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Everything posted by yanksrule

  1. i dont get slayer experience for killing a slayer monster i havent been given a task too kill. therefore if i use a spell that requires a slayer level to use then i shouldn't get experience for it. its one of the things in runescape that are stupid yet we go on playing not caring....
  2. i got scammed several times. dear god must be millions.... ='( how: guy switched 1m worth of dragon bones to big bones gave a guy 10k monks instead of 1k a couple times... bought 100 monks like it was 1k monks (lost approx. 270k) got lured by a guy with the wip scam. lost 2m. never buy 10k willows to get to 99fm and then sell them 300k less than you bought them for :oops: :oops: lost about 300k from this guy switching his money at the last second when i sold a bunch of cannon balls on world 2 :\ guy died with a santa and could have picked it up but i wasnt fast enough :roll: let some one know my password then hack my account making me get them a fishing pure and get them an account level 40 in less than one month..... got the fishing to 53 or something and i dont know why i did it.... girls are untrustworthy...... buying a crystal shield.... took 5\6ths of my wealth away........=\ um yeah i kinda screwed up a lot in runescape. people by now would have quit and have punted their moniter but my friends were always there for me so it helped a lot : . still wouldn't like to be scammed :? :? :? :?
  3. i havent posted in a while :oops: you got your desk set up i assume? hows the watered?.... i feel disgusting now.... eewww... anyway, i don't know jack crap about university's the euro (i think thats the money system...) or why the Yankees lost their chance at the world series; but you might not know what im talking about =P enjoy members for however long you'll use it : 13 quests away from quest cape >.< edit:14 quests now because of that stupid update more work..... :?
  4. phr33 bump because this is a lot easier than making desktop shotrcuts and you have the low detail codes which is AWSOME. i give 9/10 because i gotta disable java script and that screws up a couple other websites which is kind of annoying like tip it forums, you cant click the stupid smiley's......... otherwise good guide! :thumbup:
  5. ok. :shock: you got 5 Santa's all the barrows armor :shock: . you have a bazillion thousand kabousand million :shock: . and you built a pool :shock: :shock: . you work harder than a Mexican :P . alas most (hopefully everybody) people consciously knows that school is more important than a game. if you don't ace microirobots then i shall do something of massive procrastinate proportions. good luck :D ! for the offended.... [hide]no offense intended just a reference to how hard Hispanics work. if you private message me saying how offended you are then your not going to get the nicest response back. [/hide]
  6. [hide] You missed the point of the article, he wasn't saying "Don't have goals..." He was saying, there's no point in having those goals if they are full of monotiny and don't bring you any happiness. Also, even if your argument would have had a valid point it doesn't do you any favours opening your argument with a snide and unintelligent comment. [/hide] ok dont all goals have monotony in them? say if you're trying to do very well in math. you do your home work, listen in class and do well on the occasional test. is there no monotony in that? i think its repetitive, like a lot of things in life there are things of that nature that are tedious. as another example: in life there are very few things that vary. you wake up brush your teeth, eat breakfast (if you do), go to school(or work) then spend most of your day doing that, you come home, r and r which is usually the same depending on your mood but that doesnt change wether its video games or reading a book. as for weekends that varies because sometimes you are not in control of what you are doing. much like runescape. you will either be doing quest after quest with the same plot- something is wrong and you get a reward at the end and that gets you closer to something you want (goal any one?). well the quest is similar to your job. you either really like it and get some-what of a good reward at the end of the day (quest) or you have a boring/aggravating plot/task. now as for skills in the game, what about combat skills? once you hit 70 ranged you master the skill, and there isnt much of a point in progressing in that unless you want to hit that 99 cape or you just enjoy what the skill offers. now once you have killed that monster to get 70 ranged its pretty much the same from there on in. you got a bow arrows and your armor and you go to a spot where you wont get hurt (or get hurt) and you start shooting arrows at the monster. now pking with ranged is like the aforementioned weekend. its almost the same but it isn't. you shoot your arrows at another player and now your risking everything from your ranged potions to that dark bow that your (might be) are using, but that is the risk with a lot of the things you do in runescape. the devils advocate- i do agree that i was wrong in saying what i did in my intro and i fixed that. I'm deeply sorry for saying a rude thing such as that. i did kinda move away from the point of the article and the meaning of what he meant when he said that if theres a goal you shouldn't only do it just to say i've done it and now what's next you should also do it to know what you went through to get to that point in that skill. i do applaud you for such a good point. i do again apologize for saying what i did about the article. that remark has been fixed. i don't expect any one to take me seriously but just know i fixed it and that I'm sorry.
