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Everything posted by vmser

  1. Lol no kidding, When I read the topic i was like 'erm?' :lol: Even I did that :oops:
  2. Well, for phonecalls: Mauro Picotto - Komodo SMS: The Verve - Bittersweet symphony
  3. Splitting the DNA Hybrid Theory Reanimation Meteora Live in Texas And now Collision Course, with Jay-Z. I count 6 there. Unless the first one doesn't count in somehow. I got all 6. Well, only on my harddrive :P But I doubt many here have actually heard the first one. Not that it's that great, it's like an early version of later albums. But one of the songs I like best is not by themselves, but Mike Shinoda remixed it, Enjoy The Silence (by Depeche Mode originally I believe).
  4. Neither. Some songs are different styles, but I wouldn't put the band in any of the suggestions you made
  5. if he's not 98 prayer yet: 125. Once he reaches is, hell be 126. On topic: I've seen most of the top players, and I know most of them.
  6. In real life, there's mass production and relatively small amounts being bought at once. In RS, people want to skip the time-taking part of getting resources in small amounts.. Large demands, but limited offers... So paying a bit more, but waste less time to get them, could even out, but be less boring. And there's enough gp around to make it possible...
  7. Spin really fast, and the effect like with a helicopter will tele you away :D
  8. i'm srry i dont wanna mess up ur post but.... omg a belgium thats the best poster w00000000t ik ben ook belg kdagt ni da belge dees forum gebruikten alleen maar keeskoppen ok srry for the messie talk Look under usergroups.. Find Dutch Angels :D Join it. If it doesn't show up there, pm Tsai. @Daan: I havent seen her in ages either.
  9. Itsy bitsy Lameclod Those are the first 2 that pop into my mind. And I think Andyawz is close to 30.
  10. http://www.geocities.com/vmserspace/Playlist.html
  11. They shouldnt have herblore. I wouldnt mind them having the pots though... Itd open up a whole new market for low level potions...
  12. AMD athlon K6-2, 488 mhz 13 gb hd 128 mb sdram.
  13. A belgian nr 1 in UK charts? :shock:
  14. Hmm.. Dogville - I really didn't like the movie. So, in my opinion, it wasn't good. I can understand some people like it, but its soooooooo not my thing. The village - The whole thing makes little to no sence. The storylines are err... too weird. Spiderman 2 - Part one was good. Part 2 was the unneeded sequal. Tries to rely on special effects, but even fails there.
  15. vmser


    I can't stand heat, but I've told myself I have to try it atleast once.
  16. Referal link in your sig? :?
  17. PC: Starcraft + Broodwar expansion AOE II + Conquerors expansion Need for Speed underground Medal of honor: Allied Assault Unreal Tournament Sega (master system) Casino Games Psycho Fox Alex the kid Mickey mouse Captain Silver Gameboy (and nintendo games) Pokemon red/blue/yellow/gold/silver/saphire/ruby Mario Kart (GB Advance) Think that's about it.
  18. The magical legend of the leprechauns. Seriously.
  19. I can't see the future yet. That's what makes it the future, I guess.
  20. Eyes wide shut. Nicole Kidman in both :D
  21. Thats a thing that actually would make sence to be f2p..
  22. Jiminua: Goods for sale and trade, or something like that. :D
  23. Hmm.. The pants look weird. A bit out of place if you ask me..
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