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Everything posted by Cyco_Reborn

  1. You need voice actors/singers? Im pretty good at manipulating my voice so I could do something. PM me if you want anything doing!!!
  2. High Def, eh? Sounds LAGTASTIC!!!
  3. I never liked their masks. But then you have other musicians wearing masks, like Buckethead. He's just awesome. Buckethead doesnt wear a mask, that's his face \ I though Buckethead was always a chicken and needed something to cover up his beak. That's why he wears a mask. His dad was a rooster and his mom was a hen you know... It makes perfect sense. Its in the song 'Welcome to Buckethead Land' isnt it? When it says 'He was raised on a farm by chickens' or something like that.
  4. Get a chainsaw and GO CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Its one of those things that are seen as morally wrong. Just dont, basically.
  6. Ive never got acne bad and ive never bothered to get rid of any spots that I get, they just go away. I hear that alcohol is supposed to be good for getting rid of spots, especially infected ones.
  7. But think of all the profit to be gained from dumb/gullible people :thumbsup: Ah, the world is rough... What company actually sells them??? Hasbro? :lol: And wouldnt one of Aleister Crowleys decendents have to get some kind of royalities?
  8. what? 4Chan, dont go there unless you want MERCILESS EYE RAPE!!!
  9. Im in the mood for some Thrash so im listening to March of the SOD by the mighty Stormtroopers of Death!!!
  10. Id better get my [wagon] to Panama then...
  11. Chronolith by Cannabis Corpse, for a spoof band, they are actually better than the original!!! :lol:
  12. Shame on you!!! Deathcore like that is for posers!!! Anyway, erm... I liked Dimmu Borgirs most recent album!!! Oh the humanity!!! :oops:
  13. Yep, done that :lol: Hmm... There are two kids at my school that could be called 'that kid': Rob and Peter. Rob just sits in the corner of the computer room/library all break and makes flash animations. Peter just sits in the corner of the library on his own reading a book and if you go near him he stares at you like 'Im gonna slit you throat if you dont go away'. :ohnoes:
  14. So, it appears that there hasnt been a Monty Python thread in a while... So I was wondering what everyones favourite sketches were and anything else Monty Python. My favourite sketch is either the Fish-Slapping dance, the Cheese Shop sketch or the Spam Cafe sketch. Post Away :thumbsup:
  15. Firstly, Death Metal?!?!?! COF death metal???? how dare you say such a thing!!!!!! And no, they're not satanic, theyre gay. 666% agree. CoF, especially dani filth, are a bunch of posers satanist wannabes. and they are symphonic metal, not death Symphonic death metal.* *= if you obviously dont know what Death metal sounds like. Why not?From what little I've heard their pretty Death Metal,I might say Melodic Death,personally. Lets end this arguement now: Adios description is the one that true Death Metalheads, like me, use.
  16. Fatal Fornication by Prostitute Disfigurement, this album is amazing!!! Next on the list is some Cannabis Corpse, a stoner version of Cannibal Corpse!!!
  17. I wish on every shooting star I see :) Actually when I just sit outside at night, I tend to see upwards of 5 or more in a half hour.. I wish my wishes would come true :( I've never seen a shooting star before... :( Believe it or not, I've never seen a star before, at least not with my own eyes. Whos eye did ya use then? :ohnoes:
  18. Agreed. Using it to break addictions to drugs like cocaine, methaphetamine, etc could be a good thing. But when you start trying to use it on people who use the drugs responsibly, there will be trouble. Do you mean responsible coke and methaphetamine users? Cause that stuff isn't exactly safe. It's not that bad actually, I knew some people who did coke once in a while and they were very responsible. I think he was referring to marijuanna or other light-drugs that can give you a high. -Renate. [/hide] I was actually referring to all drugs (though lighter drugs are easier to use responsibly). None of them are good for you, some are more safe than others, but all of them used responsibly can be okay. Well, not all. I'm open to quite a lot of things as long as it can be used responsible but crystal meth just seems a bit... Over the top. And the fact that I'd rather stick to 'natural' things, weed, salvia, shrooms, etc. -Renate. Fixed it for you. : ~meol Ditto. Natural is good!!!
  19. So its basically a kind of lobotomy, as I thought. Surely that would be too expensive for anyone to bother with and it could do more harm than any drug could.
  20. Who the hell does that work??? Vaccinating against a virus is easy enough, but a drug? how does that work? It would have to be something similar to a lobotomy to reduce the brains suceptibility to the drug. Anyone know how this would be done? Im baffled #-o
  21. Get Dead or Die Trying by The Rotted, its not as good as their stuff as Gorerotted, but its still top-notch!!! :thumbsup:
  22. Its not really funny, just... F*CKIN DISGUSTIN!!!!!
  23. I doubt anything will actually happen. My best guess is that the Aztecs/Mayans used some sort of astrological system to guess this, and if anything was going to happen then astromoners would have said something by now.
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