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Everything posted by Carl

  1. I'd presume only the people who we are better off without in the community would leave. Everyone else still hasn't gotten through the vast amount of content available for them. Yeah, they'll slowly grow bored but it will be nothing over night. People that QQ about every update and continue to play will thankfully go, I'm sure. Or, would they?
  2. Indeed, as mentioned above it was a jail. Before you could go in it, now you can not. It looks pretty, though.
  3. Being a customer and purchasing a product from a company and pointing out its flaws is one thing. You wearing that companies logo which there are several thousand others wearing, I'm sure, and telling others essentially to vote for a different product is a completely different story. Not only are you making your 'team' of logo-wearing volunteers look bad, but your running down the company itself. It would be different if you weren't volunteering for them and had a 'team' of people who are of the same status as you. This wasn't a constructive video, providing opinions on how it can be stopped or detailing the positives.
  4. http://www.dust514.com/en/news/article/2041/tools-of-the-trade http://www.examiner.com/video-game-news-in-national/gamescom-2011-dust-514-fact-sheet-and-screens
  5. I've no sense of real life experiences when it comes to volunteering? Such poor judgement. Please show me how volunteering as a Player Moderator; having a 'crown' and abilities regular users don't have (The use of a mute for players breaking rules) is the same as many real life positions. Especially where you're in a community where you can be interacting with hundreds of people at the same time, who all recognise your position. If you want to criticise those whom you're volunteering with, you won't be wearing your name badge and a hat which points you out from the rest of the crowd in pointing out issues you have. You'll raise those matters privately with them and not host it in a public domain. You're seeing this whole thing from one point of view; that of the volunteer player. You're missing the other side. There's always two sides to every story. They're within their right to remove your name badge and hat because they are giving you that position as a privilege (See it was what you wish.) And if you don't think it's a privilege to be offered the position, please take a look again at the community and the thousands of people who would love to be given the chance.
  6. And right there you've shown how far you're missing the point. You get paid to wear a logo and put a smile on your face when working in a kitchen. No one gets paid to moderate on here or on the RSOF (to the best of my knowledge). If I'm taking up a position voluntarily, the person I'm giving my labour to for free can just be damn grateful for the privilege, not the other way round. For the matter, there's been plenty of incidents where staff members have criticised the Admins on this forum in recent history, but none have had their ranks removed for it. Most of the members I have in mind left themselves. They don't get paid by cash, of course, but they're left with a status on their account which essentially represents the company whenever they speak or post on the forum. Voluntary or not, if they don't like the company they shouldn't have taken on board the position. If they did, and dislike the company and complain about it they deserve to be removed. And I'm not quite sure if you get it. You don't have to have that position. It's moreso a privilege to be asked. There's plenty more people out there wanting that position who aren't going to create uproar. There has been differing opinions on here, sure, but that's rarely with regard to how things are done. Anything like that always should be kept between them and the administrators.
  7. Frustrated at the attention? Or laughing at the foolishness of the masses to follow something like this and back it up with a "riot". I'm far from jealous or frustrated. It matters because there's a discussion that was created for it, you know, to discuss.
  8. If you're getting every bit as hysterical as the misinformed people does that make you any better than the people you're upset with? I'm getting hysterical, or simply trying to inform and correct? It reads more likely that you're here to misdirect and obfuscate -- really. Nobody's said that anything about what Jiblix has done as "groundbreaking" or "illuminating" -- the point is that one of the "faithful" has taken a stance about botting -- made further commentary about it -- and, as a result, has been defrocked. Just because you've got personal issues with Jiblix, it doesn't mean his point wasn't well-made. It wasn't well made. If I wanted to see bots I could do it myself. There's nothing new, at all. And there's other people saying that he's after "Uncovering the truth" and Jagex have been trying to "Cover up" the bot problem. How [bleep]ing stupid can some people be, seriously? And then for the attitudes of people like you. Jiblix is nothing but an attention [bleep]. He did it until he became a Moderator, and obviously the attention he was receiving must have died down so he needed to relight that fire. As BioIce said: "For someone who loved and thrived in attention, becoming a "martyr" is hardly surprising. Nothing more enjoyable than to be talked about gaining even more fame and notoriety. You have to admit, he has put an uncomfortable focus on botting and whether Jagex deserves the Golden Joystick this time around while getting his kicks from the whole thing." This isn't a personal problem, this is actually knowing what's going on - knowing what you don't know, Blyaunte. I'm not mis-directing at all. People are taking this case as if he's a good guy and is suddenly being punished... When that couldn't be further from it. Tell me -- if the point wasn't well-made, then why demote him? Why not just ignore him and let it die away slowly? Why allow someone who you've given a certain position to voluntary [cabbage]-talk you, when you don't have to allow it? As was said here earlier. If a Moderator on this forum was to start [bleep]ing about the Administrators on the forum, they wouldn't remain a Moderator very long, would they? If you were a chef, and I gave you my logo to wear with other privileges, I wouldn't leave them with you on your kitchen show if you're [bleep]ing about my company.
  9. I should be the one explaining? Not at all. Quite honestly I don't give a hoot if you are all so keen on following in a strangers footsteps so easily. I'm just setting some things straight. Things aren't always as they seem.
