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Everything posted by Craiglowery

  1. 1. Infest 2. Operation Ivy 3. AFI 4. Tragedy 5. Modern Life Is War
  2. Mitch Hedburg, Richard Pryor, George Lopez, Kevin James, Dave Chapelle, Ralphie May, Eddie Murphy, and Don Rickles are all my favorites.
  3. Lately ive really been into Seinfeld, but the show I cant get enough of is Deadliest Catch. Its about king crab fisherman and its on Discovery Channel.
  4. I bought Dead Rising and Oblivion today. Both are excellent games but I hate the DR save system. I also ordered World In Conflict for pc so I should have it in a couple days.
  5. Im not gonna lie I wanted to cry during Click.
  6. The only fireworks allowed in California are crap so usually a couple weeks before 4th of July the guys in the family take a trip to Las Vegas to pick up roman candles, mortars, firecrackers, etc.
  7. Today I picked up Operation Ivy - Energy reissue. Such a great album and so fun to listen to.
  8. Any band that has distorted guitar will immediately fall under the "rock" category.
  9. I hate the phone thing and people who talk and joke around in the theatre. If people get too loud or distracting, I just ask a staff member to ask the person to leave.
  10. Is it even out yet? I got the pro 360 so it came with Forza and Marvel Alliance and I also got COD 4 for the 360 and Mario Party for DS.
  11. Just registered my name but I will have live up by next week, just waiting for my wireless adapter to come in. gamertag: craiglowery
  12. I got it today as a gift and I wasnt too impressed. Its good if you want to keep busy but the fun runs out as soon as you finish a board. Minigame controls are horrible, and some minigames are just not fun. I say its worth a rent.
  13. Cities On Flame With Rock and Roll - Blue Oyster Cult Such an awesome riff.
  14. Craiglowery

    Daft Punk

    Any AFI show (even though ive seen them 10+ times)
  15. Merry Christmas everyone! I got a video iPod, a couple games for ds and 360, sweater, watch, a couple tshirts, some cash, and a gift card to outback. :D
  16. I played it today for the first time and im impressed. I really loved TF2 and Portal. Im gonna go buy it for 360 after christmas.
  17. Craiglowery

    Daft Punk

    Is that really the last pyramid show? I love Daft Punk. I got to see them at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. 2nd greatest show ive ever been to in my life. The energy was amazing and so much dancing!
  18. These tricks made my day. :D Merry Christmas Trapical!!!
  19. I enjoy some of their stuff but they get boring fast.
  20. Such a great movie. Johnny Depp was excellent as always and it was one of my favorite movies of the year.
  21. Read the book and see if you like the ending.
  22. Do many people still play online?
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