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Everything posted by Ledusskapis

  1. Nice...the car is realy trashed, but with a lot of work you can make it a dream car
  2. I just know I'm right. It's not just my brother in law, I've been getting a subscription to Tropical Fish Hobbyist monthly for 2 years, as well as a member of their forum. Well like i said, thats your opinion, and if youn want to keep it, keep it Anyways im still ringht.
  3. Oh I have definitely made mistakes, I've only had fish for about 2 years now. I just don't think having plants are that important, mostly because that is what my brother in law says, and he has a lot of fish. One of the first mistakes I made was not keeping track of the water temperature, my heater broke and didn't shut off when it was supposed to. Water got up to 90degrees or so (Fahrenheit) and cooked all the fish. Lost 10 glass catfish, $60 worth. Oh and the 8 goldfish are just in there temporarily, they are only about 1 inch long so it's not too bad. My outside goldfish had babies, around 30 of which made it. Brought these 8 inside so they wouldn't die during the winter. Hopefully some of the outside ones live also. @Scorchedrose: My 55 gallon tank got completely redecorated when I put an oscar in it, it was annoying at first but then it was kind of cool. Much like your problem though I couldn't keep the air hose connected to my drawbridge and Colosseum. its sure hard to prove you something...especialy if youre not open minded. anyways il just keep it short for sake of my time, since i have lost all hope proving you that plant are great -.- . you only rely on your brother in law, what makes you think sure he is right. He has aquariums, fish etc. for a long time, but that only means he has money to buy em. Anyways thats your opinioun, and if you want to keep it, keep it, theyre not my fish afterall. But for sake of your fish google some info on fish :pray:
  4. well i got from 55 to 60 with sup str pots, and i made some profit i bought kwuarm seeds, farmed em, bought limps and bought v/f vials from shop...the best thing was that very few of my kwuarms died :D
  5. 1. I've been saying that tanks don't need plants, because they don't. Neither of my tanks have had plants in them and they are just fine. One is a 10 gallon (38l) and the other is a 55 gallon (208l). My brother in law has 12 tanks, all above 55 gallon (208l) and a few that are 135 gallon (511l). He has never done plants in his either. Those have been going for 20 years now. YOU DON'T NEED PLANTS. 2. The up arrow just means go back to the beginning. It is described with the text to the left of it, about being absorbed by algae or water changes. Plants/Food is the beginning, they just put a picture of a plant there. Yes plants can make the water better, but they can also cause problems too. 3. Then something is screwed up with your water. I have algae on the side of the tanks, but the water is clear. I haven't done a water change in 3 weeks probably. My 10 gallon (38l) tank has 8 goldfish in it, since they are still pretty young. They were born about 2 months ago outside in my 300 gallon (1136l) garden pond. So they even brought all the outside rain water algae in with them and it's still not bad. Im getting cinda bored of arguing with you-youre cinda making same mistakes, i made with my old tank. My old tank also used to have no plants, but-ok not water, but tank walls were covered in algae, the fish were bored and well it was just cube of water. Tehnicly you can easily use no plants, but not only your tank will look a lot better with plants, it will also have a small eco-system. Oh and i hope all of goldfish in 38l tank are small, since 38l tank is suitable for 1, maybe 2 goldfish. oh and most of nitrates are absorbed by plants...yes they are and you can see it in pic. Anyways if you still dont belive me visit some aquarium related forum... p.s. you have 208l tank...my god i envy you...
  6. You don't need plants in a goldfish tank. You also don't need to add chemicals. Mine are doing just fine without either of those. Anyways the picture says the nitrates are absorbed by algae or reduced by water changes, it doesn't say anything about plants except that the dead fragments start the process. 1.And what makes you think that? Every aquarium needs plants, but there isn't always a chance to get them, or keep them. A normal tank isnt a 10l bowl with fish and a castle in it. It is just like keep people trapped in toilet. 2.did you see that arrow directing towards a pic of a plant? Look more closley(no offense) 3.I had an 40l square aquarium with 4 fishes(not goldfish-siamese fightfish or somethin like that, i dont know englis name of them), no live plants-just rocks and decorations. Most of time water was green, i had to change it once a week(all of it, yes i know it was stupid), and 2 of my fishes lived for about 2 months. They should have lived about 2 years, and guess why did they die? now i have a 60l aquarium with plants filters etc...water is crystal clear, fish seem happy and everythin looks nice. No chemicals used. Yes chemicals are bad. I admit it. You may think your fish are ok, but most of time thats a lie so...you cant ask them are they ok, can you? BTW-People, who work at fish stores usualy doesnt know a [cabbage] about fish or aquariums...at least in my country, they just want to sell sell sell :evil:
  7. For some reason i cant post quotes :ohnoes: , anyways... Anyways as you can see in this pic everything is re-producted etc., but if you take out plants from it...btw amonia is poisonous for fish. You should get plants...but goldfish would eat em, and that leaves a very bad secound option...chemicals. But i realy dont recomend using them, maybe you can change 1/3 of all aquariums water more often than once a week, and maybe get few applesnails-they will scrub of algae of your aquariums walls.
  8. Um...some things got me curious-how big is your fish tank (litres)...and if you will say, taht you have a fish bowl-i will suggest you to throw it out and get a normal aquarium...anyways Gold-fish isnt the best thing to keep in aquariums, since it eats plants, and everybody knows that you should have live plants in aquarium, othervise you will have to add a hell lot of chemicals (which is bad) to get a thing called "biological ballance", and about the lid...you should have one, with lamps in it, othervise you cannot grant aquarium proper lightning, and bad/wrong lightning=algae (if you have no idea what it is, its that green/brown "thing" on your aquariums walls, rocks, decorations etc.)...and maybe post a pic of your aquarium...since i think you have a few problems in it... Just a conclusion- you should have an aquarium lid with lightning, and always keep it on, since fish might jump out :uhh:
  9. well i sometimes drink some beer...maybe once or twice a month...it's hard to buy some lol. I dont smoke cigarettes, but few times a year me and my friends smoke waterpipe... Anyways i dont do drugs and i hope i wount start to smoke ocasionaly...no idea about drinkin tho
  10. i still cant understand what he wanted to say...something about a glitch or he got scammed?
  11. yes...i thought of that...i wonder what i can do with grown plant :twisted:
  12. Great guide! Did the quest...and now i have no idea what to do with that seed :evil:
  13. Lets see...my school well some guys sprayed peperspray all over school to days in a row... there usualy are some human-siced holes in walls...or just holes-its realy easy to break my schools walls.. oh and my last grade's math teacher...we had a lot fun with him-once in winter we took some snow from windowsills and started a snowball fight...in the classroom :twisted: Yes, he was angry, very very angry...when we started throwing snowballs at him. quite weird is that nobody got in any trouble. :shock:
  14. *takes a deep breath* well im i guess im first one to say that listen to hip hop and dress well...guess how? :notalk:
  15. Ledusskapis


    i thought it would be another photoshop manipulation, but this one realy looks real! :shock:
  16. for some reason you teleport few metres higher than ground... the gp is now mine!
  17. banned for talking about gernades...rockets ftw!
  18. fire a rocket at you. take melted chease parts.
  19. you go to f2p lumby noobs bite off your legs oh dear you're dead
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