  10. If you're getting every bit as hysterical as the misinformed people does that make you any better than the people you're upset with? I'm getting hysterical, or simply trying to inform and correct? It reads more likely that you're here to misdirect and obfuscate -- really. Nobody's said that anything about what Jiblix has done as "groundbreaking" or "illuminating" -- the point is that one of the "faithful" has taken a stance about botting -- made further commentary about it -- and, as a result, has been defrocked. Just because you've got personal issues with Jiblix, it doesn't mean his point wasn't well-made. It wasn't well made. If I wanted to see bots I could do it myself. There's nothing new, at all. And there's other people saying that he's after "Uncovering the truth" and Jagex have been trying to "Cover up" the bot problem. How [bleep]ing stupid can some people be, seriously? And then for the attitudes of people like you. Jiblix is nothing but an attention [bleep]. He did it until he became a Moderator, and obviously the attention he was receiving must have died down so he needed to relight that fire. As BioIce said: "For someone who loved and thrived in attention, becoming a "martyr" is hardly surprising. Nothing more enjoyable than to be talked about gaining even more fame and notoriety. You have to admit, he has put an uncomfortable focus on botting and whether Jagex deserves the Golden Joystick this time around while getting his kicks from the whole thing." This isn't a personal problem, this is actually knowing what's going on - knowing what you don't know, Blyaunte. I'm not mis-directing at all. People are taking this case as if he's a good guy and is suddenly being punished... When that couldn't be further from it.
  11. Yes, and bringing up a players name without their permission can be seen as black listing. It would probably also depend on where you posted this, it could be in a thread regarding his position which is entirely between Jagex and him.
  12. If you're getting every bit as hysterical as the misinformed people does that make you any better than the people you're upset with? I'm getting hysterical, or simply trying to inform and correct? I'm not willing to get into an argument with you, we all know where they go.
  13. Yes it gives them something to discuss, but if you look at it closely most of the people taking part in this actually have no idea what they're ranting about. NOT A CLUE. Most people don't even know him or the lengths he went through to get where he was. I've had a talk and I think I know where you're coming from now. I guess the main point of this incident is that to those not informed, Jagex looks like it made a really bad PR move. I mean, you'd think they'd plan their moves better if they know what kind of person they're dealing with. That's another funny thing about this, though. A multi-million pound company shouldn't have to tip-toe around one single player. If anythings taken from this, it's that people are so easily led to believe something. All it takes is some pretty pictures and video. Do you lot know if you say gullible ten times fast it sounds like oranges?
  14. There wasn't and it isn't. If we are going to be punished for videos we upload to youtube, we deserve to know beforehand. I don't think you know the same person I knew. Cheers. Yes it gives them something to discuss, but if you look at it closely most of the people taking part in this actually have no idea what they're ranting about. NOT A CLUE. Most people don't even know him or the lengths he went through to get where he was.
  15. Isn't his point exactly the same as everybody elses though? we all know there are bots, we all know what they have done this year as a developer. Since they released free trade they're still playing catch up to the side effects. No actually – his point is that, given the current (deplorable) state of the game and Jagex's unwillingness and/or inability to correct it – they do not deserve to be supported by their community and given "awards" – in particular the "People's Gaming Award" for "best game" or any other similar recognition. But it's all opinion. What has happened over the past few months in some peoples opinions really shouldn't "destroy" what was created by them over the past 10 years. That's judging a book by its cover, and if that's all you're capable of... LOL.
  16. Isn't his point exactly the same as everybody elses though? we all know there are bots, we all know what they have done this year as a developer. Since they released free trade they're still playing catch up to the side effects. I would do nothing short than laugh at loud at people treating this like breaking news. Wake the [bleep] up people. You have been reading these forums for months and seen countless bot-related topics. Someone created a video (WOW, A DIFFERENT MEDIUM, WHOOSH) and it's suddenly a ground-breaking discovery. Sheep. And exactly as Barihawk stated: "As for him being removed, big shocker. If one of Tip.It's mods went off on rants about administration, they'd be removed as well.". What the hell would you expect? You don't offer someone a position and expect them to throw it in your face and get away with it. I know I'd do the same. I pity all of you moaning, I really do.
  17. This video and the controversy surrounding him losing his status is just foolish. The fact people are blowing this out of the water is crazy. Nothing in that video is new news, you are treating him like he's after uncovering some massive secret. Nothing is different. At all. There may have been more to him being demodded than meets the eye, you will never know. It's between him and Jagex. He's went from a huge suck-up (To obtain his position) to a "Jagex hater" in recent months, this isn't the first load of drivel to come from him. And I don't think a voluntary position given on behalf of a company is something that should be displayed like that.
  18. This is old news as far as him selling his shares, but "Fen Research" is interesting.
  19. I laugh at the irony of people rioting using auto typers. Also, knowing they won't achieve anything is funny.
  20. Couldn't give a [cabbage] about this update. It's a nice incentive for people to refer others to play. It's not like only certain people can "Abuse it", everyone can. As Sly_Wizard said, more power to them. I won't be doing it - I'm not an XP [bleep] or anything like that. I think the sooner people realise Jagex is a business and not a personal friend, the better. Profit's the aim.
  21. I adore the music which accompanies the video...Truly gifted. Best of luck pal. :)
  22. I miss the old Edgeville. Edgeville is where I spend all of my time (I never actually "Play", just stand around)...Whenever I'm online, that's where I am...And it's been ruined. Completely and utterly ruined. It's a dull and dreary place, now. Not as bright and welcoming as it once was...Thanks, Jagex.
  23. Sorry Jagex, I've not been negative about any of your updates this year...BUT EDGEVILLE [bleep]ING SUCKS.
  24. I'm the same, I feel all weird when it's not at 99/99... Same feeling I get when I am listening to a song on YouTube and skip a few seconds at the beginning... I have to go back to 00:00 each time or it eats me from the inside.
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