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Everything posted by Hydraides

  1. I am only like 15 miles from you, no invite for me lol! :(
  2. Paperclips your a bit of a [bleep] to be honest Learn how to be funny
  3. Very nice 8/10 Nice Barrows Stuff and yeh nice Outfit Mabye if you had a rare it would be a higher :P
  4. God sake, why would you get hacked if someone knew how much you had of everything :/......You have wasted my time even looking at this stupid thread 0/10 :evil:
  5. Didn't Think of that, mabye they realised muted players actually should have the same chances of buying and selling :-k
  6. Nice idea but Hello invansion of chinese bots Probably better graphics and new bank layout imo
  7. I am currently at work, I will be home at 5pm eastern at which point I will take screenshot of my entire bank to post and maybe even show the hats in trade to 1 or 2 people. You coming back to rs, very nice =), btw the link is safe
  8. Considering said church is/was comprised of almost just one family, I wouldn't exactly say the rest are tolerant. I'd be suprised if they all weren't for the picketing to begin with. Exact same thoughts to be honest with you, Even if they werent picketing, They were still supporting what Grandpa says, which is utterly stupid
  9. i ask myself this and wonder if anyone knows autolycus, hawl gnun, lover romeo etc etc.. I was extremely good mates with Lover romeo for 1 year, about 1 week he deleted me...I don't want to go into it tbh anyway a few players on tif are friends with lover romeo
  10. Hmm, a mystical creature. "It has body parts of various animals ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã
  11. Global Warming LOL as current events
  12. Most people know about them by now anyway Hopefully that fine will have done mre damage than good :)
  13. I went trickly treating and got Abducted. My abductors made me eat 8 pounds in weight of sugary sweets. I am scarred for life
  14. Since we had a thread on these idiots a few months back, I thought it might interest some of you that at last these mad people have been given a hefty fine \ Its not enough to close them down, but hopefully it will show grampa a message http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7072404.stm
  15. I am on a diet too I basically have only this now Mabye a Sandwhich with a bit of butter for breakfast 7.30 am 7 pm - Dinner, Can be anything tbh, Normally Pasta with Dolmino Sauce and cheese I drink a fair amount of water I was also going swimming 1 hour a day, real need to get back to that :
  16. Ohhh nice very, yeh ive played since the july before you started, I havent even got close to your exp/levels then again I've had a few accounts and I don't have much time for rs tbh
  17. Sounds like a great idea, get those darn keyloggers Illegal Activity ftw \
  18. He/She Didn't seem to nice to be honest Saying things like PC is for losers hmm :notalk:
  19. =D> Ranked 5 in smithing, That would be hawt, good luck \
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