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Everything posted by Nadril

  1. Nadril


    ^ How did you do in astro-physics?
  2. Nadril

    Wii U

    I kind of posted my thoughts in the E3 thread about what I think. Pretty much I feel like it is going to come down to the exclusive titles. A lot of older gamers just aren't into more Mario/Zelda games. (Despite how good they may be they are still very similar to what I was playing years and years ago). A few strong exclusive titles for the system along the lines of a "gears of war" or "uncharted" would help a ton. That and seeing how developers take advantage of the controller. I will say that I am fully behind the controller, I think its a good idea. On GiantBomb they interviewed Ken Levine (lead at Irational games [bioshock]) and he said that he liked that it did not sacrifice the core controls. Oh and I want to say that arguing about tech specs at this point is kind of, well, pointless. Nintendo really hasn't gone and said how powerful the system will be. Obviously it will be less powerful than whatever the 360/PS3 successor is (simply due to when it is coming out) but we need to consider its power compared to the 360/PS3. If it is the same/similiar than the Wii U would run into one of the problems the Wii did. If it is more powerful it might make it fine. What I'm thinking of right now is the Wii U timing is almost like the Dreamcast's timing back in the day. When it first came out it dominated what was currently on the market but than the PS2 came and had stronger specs. e: at this point though I really think that the difference in graphical power isn't as big as it used to be. Like the most visually intense games we have is BF3 which looks significantly better on the PC than console. Still thought its not the HUGE leap that one would think (like Wii vs 360/PS3)
  3. Nadril

    E3 2011

    Are you really going to try and defend 'The Conduit' series as being anything but abysmal? I mean I'd really like your rationale for that. I think you should be the one to explain. I mean I could almost see a defense for the 1st (it wasn't good but still) but the 2nd is just pure garbage, even by a Wii FPS benchmark.
  4. Nadril

    E3 2011

    lmao. All opinions void, sorry.
  5. Nadril

    E3 2011

    And 360/PS3 are playing 'catch up' with the PC. Just because something is more powerful doesn't mean it'll be chosen or preferred. That being said again its going to come down to the games. Arguing about tech specs at this point is kind of pointless because Nintendo hasn't even begun to talk about them.
  6. So why did they show an on rails section for ME3?
  7. Thats what I don't get about the 'elite' bs. Most of these people who are buying MW3 just want "that new CoD game where you shoot dudes" and just want to level up, get new guns and play. I don't think people care about anything in depth with MW3. Anyways I saw the video footage at E3 and, well, it looks like MW. Sadly people are totally cool with buying the same game they've already bought 3 or 4 times at least. A new 5 hour campaign, 8 new maps and more levels and you've got a new CoD game!
  8. Nadril

    E3 2011

    Right. And I do think that comes on the developers more so than Nintendo. Also from what I've heard holding the Wii U controller isn't that bad apparently.
  9. Nadril

    E3 2011

    I'm still waiting to see how this stuff holds up once it is released. If the console only just has the power of the current gen systems (who are by now 6 years or so old) than aside from cool mechanics it will still have the same issue the Wii had. The other thing is that Nintendo needs to get some reasons for these core gamers to buy their consoles. Mario, Zelda, that stuff is great. However where is the reasoning to buy the Wii U? Where is the new, exclusive title that doesn't feature a Nintendo character we've known for 20 years? I mean for me, as a primarily PC gamer, the things that sell me on a console are what exclusives it offers me. If it's multi platform, cool, I'll play it on PC. I feel like a lot of people feel the same way about their system of choice. However what got me into buying the PS3 was exclusives such as Uncharted 2. If that was not the case I would have absolutely no reason to own that console as, at the time, I already had a PC and a 360. The Wii U is going to need to give that reason. Simply saying that it has a lot of ports on it doesn't really mean much. The issue with the Gamecube, going way back, is it didn't have a ton of really quality hardcore exclusives. Sure it might get the multi platform stuff but you compare the exclusives on Gamecube to the Xbox or the PS2 and it is no comparison. Sure the Gamecube had mario, metroid, zelda.... but how much is that still going to sell a console to the people who have played that kind of game 6 times before? As far as the "gimicky" controller goes I think it is interesting. I really do think that having two screens seems like it would be really neat and useful. When the DS was announced I wrote it off as a gimmick. I saw no reason for 2 screens. However the DS has done great, interesting things with 2 screens. I feel like the Wii U could possibly do that without necessarily sacrificing the core experience. To me a gimmick is something like Kinect. This is something that doesn't add into your core experience at all. This is literally a gimmick and the style of games you can play on the kinect is severely limited to the hardware. Even the Wii controller limited certain gameplay, to an extent. The new Wii U controller seems more like it can help just add a little extra to a core experience. An inventory system on the bottom screen for an RPG. A shot of the map or leaderboard for an FPS. I think that stuff is legitimately cool. Of course none of that matters one bit if the core games don't deliver. Nintendo has been historically bad at controlling exclusive games outside of their own projects. If they can get some real stuff behind the system I could see myself getting it.
  10. Nadril

    E3 2011

    Sony's was kind of boring. Nothing new and exciting announced that we already didn't know. There wasn't any good surprises this year.
  11. Nadril

    E3 2011

    Yeah I want to know how it is to actually hold that controller. The idea seems neat enough, having a second screen for inventory or something is cool. I just don't know how comfortable that controller would be as a , you know, controller. I at least got to give it to Nintendo for trying something new.
  12. Anything really. I don't try and limit myself to certain genres and evaluate stuff on a artist by artist basis. I haven't really found anything much (yet) that I like from Country, however. All these other genres though there is stuff I like from though.
  13. Nadril


    A guy just told me to "get the cancer" because I beat him in SC2. (krijg kanker) Lol.
  14. Nadril

    E3 2011

    Blizzard not being there is expected. They always announce stuff at Blizzcon.
  15. Nadril

    E3 2011

    In all honesty I'm a lot more interested on what Sony and Microsoft have up their sleeves to announce to try and 'beat' the new Nintendo console announcement. I mean Sony has NGP but Microsoft? Will be interesting.
  16. What's with them using the term 'macroing'. It's annoying and I doubt any of these bots are just simply running macros. Whatever, they aren't going to do [cabbage] about it. It's a f2p game, no matter what they try and do there will be gold farmers. Nice to see that even after 6 years they still have the same mentality of trying to do anything to stop the unstoppable.
  17. Two things. 1) Gold farmers usually have someone in front of a bot monitoring it in case a moderator or someone tries to talk with them. (Some bots even have a warning sound, at least in Aion they did. That way even windowed down it would play a sound if a moderator was nearby or whispered you). You can just run a bot unattended but depending on how big security is in a game depends if that is possible. In Aion I was able to leave it on 24/7 because the moderators obviously didn't give a [cabbage]. It might be a bit different in Runescape, I don't know. 2) I would much rather be forced to bang rocks all day rather than have to sit and watch/play Runescape. Also I didn't read the article so I don't have much of an opinion about this. China is just generally [bleep]ed up although I find it odd that they would use government prisoners as gold farmers as I thought that was a more private thing. (And that the government wanted to ban it)
  18. Probably 32 maps. 10 of those will be available on launch and then 22 others on disk locked for DLC. In all seriousness though it looks like a MW game. Yawn.
  19. My grandparents live in Joplin. Thankfully the tornado barely missed their house and they are all right. Still a really scary thought. Weather has just been out of control recently.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV3AKjYvL1Q
  21. http://soundcloud.com/srlaughery/dont-stop-or-well-die-once-in-awhile
  22. Most of his songs aren't near as morbid. That one is though. Amazing artist I have to say.
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