  7. apologies to the intro that was formerly here. I'm sorry for who-ever i insulted i was wrong for putting that. i didn't mean to direct it at the editor i meant the article not the person him/herself. the reason why we have goals is so we can experienced more whether it be a skill or in an item. i for example got to 75 fletching that was one one my goals and i said to myself over and over again while fletching that i would make millions and get really rich when i finally reach this goal. this goal led to many others expanding my horizons based on this one goal. from experiencing my (first) 3rd mill i got to the point where i said to myself well... hey look veracs is only 5.something million i have 3m lets EXPAND my horizons on ways to make money while still doing fletching i made money and more money. i eventually got 83 fletching and i got veracs and i killed the kalphite queen. ( that was another goal of mine. along with goals come challenges. that little (big for people who are going to make fun of me for it) bug gave me hardly any trouble).. and while i complete each goal after another i see that i can give others advice while i do each goal of every day. when i talk to friends of mine and i ask what they're up too they say oooh... im just picking flax in seers; well i can help them by saying well if you go to Lleta (elf place) theres a place where you can pick flax thats right next to the bank. and then i can also tell him, you can spin your flax in lumbridge castle and thats within walking distance to the bank. You look me straight in the eye and tell me you have no goals at all when you play runescape. if you don't then you DO NOT PLAY. reasoning: when you're working on smithing and you go oh hey i got 26 mithrill ore from a random event well lets go mine myself some coal so i can get some smithing exp or even just have the peace of mind of not looking at that mithrill ore day-to-day (or even the bank space). whether or not its a short term goal such as this it doesn't matter. a goal can last about half a second. reasoning: ooh i have weeds in my bank that I'm not going to need at all. lets drop these. so you drop them . thats a GOAL. goals don't need to be of a certain time period they just need to have an end result whether or not its good or not depends on what you do or who is doing the goal. I'm very disappointed in this article i expect better in this article from the editor. *i invite some one to disagree with me and give their opinion based on what i said. if anything i want people to realize the sense of my reasoning.*
  8. yay silver came back? ehhhhhh.... yeah he did (i came up a rank in the tip.it rank thingy. im goblin armor now :) ) good luck in school :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  9. yeah... tried this without any success at all. i read the guide and thought :shock: wow :shock: so i went to rellika bought those green robes and went off too the macs. in level 24 wildy. after about 6 world hops and 20 smart bots i called it quits. i wore=anti-dragon shield green hat top bottom gloves boots cape. cant get more green than that and it didnt work. i tried for at least an hour and cursed at my computer and got pissed off. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: doing that is better than waisting my time doing that. :wall: :wall:
  10. nice guide! wish i had known about this before i went an did it the obvious and hard way >_>. o well only did like 7 trips :P. i liked the guide too much for it to disapear.... too much work for it to die
  11. ive seen a total of 3 guides and this is my favorite one : . none of the other ones said where to go... they were like go the square that has a rock on it :-s :-$ :-k whaaaaaat? i like ancients lots but i never barrowed with it (pked with it good experience but never go in level one wildy :shock:) i give it a 9/10 (only because its not unique enough to the point where it looks EXACTLY the same as the other ones *think it hast to be though*)
  12. guess what?!!? adrunk again!!!@ :twisted: you know the procedure.... well vitamen water and malibue. drank the whole thing li in like 5 minutes loal . wheres whsiveler .? whes like not heraae. and thats centrits guy? where the hell is ahe???????????????????????/ i like need a drinking buddy. if hes of age. or not : . i konw im sure as hell not.! img aoaing fabrawwors barrows.1!! weeeee. im seaweating a lots.... where the [bleep] siaa silver!???????!?!!?! he waalways gives bme stuff to drink taalk about i man s. ummmmm.... is school really rhthat simportant???? christ my fariend like didnt log ont for aone owhole month and i saawasd like O.O hrseshes wieeeirsd..... i like malibue now. goodoa dtimesa.
