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Everything posted by Timetohide

  1. My main got hacked too many times to count, though I haven't been hacked the last few months. I had one blackmark but it wasn't me, so when I appealed I had it crossed off.
  2. Coal would be best for you, but iron would be okay too if you mine at one of the Varrock mines.
  3. Or you could mine iron, that could be alittle slow though.
  4. I just log off and run a few miles outside if the weather is right.
  5. I'm level 88 and F2p, I still train on Moss Giants because they give fast experience and big bones. I do notice that it's mostly level 50-60 train at the lesser demons. I guess the main reason is still faster experience...
  6. I've only gotten 1 freaky forester in my whole Runescape life and I messed up, too. Anyways, it happens to a lot of people, don't worry about it. Just follow the instruction the next time.
  7. I still think you should just mine iron because even though it's slower than the ess, it makes more money.
  8. What do you have pierced? A single hole in each ear. Do you like it? Sure. Do you think piercings are a good thing to have? Yea, if you don't have too many.
  9. I have a friend that's weird and energetic like me, if you put us together for more than a day, disaster comes. Then I have a few friends that are quiet and shy but we still get along together well. I also have friends that are careless and messy but are fun to be around. I'd say I have different kinds of friends but we always hang out together and are insepreble.
  10. I haven't gotten any that bad yet, though I always hate Shades, Evil Chicken, etc.
  11. I think that some of the music actually sounds worse than it did before, but some sounds better.
  12. Money- I don't spend a lot... Time-Training and hanging out with my friends :D
  13. Lol thanks for sharing, now everyone's going to try it :twisted:
  14. I had to mine about 4k coal and 2k iron before so I can up with something like this: If you mine 880 coal or iron ores each day for 5 days a week, you'd be done in about 5 weeks. But ofcourse when I actually mined it, it took me about a month (4 weeks).
  15. Nice find, though it gets less accurate as you scroll down.
  16. Zamorak because I really don't like the way Guthix looks (I don't exactly like green), and I've just never liked Saradomin.
  17. 1k- Don't remember 100k- Selling lobbies 1 Mil-Over the long years...
  18. I'm a saver but every once in awhile I do spend some...
  19. I've gotten: -Uncut Diamonds -Boot -Bucket Not the greatest rewards but I always choose the Mystery Box just to see what's inside.
  20. I use Lumby Tele because it actually gives magic exp.
  21. Cool pictures :shock: Can't believe I missed out on so much in the early days of Runescape :lol:
  22. In F2p you could also mine coal or fish lobbies but both of those could be slow for your mining level and fishing level.
  23. For money, I suggest you mine coal in the Mining Guild, then I suggest you go train at the Hill Giants for awhile then go train on Crandor.
  24. Try fishing lobbies, mining coal, and wc yews.
  25. If you tele to Fally then walk back to Kramja, it takes about the same time as if you walk to the Draynor bank but personally I think it's easier.
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