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Everything posted by Nadril

  1. The worst is one anime I watched was in english and subbed...to english. I have no idea how the [bleep] it happened and I couldn't turn subs off haha. They would say one thing and sub would be another.
  2. It is true. For the PC version only though. And my PC passes the recommended specs for BF3 which means it will run on all high at least. I haven't OC'd it yet so it should be able to push it more.
  3. Thought they said if you pre-order on origin (PC) you get access on the 27th as well.
  4. MMM is 100% the best strat vs Toss. Just make sure to have ghosts. Mech vs Zerg (marine/tank/helion with late game thor) and mech vs Terran is best. Helions are pretty ok units I heard.
  5. Nadril


    I really like 5 and 6. That 5th one could actually make a pretty sick wallpaper. The rest of them I'm not big on really to be honest.
  6. Had a massive loss streak today. I tilted really hard and left a bunch of PvP's in a row. Fell from like Rank 2 to rank 14. Clawing my way back up though. The good thing is that every time I fall I end up getting further ahead. Last time I did this I had just faced my first masters and than had a big loss streak. This time I got back and was facing a ton of masters until I fell down a bit. Shouldn't be too hard to get my MMR/rank back up. Kind of the downfall I guess to how I play lol. I rarely just go win/lose/win/lose... its more like win/win/win/win x5 than lose/lose/lose/lose x5 and repeat. I find I pretty much crush a certain bracket of players , get really high up, get crushed by masters, tilt and fall. Also I have a clear plan in all 3 matchups now. PvT PvP PvZ Just sticking with these 3 builds and not deviating until I get masters. (Unless I see a really good opportunity for something). My goal has still been get masters by the end of Season 3... and I think I'm on track to do that. I just really need to work on a few small things and I think I can win vs them.
  7. Nadril


    Itallian herb and cheese is where its at. Only reason I go to subway.
  8. Ugh, literally every masters player I've played so far has been a zerg. Wtf.
  9. I use nearlyfreespeech personally. Really nice if it's going to be a site with a small amount of traffic on it. You pretty much just pay based off of how much bandwidth you use.
  10. Zerglings get destroyed by the tanks/hellions and infestors do well but you need too many of them to do all thors to the point that if I lose the initial attack I can't get enough back out to help. Infestor/roach or infestor/roach/brood should absolutely crush any mech play. No need for zerglings at all. It's a counterable build, certainly. However it takes thought and much like the 111 it is actually very adaptive. Banshee centric builds you can scout and just counter with more stalkers (stalkers+guardian shield will destroy banshees) and you will always have an obs anyways from your robo. ghost/marine fast +1 weapons off of a FE is honestly the only way I think you can counter this build well. 4 gate is super easy timing, how are you failing it? 12 gate 14 gas 15 pylon core as gate finishes zealot after core stalker as core finishes warpgate research + chrono cut probes @20 probes (24 supply) 3 extra gates when you have the money to do it (they line up perfectly with the warpgate if you do it right). @24 proxy pylon somewhere near their base and head out with stalker/zealot Than just place 2 pylons if you can near their ramp so that you can warp up it if they are defending with a sentry. Easy.
  11. I'd figure as an old protoss player you'd have switched to zerg because of infestors. Get them. Always. There is no reason not to. Against mass thor just NP all the thors.
  12. Meet the Protoss's "1/1/1" style of build It's a gateway immortal push that has a lot of the qualities of the 111 build. It's really really difficult to counter (much like the 111) and is fairly easy to pull off. You pretty much get 5 immortals, a ton of sentries and zealots and then push. it can hold off a 1/1/1, pretty much any all-in the terran can throw at you and will straight up kill any kind of fast expand unless the Terran reacts corectly. People are guessing that the correct response is a marine/ghost counter but that is very rare to see in its self. I've been doing it on the ladder now after a bunch of losses against 1 base terran scum and damn it feels good. It also demolishes bunkers and buildings... and will only get better next patch.
  13. Yeah I didn't start seeing 111 a bunch until like high diamond. Than it's just Terran's abusing the [bleep] out of it lol. I'm starting to play a new, aggressive style of protoss against zerg. So far it's a lot of fun and now that I have it down a bit I've won 2 matches with it. Pretty much I start off with like a 5-6 zealot +1 weapon attack off of a forge FE. I've been able to actually kill the zerg's fast third pretty easily because they absolutely do not expect it. 5 +1 zealots can do work to a hatch and if they try and send in lings the zealots really tear them apart. After that you transition into warp prism play with either zealot drops or storm drops. I've done both and they are pretty effective. I still don't have the best drops (esp last game where he had mutas out) but it's a super awesome playstyle for keeping the zerg on his toes. I've also started to do a void ray transition if I see the zerg going for mass brood. It's worked out well (although I ended up losing the game I did it in due to some really stupid reason, unrelated to the tech switch)
  14. Heh, steam trading is available. Me and Elk were messing around with it, I traded him EP1 for some random ass TF2 item rofl.
  15. Heh you haven't seen cheese until you've seen all of the tryhards trying to get to masters with it. In other words I'm probably switching race to Terran or Zerg (haven't decided yet). It's been a longtime coming and I just don't even feel like I am enjoying my protoss games anymore. Even the games I win I feel go on for way too long. And 4v4 is just sit in a corner and mass T3 units for 20 minutes. I think. I've never played 3v3 or 4v4. That's right. Typically it can mean a lot of things. The build I am talking about is an all in that uses all of those production buildings. They get marine/tank/banshee/raven off of 1 base and hit a really nasty timing with it. What goes down is that if you've expanded at all (and it isn't a 1 gate expand)... you lose. If you Don't have the perfect unit mixture... you lose. If you don't have either a robo with immortals or a starport for void/phoenix... you lose. And if you don't have absolutely perfect gosu control... you lose. The sad thing is I'm not even exaggerating it. Hell if you are on 1 base the Terran will just contain you and win. The only way to really win is a 1 gate expand which opens you up to 3 rax all-in.
  16. ... People in diamond are [developmentally delayed]ed. I 3 gate expanded and managed to hold off an win against a terran who did a 1/1/1 all-in. (scouted it and threw down a stargate, pumped out voids) He than proceeds to cry about how PROTOSS is imbalanced... all while doing the most imbalanced build in the entire game. I'm so confused. So many of these people seem to have gotten this far purely by using all-in builds :S.
  17. [bleep] lol, I lost a game against MaximusBlack today on his stream haha.
  18. Nadril


    Better hope its not a class that drops people if they don't show up for the first day.
  19. With that CPU and only 2GB of ram I doubt you're going to be playing BF3 or Skyrim at all on that machine.. no matter what the graphics card is. I'm kind of amazed you can't run Runescape as is with that thing. Honestly upgrading more than that on just the video card is kind of a waste of money.
  20. ^ I lost power, although it was because of something stupid. (transformer blew out or w/e, hopefully fixed today). It wasn't bad though... just ruined my weekend because I had nothing to do.
  21. MLG is still running strong lol. (Right in Raleigh)
  22. I'm near D.C, kind of hoping we don't get hit too hard here. If we do I just hope my [bleep]ing car is fine.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A2mWVExErA&feature=related Every now and then I just feel like listening to it. One of the best black metal songs ever done.
  24. Once I get my computer upgraded I might get BC2 for the PC. It's only 20$ and it would be fun to try out. Actually had a bit of fun with it. It's a lot different at 80 fps maxed than 20fps medium lol.
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