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Everything posted by Cyco_Reborn

  1. My guesses are that it will greatly affect merchanting of most common items, but not completely ruin merchanting, but we'll have to wait and see won't we?
  2. This is a picture of me when I reached 1400 total level from hunting...
  3. Whenever I set myself a task, like making 10k bows for example, i do everything myself: cut the logs, pick the flax, spin the bowstrings, make the nats etc. It's good for balancing out the levels, but it does take ages -.- .
  4. Yes, they do but it increases your chances of catching a rat by like 70%. Try having it out and do some fishing for a while, give it fish you don't want etc.
  5. It's probably because your using a kitten, which has a very small chance of actually catching the rat. If your using the kitten purely to get a hell kitten then just keep trying, but if your doing it just to get spice then wait until it grows into a cat, you get a much higher chance with a cat.
  6. Cool, I might have a go at barrowing, i've never been before :shock: . Waterbirth teleport is lunar isn't it, I might do lunar diplomacy sometime soon.
  7. I definately support archeology. It sounds like a good utilisation of other skills.
  8. If there was to be an increase in level requirements they'd have to upgrade the guild a lot, I don't think jagex would be too pleased with the task of totally reprograming and redesigning the guild.
  9. It sounds like a very bad idea to me. Lets just hope that jagex don't read this and say 'this is good, let's use it'.
  10. That sounds like an interesting idea. I support!
  11. Just face it people, its impossible to completely get rid of autoers completely without affecting everyone else and then theres still sweatshops to contend with. If it was up to me i'd use the 'speak english or DIE!!!' concept. :twisted: (yes, i did take that from the stormtroopers of death song title)
  12. It sounds good to me, but i'd prefer a farming guild or smithing guild personally.
  13. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats an odd glitch. Did you report it? You might get rewarded if you report it.
  14. I don't think people would trust jagex to scan there computer and the program would probably mistake something like windows media player for a dodgy macro. On the other hand, it might work. Try reposting this on the RS official forum.
  15. F2Pers don't deserve more space, most of them are level 3's who won't get enough items to fill all the space. I would say though that the higher level F2Pers should be able to earn more bank space though. Anyway, keep trying :thumbsup: , you might get somewhere.
  16. I think the assist would be better if there was no limit on exp you could get through it and if you could assist multiple people at once.
  17. It sounds like it would be an interesting idea especially against autoers, but it would be of great inconveniece if say, you were in the fishing guild and all the fishing spots on one peer got covered in acid rain. Still, I'd like it.
  18. Theoretically, but in my opinion it would be a total waste of money, but its up to you.
  19. What on earth does that have to do with the topic at hand? Anyway, back to the topic: If it was someone you were close to, why choose to report them. They might hate you forever for it, which would be your own fault.
  20. I only have 350k at the moment, I am doing slayer, i'm sick of mining, but I might go train my fletching. (P.S. Is snape grass still 1k each :?: )
  21. Its part of the composition of life, you occasionally come across some morons and egomaniacs who think they're so good and clever. Fortunately, for the rest of us most of us do have more than 10 active brain cells.
  22. I think it's really weird that people want to try and make permanent relationships over the internet when they don't even know if the person on the over side is who they say they are. I've been to free worlds in lumbridge and I get preyed on by female level 3s saying 'Wanna be my BF?'. They don't actually wanna know me just get my stuff. It's weird... :?
  23. I need to make quite a lot of money, quickly. My levels are on the RSN link at the side. I was thinking of picking and selling snape grass, but all ideas welcome...
  24. Probably, or they might go to 9 marks and get their account temporarily banned. Why does it matter to you, unless you guys are close friends?
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