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Everything posted by King_Peter18

  1. I'm not against making monsters harder. Just alienating lower levels from even attempting, I am against.
  2. The Visage is the basis of this argument. What else is so rare that costs a lot that the Black Dragons drop? Uh.. Just the fact that they failed to say what drop is so important got me thinking. 123Yourgone. Your insults make me feel much better about myself. :D Thank you for showing your high level arrogance. :mrgreen: If you were ranting about lower levels accessing an area that has a quest requirement to access, then I would be in full support. But, this area doesn't. So naturally, high levels don't have anymore right to be there than anyone else.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if it did. Lol. Gimmie your oil, oh, and your video game profits. Whahaha. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  4. Well some people do it. I'll use the term best used by Sly. Everything now days is unfair to high levels. They are there to have fun in a game they pay for. Since when is that not a reason? Maybe the all high and mighty high levels should spend a little bit of their game time helping those low levels train on monsters better suited to them. Or are we too superior for that?
  5. Since when is it a privilege? No where have I seen, that if you train your combat skills, that monster is yours to own. One of those people who believes I have the right to attack whatever I want? Well woop dee doo. Everyone can attack whatever they want. "Simply because you log onto a member server doesn't mean that you've been granted the right to kill whatever you want to." They PAY to have access to everything that is member. Therefore they have the privilege to kill it. There is none, because Runescape is a piece of sh^t game. :XD: Even the noob using wind strike is training. Just because they don't want to train at PC doesn't mean they can't train on other monsters. Go kill the Dragons in the wilderness. Hell, go kill your Skeletal Wyverns for your Visage. There is your slayer level.
  6. Congress are a bunch of *sses, they are trying to impose taxes on illegal trades. I compare congress to a bunch of lobotomized people in one area. How the hell can you tax illegal trade of copyrighted items? Thats like, congress saying "Hmm, I say we should tax the DVD pirates for every DVD they sell." instead of shutting them down. What fools. Now, Maple Story, and Silk road. Sure. You can tax their items.
  7. That guy just has a courtesy problem. He still HAS the RIGHT to be on that treadmill. Never, have I seen anywhere on the Runescape site or anywhere, that says if you are a high level, you automatically have the right to be able to have the monsters out in an open area where anyone can access without doing a quest. Please, show me a legitimate site that says you have that right. Pretty please? See above. Hypocrite. I'm being selfish for saying that HIGH LEVELS SHOULDN'T HAVE A TOP ADVANTAGE OVER EVERYONE ELSE OUT IN AREAS THAT DON'T HAVE ANY PREREQUISITES TO ACCESS? Thats pretty twisted stuff man.
  8. Still, your selfishness is loud and it sends out a terrible screeching sound. If you have a problem with people taking up space that they have every right to take, than go make a Runescape private server and screw around there. What requirement is there to attack a monster? None. How did you earn the right to attack a monster, and low levels don't have that right?
  9. You know what? I'm tired of people playing on the internet trying to have fun. You think people should have to play the game nonstop just to have fun and be challenged? Since you get that mad over someone trying to play a game just like you are, then you need to take dive into reality, and start playing games for entertainment. Not something to escape life. Thats what your post is telling me. A selfish post, a very selfish one indeed. So what if someone is attacking a monster? Wait until they are done, or switch worlds. Since you don't have the patience to wait, then I guess you should learn some.
  10. What combat system? Since when has a defense level make a difference? Since when has strength and attack made a difference in the "Combat System"? You'd be better off playing D@D the board game and defense actually means something. Runescape, is built on the combat system. That is the foundation. In order to revamp the foundation, a lot of things would have to go. Jagex, will not take the time to fix it. They have to do updates weekly. If not, than people get mad at them. Jagex is not run by its employees, but by its customers. Won't ever happen, yes it does need to be revamped. But don't ever hope it does. One question, how can "We" change the combat system? :XD:
  11. So, we can kill people on Runescape. We can steal from people on Runescape. So, shooing away a dog is more, vulgar than slaughtering a person? Wow...this is the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. What kind of signs are we sending kids who kill pixelized players? Who steal from pixelized players?
  12. Its possible they make certain skills available for training up unto 20/30. Just to give a small taste, then snatch it from them. Agility would be my top pick, along with fletching for a small demo. But other than that, I can't see anything else being a good demo skill.
