strength weapon coming out... how much damage would that do? They need to upgrade max HP!
  7. Caught the 122 AFK'ing. bah, imageshack removed their direct link feature, as far as i can tell... stupid imageshack. Had to go to tinypics
  8. What the...? ^ that's an HD image, but the bones and lobster look like Classic! More On-Topic, d claws look totally badass. I'm getting a pair ASAP
  9. Same here. A whole ton of skills (mining in particular) need some updates.
  10. :thumbsup: On a smaller note - what about Neitiznot? the bank is anywhere from 1-6 steps away from a craft shop. The shop sells balls of wool, hammers, bronze nails, bronze axes, needles, thread, and knives.
  11. 1. I would keep it. If they were really nice i might give some of it back. 2. If it's money, i'd keep it. If it's a wallet or w/e I would see if i could return it, but if there were no cameras or anything I'd take a big finder's fee :P
  12. Evil Villains - 7 Comedy - 12 Evil Stuff - 13 Randomness - 21
  13. -10... I think "can you stop mods/admins counting to 10" would have been a better title.
  14. Banned for not recognizing the emphasis on THE. I don't like using bold or italics...
  15. Granted. Instead of sharp teeth it has sharp claws, so sharp it claws through the floor and is stuck... it tries to climb out but its claws just cut away the ground instead if gripping it. mwahahahahaha. I wish you would post on Pros and Cons
  16. Banned for using, if anything, THE most annoying smilie :x
  17. It mixed with water and then solidifies, forming a piece of watery cheese that tastes disgusting. A hobo eats it then spits it out on my coat, I throw it away into an incinerator because there's spit all over it.
  18. Granted, the poison is so acidic though, that it burns through the glass and onto your hand. Result: Reaper88888 - 1 hand I wish more people played Tribal Wars
  19. Banned for banning me for using a smilie superior to all! 8-)
  20. *cheese shrapnel embeds in my cheek* *eats it, then poops out the REAL cheese, somehow. Awesome.*
  21. Banned because there is no proof they are psychotic, and how would you like it if you were called psychotic? :shame:
  22. It is, but it requires parts made from an element only found on a moon orbiting Saturn, so I guess we'll never know for sure in our lifetime Everybody who supports Bush likes beans
  23. Pro: You can use them to advance yourself in the world Con: Too many people don't use them... Islam
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