  13. EDITED: i got used to where some of the links are in the site so when i click on the tip it folder where my bookmarks are i go to the homepage and click on what i need. im pretty sure every one can agree on that plus i like adding specific parts of the sites to my favorites. like adding the quest guides combat calc. bestiary etc. so when i need to go on and use a different part of the site i just scroll down and click on it. i have had a few problems with navigating in the beginning but after a while i just got used to it which im sure every one eventually had to at one point or another. all in all dont fix what aint broken. these are some good responces that i think will support what im trying to get at: [hide] [/hide]
  14. went to an awsome yankees game. they won of course. what is it a month since silvers last posted here? heh almost 8 more days! who buys 6 santas and then mysteriously just you know... leaves? it says silver back online but silvers not here. vat the [insert obscenity here] phree bump i guess. ps. centrits- we shall and we will! own the kbd. itll be my first but i will own. pm me on here a pic or something of what i should bring, because pictures work better for me. (almost done with rfd :XD: )
  15. when i click my shortcut i got a white page that says code: this is what i put in i dont know if theres anything wrong with it.... Code: RuneScape - the massive online adventure game by Jagex Ltd
  16. quite possibly the coolest thread/people/characters/ideas E V E R :shock: . my god that was brilliant! cant wait for some more :pray: =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
  17. hmmm im higher level than you but you do things i havent done :shock: . kbd sounds cool but i gotta finish merchanting. probably by the time im done merching ill be ready. i want torags (i got like 5m but still want to finish up merchin) :-k dont ask me why i need to finish but i do. lol.... never gone kbd before but that would awwsome. barrows some time too? phree bump too for silver whos mia since the 28th of JULY. where the fu fu fu fudgecicles is heÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâÿ :-s
  18. silvers log day 18: :ohnoes: silver is still missing in action. he might be a pow. we think that he also might be killed in action. people are starting to doubt if we can find him but centris has relentlessly gone looking for him. i bet hes in a cave some where just without necessities. caves are fun. god if that wasnt terrible enough. that was bloody crap. im not even english. thats how bad it is. we should send a flare up in rs and silver would be like ooooooooooooo thats where they areeee.... :anxious: *off topic* hmmmm i wonder if centris and i should kill things. that would be kewl.
  19. drunk again! wewt :thumbsup: ok lets soo um not suusing backspace again so lefts see how this turns out. where are you!?!?! i need tdrunking buddy.... *if your lefgal() * umm malibu and coconut rum and trpopical cirtrus vitamin water tis a good muix. now to placy some grand theft auto. :XD: \ by rhe way where the chell areyou !??! you ve been alike mia for like a week and a half. well this will be the fun to do to climb upstares and go play this game thats only funnier when your half hpast hammerad. i really am buzeed and im not usingbackspace at all aso shut up/. malibu
  20. canned? you call it canned? did you contact them yourself? i personally wrote them that. all i did to it was block the personal things on my web browser. dont call something cannd you idiot if you havent conatcted jagex. if your going to critisize that responce then do it when you have done a little bit of home work on this short cut. ignorant fool
  21. i think thats ok in a nutshell. O:).. ALSO: instead of putting the world of your choice you can put high scores forums loggin page etc. love the guide but proof is good :D
  22. nice guide and all but your missing wips. theyre sold exactly where dchains are sold.
  23. t0t@lly dewds. yew guy$ us3 all of thaht leet sp3ak. cant people make normal clan names? how does a clan go about being famous the only clan ive heard of is the one im in. is it that hard to say the clan instead of vr or some junk like that or am i the ignorant one -.-
  24. still doesnt work... dont use spaces when you title the world you chose. put .htm at the end. i had a simaler problem. this should work. hope it helps :D :wink:
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