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Everything posted by Cyco_Reborn

  1. Try taking some sleep enducing medication or something, there's bound to be something around.
  2. I was wondering what you people fear the most? I generally consider myself as having few fears, except I can't stand insects. Don't bother being specific just say something like "I'm afraid of [insert thingy here]".
  3. I'm going through a similar situation as you, except I can control myself enough so as not to kill myself. I'd recommend getting yourself to a doctor ASAP before you do yourself some serious harm. Your doctor will usually keep any appointments confidential unless you really are harming yourself a lot. I hope this has helped you, and I hope your life gets better.
  4. I agree a lot with your title, life is too fragile, the human body never evolved for defending against modern weapons and illnesses. One minute you could be quite happily talking to someone and the next, being zipped into a body bag. Anyway, your tale is a very sad one indeed and I feel sorry for your loss.
  5. I personally think we need to tighten imigration policies, a lot, or ban imigration into the country completely.
  6. I haven't had any first aid training, but I have enough knowledge of human anatomy to save someones life quite easily.
  7. Homosexuality, from a scientific and evolutionary point of view, could be seen as a form of natural selection ie. the weak resort to homosexuality and thus don't produce any young whom would be weak and affect the plight of the species. When I was reading an article in a New Scientist magazine it said something about Humans naturally and subconciously avoiding those whom may carry disease, such as homosexuals and the overweight, for those were signs of ill health and disease. From a cultural point of view it is sometimes seen as tradition in certain cultures, particularly african tribes, where homosexuality is involved in reliogious ceremonies and rituals. Anyway, from my point of view I fully support the gay/bi movement, as I am Bisexual.
  8. My record is 17 slices when I hadn't eaten for a few days, and I felt really bad afterwards, REALLY bad.
  9. I'd like to die by being compressed in a cube thats a 1 trillionth the size of a pea or by necrotizing faciitis. Edit: or by being frozen at absolute zero. Edit2: or by strychnine poisoning.
  10. When I get a Flail in real life, I might carry it around with me so if anyone gets me angry I could break all their limbs without too much effort... If not I might just carry one of them sword-canes: a cane which has a sword concealed within.
  11. I would choose A and instantly demand a Spork and a pot of Jam to be brought to me, then I would sit there playing with the Jam and Spork. The Spork God would then get me out somehow, for combining the two holyest items in Sporkism, and in return I would defeat the dreaded Foon!!!
  12. To either become a blacksmith, purchase a suit of armour, make a small batch of nitroglycerin or all three. I like to be different...
  13. A pack of pens and a pad to write on. Its the cheap alternative to something good that I get every christmas and birthday.
  14. Congratulations everyone and good luck. Grace the forums with your powers of moderation.
  15. I think the pictures look a bit 2D. And stop insulting furries, we're a great bunch of people.
  16. Thats pretty good, I have a graphics tablet, but its tiny and rubbish. I want a bigger, better one.
  17. The genre standards have really dropped. Anything with drums and guitars is generally considered rock. It's stupid.
  18. That's vile, those kids deserve to be locked up for life. It makes you think what effects modern media has on us kids.
  19. I've noticed that when I stay up all night, i tend to become rather drowsy and then I start to wake up again. It's weird. Good luck anyways.
  20. Last 5 songs i've played: Necrophagist-Stabwound Slayer-The Antichrist Candlemass-Bells of Acheron Cradle of Filth-Gilded C*** and Nuclear Assault-Game over
  21. I got: 2008 edition of guiness book of records 1998 edition of guiness book of records 2 microscopes 3 CD's A pot of honey A writing pad and pens The simpons movie DVD ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã110 and A load of chocolate I'm quite sick of chocolate now...
  22. I really can't be bothered posting album art so here's my rather dull looking list: Slayer-Christ Illusion Slayer-Divine Intervention Slayer-God hates us all Slayer-Haunting the Chapel Slayer-Hell awaits Slayer-Reign in blood Slayer-seasons in the abyss Slayer-Show no mercy Slayer-South of Heaven As you can see, I like slayer. :D
  23. Judas Priest-Eulogy or Slayer-War Ensemble or Iron Maiden-Hallowed be thy Name
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