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Everything posted by Craiglowery

  1. Im thinking of seeing it tonight but ill probably end up seeing it tomorrow.
  2. I bought a gorilla suit today for only $40!!! Anyone got any idea's on how to have some real fun with a gorilla suit? I kinda want to go to a toy store and run around scaring kids but I want something more daring and funnier.
  3. It will usually depend on if the robber is coming toward you or if he is running. If he is coming toward you, than its your right to defend yourself, but if he is running from you and you still want him to pay for whatever it is that he has done than you will most likely get charged for the hurting him.
  4. I gotta try that one. A couple days ago I went to the bank and got $5 in pennies than later that day I went to the mall with a bucket full of the pennies and I ran through the mall and tripped and the pennies scattered everywhere and I cursed my heart out and everyone started freaking out and even some people started taking some pennies. I also love to go to Abercrombie or any store that has music playing loudly and dance around till I get asked to leave. I used to get a little water gun and I would shoot people with water in their crotch area. There was this hat store and they had signs all over the place that said dont touch the hats or dont take pictures with the hats, so I would run in the store and wear a hat, take a picture with it, put the hat back and run. At this record store they were selling 7ft cardboard cut-outs of Scarface for only $5 each so me and a couple buddies put in cash and bought 20 of the cut-outs, then we set them up in random places at the mall and proceded to make out with them, charge for pictures, dance with them in Abercrombie, etc. I would buy stinkbombs then just drop them in different stores and watch peoples reactions when they would smell them. I superglue quarters to the ground and watch people try to pick them up. So yea I do alot of stupid stuff at the mall.[/hide] So what you're trying to say is you're a 13 year old [puncture] right? Why do you always bash on me? You dont see me going in other topics, finding a post of yours that I find stupid and calling you a douche do you?
  5. I used to prank call random people and say "what do you want?", then a whole conversation would stem from that. I also used to mess with people on cb radio and some walkie talkies that I have, but im kinda scared to now because someone could easily find my house when im prankin on people with walkie talkies.
  6. I gotta try that one. A couple days ago I went to the bank and got $5 in pennies than later that day I went to the mall with a bucket full of the pennies and I ran through the mall and tripped and the pennies scattered everywhere and I cursed my heart out and everyone started freaking out and even some people started taking some pennies. I also love to go to Abercrombie or any store that has music playing loudly and dance around till I get asked to leave. I used to get a little water gun and I would shoot people with water in their crotch area. There was this hat store and they had signs all over the place that said dont touch the hats or dont take pictures with the hats, so I would run in the store and wear a hat, take a picture with it, put the hat back and run. At this record store they were selling 7ft cardboard cut-outs of Scarface for only $5 each so me and a couple buddies put in cash and bought 20 of the cut-outs, then we set them up in random places at the mall and proceded to make out with them, charge for pictures, dance with them in Abercrombie, etc. I would buy stinkbombs then just drop them in different stores and watch peoples reactions when they would smell them. I superglue quarters to the ground and watch people try to pick them up. So yea I do alot of stupid stuff at the mall. Fun with Scarface
  7. A couple weeks ago I bought a book on every single Chuck Norris fact known to man.
  8. I was 13 and it was with one of my best friends. She asked me to the Sadie Hawkins dance then during the dance she kissed me. It came out of nowhere and it wasnt as great as I hoped but a kiss is a kiss.
  9. Im gonna break out my n64 and finish Banjo-Tooie and maybe run through Oblivion again.
  10. This is taking it too far. Everyone says things that they dont mean but come on you dont even see the guy who made a threat to you and you get him thrown in jail? Well I hope the guy who reported him is happy.
  11. I once ate at McDonalds and I had a quarter pounder and the meat didnt taste too good so I asked for another one and the lady at the counter said no. I asked her why I couldnt just have another and she said "oh if I did that for you then I would have to do it for everyone who asks." It pissed me off because its not like she owns the restaurant and its not like she will lose money if she gives me 1 burger out of millions sold everyday. Another time I ordered 2 Big Macs, a large fries and a large coke and the order came out to around $30. I asked her to ring it up again and it came up to around $6. So yea I really dont bother with fast food anymore.
  12. Since I decided to quit WOW, I was thinking of getting Warcraft 3. I never played it before so I was wondering if anyone has played it and has any good things or bad things to say about it. Thanks again!
  13. The only time I ever cheated in my life was last year in AP World History. My friend stole a copy of the test with all the right answers so we wrote all the answers on a notecard and I hid my card up in my sleve and I cheated. I felt so bad after the test but I didnt have the guts to confess.
  14. Rage Against The Machine - Freedom Led Zeppelin - Black Dog AFI - Dancing Through Sunday Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water RHCP - Under The Bridge Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower
  15. I was short on cash so I went around to outlets and to Steve & Berrys and bought all my gifts.
  16. Tom Morello inspired me to start learning how to play guitar. Minor Threat inspired me to never drink, smoke, or do drugs. Turing Point always makes me wanna sing and go crazy.
  17. Pizza, fried or grilled chicken, steak(medium rare), pasta, pork or chicken adobo, any mexican food.
  18. I had a dream that I was in my front yard playing with my cousin when this car came and hit him and he got pinned in between 2 cars kinda like in the movie Signs. My family was crying and trying to help him and I just stood there and watched. When I woke up I was sweating and my heart was pounding.
  19. I saw it today and it was great. It was really well shot and the ending suprised the hell outta me.
  20. Awesome song! The solo's were pretty good and the song isnt half bad either. Keep up the good work!
  21. I only cared for Revolutions Per Minute and Unraveling the other 2 albums just werent as good.
  22. I know it may be a little too early, but I was wondering how everybody's year went. Mine was great. I had my first real girlfriend, I got really awesome grades, I got to see AFI 6 times, I got my license finally and my first car, and I had an awesome birthday. I did have some bad times though, I got arrested, I almost got beat down by some homeless guy on the subway, someone stole $50 from my wallet at the gym, and I lost a really good friend. So how was your year?
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