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Everything posted by mithos23132

  1. uh in case you don't know, he has donated over a billion to charities worldwide, and generally revolutionized the computers most people are using today. What have you done that makes you better than him? ^ what he said :XD:
  2. These are really great books, but I don't know anybody in real life who has ever read them :(. I am looking forward to Confessor that comes out in November more than any other book. Anyways, post here if you have read any of them. Also, if you have read them, which are your favorites? Mine would be the first two, the fifth (I can't remember the name right now, it will come to me) and phantom.
  3. If you are referring to me then, I'm sorry, you are a moron. Hey [wagon] ever heard of skimming through your highscore form? :roll: You don't post the other side of the 'member side' of this argument. . . . What? I know my stats, I don't need to look them up if that's what you are suggesting I do. I'm al little confused on that point. Why would I do that? This is my opinion, I don't need to show both sides of the argument. Again, not quite sure what you are getting at here... Apparently you have never been to camelot or ardougne. There are constant people there. Maybe the reason you see people "everywhere" is because they have nothing better to do. You have more places, more things to do in P2P worlds. You can only do a limited amount of things in F2P worlds. You don't say? You appear to have read my reasoning, even going so far as to quote it, and yet I have already addressed your concerns in the original post. "Nothing better to do"? I seriously can't tell what you are trying to say... If you don't like people spamming, turn your chat on to friends. It's not hard. :roll: Again, you have missed my point completely. I don't see the point of restating myself as you have already shown a refusal (or inability) to read before flaming. Looser feel? Ever see those non members with all their skills available, to 98+? I have. Go look in the top 200 F2P members thread. Not all P2P'ers strive to be the best in Runescape by playing 4+ hours a day. F2P'ers and P2P'ers can 'no life' it all depends on the person behind the computer. I am obviously going by an average, not making stereotypes. There is nothing better in F2P worlds than a P2P world. Other than the fact that you can be with non member friends in-game. I would refer you to the following: I don't know how much clearer I can be, short of teaching you how to read... I realize that as far as gameplay goes, members is superior. I am just suggesting that F2P has a lot of features that make it funner to play.
  4. Exactly. Just think about it for a couple seconds, it'll come to you.
  5. It's actually an intelligent show (in a very weird way, if that makes any sense). There is the stupid stuff, but alot of it appeals to adults.
  6. How about Shaak Ti, Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, or Luminara Unduli? Those are some of my favorites. Wow I thought I was a nerd. The only one of those who I know is Shak ti. Oh, and this is something very funny for the old trilogy nerds: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/news/na ... empire.php I like that Darth Vader says "lol"
  7. That made me laugh I heard just now: Person1: does anyone have 100gp I can have I just died Person2: Person1 is a noob I just gave them 100gp!
  8. If you are referring to me then, I'm sorry, you are a moron. I am not sure that you have even read my post, and yet you somehow feel that you can tell whether or not I have been a member. If you are not referring to me, then disregard the past two statements. I'm actually a little surprised at how many people agree with me :shock:
  9. ^ Thanks :P I added some colours and made things bigger. I may be working on a guide to dealing with obnoxious pures in the future, so keep an eye out for that :thumbsup:
  10. I would rather be a non member sometimes ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s right, I think that in a lot of ways non-member's can be much more fun then members. I have outlined my reasons in an easy-to-follow list format. 1. There are people EVERYWHERE you go. In member's I see people in banks and popular places. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s about it. (Before you even say it, I am aware that this is because the two types of worlds have the same people capacity but different volumes) 2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone? 3. It has less of a point! It's a game people, not a part time job. I'm not going to argue with people's opinions on whether or not it is fun to chop down virtual trees all day. My point is that the non members have an overall looser feel. Don't flame me; I'm not saying that F2P is better than members. I just saying that F2P is better than members in some ways. I apologize if a similar thread has already been started on this topic, but I'm pretty sure one hasn't. Tell me what you think.
  11. Each Ice Barrage will kill 9 level 3's lol. It would be a pretty quick fight.
  12. ROFL edited XD rofl I was just going to say the same thing :)
  13. This is a great guide! AOW anyone? I'm bored so I'm gonna go try this out \
  14. I'm 16 and I'm 6 feet and 6 inches beat that!
  15. I once drove through a yellow light even though I had time to stop. :cry:
  16. Nice guide! Too bad I can't even enter the elf lands yet
  17. This is one of my favorites: Chuck Norris once got into a fight with a one armed ninja. Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, Chuck promptly tore off both of his arms and one of his legs (in that order). Chuck then roundhouse kicked the ninja in the head, killing him instantly. He then proceeded to sew his limbs back on with a tent stake and some rusty barbed wire that happened to be laying nearby. \
  18. I sent a text message today for the first time in 5 or 6 months and it took me 10 min. to type around 100 characters \
  19. *gasp* No! I don't believe you! Thats impossible!
  20. =D> Nice work IGoddessI! That made me laugh. Some people just don't know how to raise their children.
  21. I heard a rumor that he was killed by Chuck Norris (I don't watch the series someone just told me that) :XD:
  22. My head hurts! I better put this in a hide in case someone hasn't seen it.. [hide]How, exactly did Elizabeth's Father die? Oh, and how did the Kraken die? Is that what the guy meant when he said "made you destroy your pet" or something to that effect?[/hide]
  23. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I belive that the Kraken doesn't kill you, but takes you to hell, so then they just came and rescued him from hell. By the way, Jack wanted the heart so that the Kraken wouldn't kill him, not so much Davy Jones :)
  24. Are you in over your head with these questions? I greatly enjoy the topics you have been making, by the way.
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