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Yoko Kurama

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Everything posted by Yoko Kurama

  1. I presume they have automated detection systems in place (that monitor high wealth trades). But i don't know how effective they are. I know for sure people who have RWT'ed this year (months ago) and nothing has happened to them. I have also heard of stories of people who were 'caught' for RWT'ing then subsequently unbanned. So yeah...
  2. That pet update, particularly the 100% threshold sounds pretty nice. Now if only Mod Ryan would make nontradable items lootshare-able like charms. (Something he said he would do months ago)
  3. Oh that. It wasn't a bad quest, but far too short of the expectations (and the hype that Jagex themselves put around it. They claimed it would be the 200th quest and the biggest and hardest quest to date - it wasn't anything of the sort, and I guess they ended up not meeting their quest target, hence why they decided to put it out way before number 200). The quests were pretty lacklustre, I'd say. FOTG and OOAK were awesome, but that's only two quests and they were early in the year. Since then there's been literally no follow up of any kind. We are only getting Zamorakian Heist (a follow-up to WE1!) in a few months from now. Their rate of quests and following up has gone majorly down, and it's somewhat disappointing. I mean Zaros has returned since March, and it's almost the end of the year, and there's been no follow-up of any sort? Lame. No Elder God Quest (which won the PTTP poll) either. Elder God quest is in dev though. As long as Raven can keep Deg in line it should be good. Maybe. They were supposed to release that Armadyl homeland quest around this time of last year, and a World Gate quest as well - both were canned. In any case, Elder God Quest doesn't seem to be coming out this year (it wasn't in the preview stream which mentioned the updates we could be expecting for the rest of this year).
  4. The quests were pretty lacklustre, I'd say. FOTG and OOAK were awesome, but that's only two quests and they were early in the year. Since then there's been literally no follow up of any kind. We are only getting Zamorakian Heist (a follow-up to WE1!) in a few months from now. Their rate of quests and following up has gone majorly down, and it's somewhat disappointing. I mean Zaros has returned since March, and it's almost the end of the year, and there's been no follow-up of any sort? Lame. No Elder God Quest (which won the PTTP poll) either.
  5. One major update every 3 months is a fair rate I'd say. It's been a pretty decent year, by that standard.
  6. Yes, plenty of fun with lots of lag, with everything going hyper fast when the lag stops (and the constant phasing in and out of people when it gets too laggy), and of course the trolls who put Achievement Banners/Dominion Markers/Cannons to purposely troll people. Holiday events use to be like quasi-quests, with some silly and goofy storyline and you went and did it. Now, with this one, as well as the Christmas one, it's like "get X points doing tedious and annoying activity, cash in for rewards". I don't know about other people, but I prefer the older model.
  7. A lot of boring grinding with lots of people crammed into one place, and annoying and time-consuming mechanisms. Mod Ana must be having a field day, as this type of thing is her idea of fun holiday events. P.S. I know it wasn't Mod Ana who designed this particular event.
  8. Well, as a general rule, I never post any of my accomplishments on Reddit, and I dislike it when other people do it because it clogs up the forum (as there is no one thread for it). Also, there are way too many people on Reddit, so we are mostly strangers; I don't care about the accomplishments (especially minor accomplishments) of strangers. I have no problem whatsoever with people having blogs on TIF or this thread, and people using it to post their accomplishments. Firstly, because it doesn't clog up the forum because it's contained. And second, TIF is actually a community, we all know each other to some extent at least, and many of us are friends, so naturally I care about the accomplishments of people I know and am friends with, as they are not strangers. TL;DR: brag about your levels all you want :P
  9. Found this little gem on Reddit: [spoiler=Profanity] I don't mean disrespect to the people who Ironman on TIF (many of whom are my friends), but I did find it funny given the recent trend on Reddit where people with Ironman accounts will brag about the most miniscule of 'achievements'. (Mind you, I have always hated achievements posts of any kind on Reddit, regardless of significance because it clogs up the subreddit - I have no problem with this thread on TIF, because a) it's self-contained, doesn't clog up the whole forum, it's just one thread, and b) it's mostly people that we know sharing their achievements with us as opposed to strangers bragging).
  10. I just watched the Meet the Maker's session (the Elf City one and the PVM one). I have to say the Elf City team of J-Mods, well, firstly, I didn't know most of them prior to this; so a lot of unfamiliar faces. But still, they seemed nice, and they seemed dedicated to the project and seemed to know their stuff and excited for it. And they seemed to have worked very hard and obviously have various interesting plans. So I will give them props for that. I gained a new found appreciation for Mod Stacey and the rest of the team who was up to this point unknown to me. The Ninja team and PVM team though, still seem very complacent, lazy and unresponsive to player demands/needs. A shame.
  11. I have one friend who got two Pheonix Eggs back-to-back (before and after reset), so he got both versions, and I am pretty sure he never did anywhere near as many attempts as me. Then there's Gwyn who got one earlier this year in 20 tries. But yeah, I kept on going with it, knew I'd eventually get it.
  12. Confirmed.One of each, does not matter if jar or bare-handed, free roamer or in puro-puro. You can also use a tree-shaking scrimshaw, it's not that hard. They had better not do something so stupid as making one of each implings a Comp Cape requirement. I'm guessing this is Mod Ryan's doing, and the circle-jerk surrounding him on RSOF which is constantly demanding tht Comp be made more 'prestigious'.
  13. Well they are idiots who should (and I presume are) be safely ignored. OSRS is a lot better off because of their system.
