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Everything posted by ajk822

  1. Yeah i think i might camp out in front of the pet shop with all my eggs. Fingers crossed for release tomorrow. Specially since i may have the day off from school cause of snow. top 100 summoning here i come. 100th post :)
  2. Now not only are you going to be massively teamed by one itemers but also buy whatever they can summon. YAY!!(sarcasm)
  3. Old way. I mean seriously who didnt love getting together a group of friends to go out into wildy, then getting pwned and swapping worlds. Those where the days, never to come back again.
  4. I was re-reading the Grand Exchange Developement Diary and as i read i found an odd sentence somewhere along the lines of this. "With this new update players will now be able to spend less time in banks and more time questing, or pking in the wilderness" This sentence just makes me wonder how long they planned the wilderness update for.
  5. Omg will u people get it frekin right for once. there will NOT be a life rune. Many many people need to really read the Developement Diary's
  6. wow that is pretty dang cool. Watch the vids while u can.
  7. Ok no need for any quests as long as u can get into the city without sceptre. for equipment it really doesnt matter at all, long as u can run for a while. Use sceptre to get into pyramid and then i use dueling rings, but u can use glory or really anything. Ok then u need 1 super anti(i use antidote+mix) and 3 sharks. Works beautifully for me.
  8. Very good point on the not having a monopoly on items thing. It is something i hadn't considered. I still think that in some way the skill wasnt completely ready for release at this point. Idk, but thats just the way jagex has been rubbing me lately.
  9. True, i still think that it has to do with the controversial updates in some form. I mean they wouldnt make it a month in between if it was just so the game wouldnt lag.
  10. Now it is clear that jagex has been working one summoning for quite a while. In the new development diary they say that the update will be an initial one, and then a secondary one. This makes me wonder if they pushed up the release as early as they could to make as many members as they could stay. I mean what other skill had only half of its options when it first came out. Your thoughts EDIT: With the February BTS my point is proven. On the forums when asked about the secondary release they stated that they needed more time to develop and test it. I was completely correct in the fact that Jagex pushed up the release to save as many members as they could. It had little if anything to do with the lag that could be created due to downloading the information. If that was the case the second half would be released on time.
  11. No the math goes like this. If u get 15k xp for most of the xp u need to get to 91 itll take u 450 or so trips. then if u get 20k xp per trip at 91(can be alot higher) then you need 325 trips from 91-99. Soo 775 trips/11per hour= 70.5 hrs which can easily be done in 3/4 weeks. Now right there is ur reason to to Pyramid Plunder.
  12. Yeah but honestly what does a temp mute do. Exactly
  13. ok start at ur 2nd highest room. Ur inventory should be 1 super anti(i like super anti mix) and 3 sharks. U should be fine.
  14. what glitches could occur with summoning. I'll start with the obvious one. Major lag causes all sorts of things to mess up. Possibly causing another massacre or a whole multitude of other things.
  15. Yeah but again i say what power does a player mod have. Just go ask one. Its next to nothing.
  16. Could it be true. I for one think so. Or at least 48 hrs
  17. it will NOT BE TO HUNTER AS SMITHING IS TO MINING. If you are going to make a thread make sure to READ the Development Diary. PLEASE
  18. Completely agree. I remember the one day walking all the way from Lumby to Fally. At the time i was like omg im an explorer.
  19. I must say def noob as well. I loved when duel tornies came out and id face 90 somes with low def and id win. and im not even that high of defence.
  20. Any kind of money sink. Ughh construction ticks me off sooooo much. They say they dont want money to matter but skills. Problem is that u cant skill without money for some of em.
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