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Everything posted by Craiglowery

  1. Craiglowery


    How can playing on a computer all day be better for you than watching tv? I dont know too much about tv's but I really do love my plasma. Ive had it for around a year and I havent had any problems yet. I think my tv has 1080i and my HD channels look beautiful on the plasma. If you were looking for a tv to play a ps3 on, I wouldnt recommend a plasma or projection(not too sure about lcd) because images from the games can be burned into the screen. My advice would be to go down to the local electronics shop and ask a professional about any questions you have and ask him about what are the most trusted brands and all that jazz. Here's a link on HD DVD and Blu-Ray.
  2. Too weak for my taste, and they just dont sound that good. If you want something brutal, listen to Insect Warfare or Unholy Grave.
  3. Wrong forum and yes I plan on seeing it.
  4. Nadril for some reason I pictured you as 6'5 250 lbs of pure muscle who would kick my arse if I told anyone he used to play runescape. Nice book btw. :thumbsup:
  5. I was in line and this redneck guy in front of me complained about how long the person at the register was taking and then out of nowhere he said "look at all these women looking at me like im not a man, like I dont watch football."
  6. Good round. You owned me on every course. :(
  7. Anyone wanna play some Mario Kart in the next couple hours?
  8. Awesome review!! I love Brand New. I was never a fan of their 1st album but when Deja Entendu came out I really started getting into them, then Devil and God came out and I was hooked.
  9. I think the Steelers should put up a good fight but the Patriots will come out in the end.
  10. Not bad for the first version. If the link is permitted, I would love to try it out, or you can pm me the link.
  11. Way back im 2nd grade. This picture looks totally rad.
  12. The Despair Faction(AFI official message boards) - Not too strict but you cant talk about anything relating to the band's personal lives and appearances. I love that board because everyone is really friendly and I know most of the people on the board irl, plus ive met some of my best friends there. I still prefer tip.it though. :)
  13. I overheard some lady at the local record store going on about how great this album is and how much she loves the cover and how she is gonna get a poster made out of it.
  14. I love that song he does with Wyclef and Lil Wayne. Smack That is pretty good too.
  15. The first 2 fights were crap but the 3rd fight is turning out ok. Im going for Hatton tonight.
  16. I got killed by tip it!!! It was still a good fight and it looks like tip it is winning.
  17. How would I find my friend code for Diamond? Do I go to the place where I can battle via wfc?
  18. Good: I Found out that I got a 92% on my Huck Finn/Romanticism/Colonialism/Edgar Allen Poe test Bad: I found out that I have to take my gf to and from school. (Not too bad because her parents are paying for gas but I live 30 min from her and she lives 20 min from school so waking up extra early and driving sucks)
  19. I could never live without music or my guitar. I would go crazy without them.
  20. DS Name: Patrick Mario Kart: 4639-7469-7526 Animal Crossing: 2191-6162-6752 Castlevania Portrait of Ruin: 4296-1391-2950 Online At: Weekends and weekdays, usually around 8:00pm-11:00pm PST
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