  14. Does anyone else remember when we were actually polled on important and relevant game updates on PTTP? Yeah, me neither.... Meanwhile on OSRS... All important and relevant updates are polled and the team immediately sets out to work on top priorities in a timely fashion. The polls are a joke, and the PTTP is a gimmick, not something that Jagex treats seriously. Hell, earlier this year they did the Clue Rework update (and it was voted by the players that they wanted things like Effigies as clue rewards to buff up the value of the average clue - so that clues, even when you don't get uber lucky were worth doing, and this was not even mentioned once on the sneak preview for the clue rework stream a week ago. They seem to be ignoring the poll results and doing something different - hopefully I'm wrong) What a difference the determination of the content team can make to the quality of the game, as evidenced by OSRS. Another thing; I never ever see Mod Ash or the OSRS team brag about how awesome it is that they poll stuff. They just poll people, and justify decisions on the basis of polls - they don't have to brag about what an awesome job they're doing because their actions speak louder than their words. Whereas in RS3 Mod Mark can't finish a single sentence without bragging about and hyping PTTP, even though as of late we get polled on the most irrelevat and trivial stuff. Why is that? Maybe it's because Jagex is desperately trying to convince us of the veracity of their gimmick, because their actions really don't confirm their claims about the importance PTTP; ie, they don't treat it seriously, so they compensate by bragging about it all the time.
  15. And it only took several tries over hundred after I started earlier this year in May:
  16. That's a good point (skillcapes historically did have a uniform look to them). I guess we are all just smitten by Vanhellsing2's design and smoking pipe dreams. Still though, the 5 proposed designs are soo horrible. Those tassles/suspenders-like-thingy are hideous. They may as well just update the icons a bit (so they don't look totally outdated) and make the colours a bit more polished and keep the design the same.
  17. They have got a huge graphics team. Surely they can design 26 unique items? Especially when the artwork is already out, all that needs doing is translating that model in-game? I am not saying it wouldn't take time and effort, but it seems to me doable. They never seem to have problems pumping out extravagant Solomon's stuff out on time.. We're talking about items that are historically pretty significant and very prestigious items still (skillcapes), if they don't have the willpower or the ability to do it justice they should just not bother, and not insult everyone's intelligence with these shitty designs. Even the OSRS people said they eventually plan on having Max Capes (once there is enough people that are maxed) and making it something truly awesome.
  18. Since when is 35 an achievement of any sort? I wasn't aware that just because it's ironman suddenly every easy-to-do thing becomes an uber achievement. It's like all those annoying pictures on reddit along the lines of "first ironman to kill chicken". Yeah...
  19. They have waited this long to do the skillcape rework. They should either wait and take the time to do it properly and make it awesome (which would mean adopting Vanhellsing2's [i think that's his name] design), or they should just scrap the project and all these crappy designs.
  20. What I learned from watching the Runefest Stream (granted, I didn't watch it all, but I am watching the rest of it): it never ceases to amaze me how much the OSRS developmental manages to do with such little resources and manpower, while how little the RS3 seems to be doing with such vast resources and manpower; the RS3 team always seems like they're coasting along with no plans whatsoever. Despite the fact that the OSRS team is so small and limited they seemed to have all sorts of intricate plans for the future. The RS3 team, on the other hand, in recent Q and A's and what not, seemed to be mostly without any concrete plans for the future, and a lot of "we might think about it", or "we don't have the resources to do that". A shame. And I say this as someone who does not play OSRS and has no plans of ever doing so.
  21. This is a post that Mod Pi made in a thread where someone observed that Melee, and 2h Melee in particular, is severely underpowered and should be buffed. This is by far the funniest case of J-Mod incompetence I have seen in quite a while and I was literally laughing out loud for 5 whole minutes IRL:
  22. Out of that list, you could probably justify all as Comp requirements except the Vyrelord Title. Although it's similar to the Elf titles, at least the Elf City is sort of, now, a major part of the game and a major and important area. Mortanyia (and especially the place where the Vyrewatch live) is pretty peripheral. So I'd keep it as trim. As for the Famous and Reaper title. I think what happened was, Jagex wanted to push in a hard way PVM requirements for Comp Cape, so they devised the Reaper Title. What ended up happening was a lot of people ended up leeching a lot of the requirements (particularly Araxxor), so they probably devised the Famous title as a way to force people to solo Araxxor.
  23. Not really. It's a very complex fight that can be very overwhelming for a novice. Just the other day I was doing some Araxxor kills and someone happened to steal the world from me, as I had to lobby because it wasn't a mage spawn. I decided to stick around and watch him, and even though he had a Yak, Ascensions and other T90 gear, I could tell he was a novice. He seemed scared of getting cleaved/webbed, was constantly anticipating at the wrong time, safing up at the slightest bit of damage, doing loads of auto-attacks (presumably because he was afraid there was a special attack in-coming and what not). Needless to say he didn't last very long. None of his mistakes were terribly hard to overcome; with practice I'm sure he will probably get past it all, but the early learning stages can be difficult. A lot of older players who were here before EoC are not really suited for this new type of style, so it takes them a lot longer to get better/kills.
  24. I have been teaching a friend of mine how to Araxxor. Whether he was using my T90 gear or his own T80 gear, the results were the same, and the major problem was reflexes, staying calm, knowing what to do, etc. Gear is the least of people's problems - at least novice's as far as Araxxor is concerned. It can easily be doable in t80 gear (which is easily obtainable). The hard part is the reflexes, the practice and the knowledge of what to do and how to do. People are who are used to the old style of Runescape PVM where all you did was bust out a Whip or GS and just let it attack while occasionally using special attacks and what not, and eating, are going to have a hard time adjusting. It's not impossible, but the point is that the problem these people are facing is, usually, not gear.
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