  13. If it is a skill, then I have my doubts that it will be anything good. I mean, six months work on a skill? I thought hunter was unfinished. Lol My bet is that it is a mini-game. If it is a skill, and a good skill, then we can all be surprised. I wouldn't get my hopes up though, saw too many of my friends mad about the bracelet update.
  14. I think the combat triangle as a whole is messed up. The problem is, with every update Jagex releases, they fail to see what else that update has an affect on. Take the wilderness ditch, new weapons, and the new teleports. The air balloons are now not even needed. So, why did they make them? Might as well make a button that gives you everything, lol. If they would just think about how their updates affect everything else, maybe we wouldn't be in this position today.
  15. Aye Cap'n! *Click* *Click* *Click* Runescape takes tolerance, and a good internet connection, it doesn't need reaction time, or anything like that. Would those happen to be the same people in this "Fine community" that think luring is a good thing? You must've missed the rant threatening to sue Jagex for his account getting hacked. WoW cannot be compared to Runescape. Comparing an Installable game, to a browser game is like comparing an olive to a watermelon, you can't. Yeah, this topic is a flame war waiting to happen. G'bye ladies and gents.
  16. I don't think it should be reportable. I think that the spamming is already reportable, because its harrasment, so offensive language is what it should/could be reportable under.
  17. I concur, the only reason that we have so many warnings, are because of how much the community has declined in ethical values, moral values and the like. Runescape classic didn't have people that would think up ways to scam someone out of their items. At least I haven't heard that, now days, with people who do that sort of stuff, there are more warnings. Most of the things that occur in-game are because of the way the community has devolved. If it hadn't, then we wouldn't have the ditch. Runescape will still be a thriving MMORPG, except the fact that good people won't be playing it. Because they are driven out by the very people Jagex get payed by. The community is impossible to control now, even if Jagex were to warn players, it has already devolved into something ravenous. You'd probably find more love in a bad spot of town then in Runescape.
  18. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: Ok, you can continue to split hairs. The one second doesn't matter at all. See my previous post, or shall I dumb it down to your comprehension level?
  19. Same as you. Except I also burned the bridges making everyone mad.
  20. Just to clear up future arguments..
  21. The one second delay means nothing when you enter the abyss. Once you enter the abyss, you are randomly transported near any entrance to the center. Then depending on what entrance to the center you want to go to, you must find it. Then you must attempt to enter it. Depending on your luck. It could take 30+ seconds. Once you enter the middle, you must find the nature gate etc. Therefore making that one second non visible and non affective. As with the luring, do you folks know what Enron is? Ken Lay, etc.? Everyone knows the stock market is a dangerous place, but they still invest their money there. When Ken Lay and his company presidents and etc. Scammed all their investors out of their money, they were punished. So what you people are saying is that they shouldn't have been punished because people know the risks? We should allow people to steal like that? Sly, there is your real life example of something that is like luring in real life, and the people who caused it, punished. End.
  22. In no other skill you can get so much xp by playing so short periods. In 20mins/day you can get over 250k xp. It's slow if you think it the same way as other skills. For my 8m (ok 40k short) farming xp I've spend less time on working that skill for example I've done with my 2m rc xp. I get what you mean. Thank you for correcting me. Continue with all this crap about the skill now being so uber hard. Thats what is supposed to be in an MMORPG. Hard stuff. Really hard stuff, go ahead on and rant about this. I don't care anymore lol. Not my problem anymore. =p
  23. I quit because they are making things way to easy. Ooh you accuse my credibility because I don't have high stats, you don't think I've mass rune crafted with the abyss before? Gee, what a total bottomless accusation. Your post only further proves my point. All I see are players saying stop making things easier for newbies, and when they make something harder for you, you rant about it. I've RC'd in the abyss, this update wouldn't have made a difference in the time I use. So your telling me Farming isn't slow? If the sign was so massive, they would have seen it. They did it to stop the teleport bug. Where you can be dragged into level 5 wilderness without the sign popping up. Thank you very much, but I believe they just fixed a bug. They are trying to improve the community. At least be grateful for that. Your only ranting about this because you care about how long it takes you to get your gold. If you are ranting about how much longer it would take to train the skill, have a good step back and discover what an MMORPG is please.
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