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Everything posted by Johannas

  1. Only ever seen you in forum games, even though your now a mod :huh: 6/10
  2. Nothing. Is that sad? I listen to too much music lol
  3. ...and where's the problem in the first place? What's the point? Don't fix something that isn't broken.
  4. I think you can do it in the new Sony Vegas
  5. I'm sure some tech heads will come over and reveal how non feasible it is - i think i read somewhere that they would have to rewrite nearly all the coding for the game and it wasn't worth the effort because not many people had reached the cap. It doesn't bother me, i'm neutral - if you have that much money anyway you can invest it in items which are guaranteed to rise in price, for instance rares... ....Oh, and Hi fellow Surrey dweller :thumbup:
  6. It's not a music contest, it's just political banter. I know one person that likes it though :thumbsup:
  7. I'm not a fan of the red coming in from the right, and the lens flare doesn't compliment the image. And the blue just takes the excitement out of the photo. Other than that nice composition - should look nice when you're done. And you used 3 images? Well you've blended them well to look like one!
  8. You can PM a Mod/Admin if you are unsure whether your post will violate the forum rules :thumbup:
  9. It's definitely worth going there for more than a weekend. I travel up about once a week for shopping/gigs and it's well worth it. Just google it tbh - depends what you're into, there's something for everyone. - Tower of London/Museums/London Eye/London Dungeon/Madame Tussuads/St Paul's Cathedral are just a few attractions off the top of my head. I usually just spend the day bombing around Camden, you can spend a whole day there just chilling out, taking photos, buying crappy clothes, buying all sorts of cheap food and 9/10 there's a decent band on at a local pub/venue. Good luck with your gf
  10. It was hard to come up with something funny bearing in mind this is a G-rated forum <_<
  11. Nice rendering, looks sweet.
  12. Today i was asked to photograph an event at college. Each local candidate for 3 main parties were battling it out to win over a packed theatre full of students. I was chatting at the end to the labour candidate, and he asked me what party i liked the most and why. When i said BNP, he just replied "Fair enough, they get miles more stick than they deserve" Thought that was pretty funny, and it was defiantly more of a sympathetic response than I was expecting. Shant go into my choice as i'm sure flaming would occur.... Each to their own :wink:
  13. Congratulations, thanks for the good work - keep it up!
  14. is taking an indefinite hiatus from runescape/tipit, in an attempt to not fail college!

  15. Wait till the ticket prices come out :roll: I went to a lord of the rings convention at alexandra palace when i was younger, only because my mum got free tickets. I'm sure it will be a similar sort of thing, people dress up in costumes they can't fit in, desparate to find the nearest mcdonalds. And the people who don't make their own costumes will be dressed up in the latest Runescape Merch :geek: The only reason i would want to go is to see how they model figures with their own game engine. I mean, seriously, i've played the game for several years and it's good stress relief come the evenings but are there really people that obsessed with it? I just think it's really, really sad that people would go to a "RuneFest". ...It's good to reach out to the community though. (Trying not to troll the game i play #-o )
  16. buy one of each bronze/iron/steel item on the g/e
  17. Am i the only one who doesn't care about this? The site is a great hub for information/help about the game - i can't believe how upset everyone is getting. If you think tipit is better than RScommunity and RuneHQ why does it matter that Jagex has to agree with you... just carry on as you were.
  18. There are another 2 parts to that video - well worth a watch. In these parts of the world, culture is very important and people want a male baby to keep the family name - this is one of the reasons China had so many babies (and it is true for India) The idea behind the one child policy is good, and it has been successful in China. The methods about enforcing the rule could have been a bit formal as rules/fines were found to be stricter/more relaxed in certain provinces. There is a low literacy rate in India. As India is an agriculturist country, most of the people living in the rural part of India are subsistence farmers. These farmers have little or no education at all. They live in large families, sometimes in joint, where four or five children are common. Schools are overcrowded. What China realised was that if they have half the number of children going to school, they all get a better education as help is more concentrated on the children the country does have. The whole ethos behind it all was to create a very powerful nation, but it has done far more for that for China today. Without the policy, a Malthusian disaster would have certainly been in China's midst, coupled with the fact that building/infrastructure was growing so fast networks were not being built properly. Remember the 2008 Sichuan earthquake? It killed many people due to unsafe building construction - earthquakes are very common too, as Asia is a region of much seismic activity. What i'm trying to say is things would have only got worse for them without the policy. So i think introducing a similar thing in India would be great, they are already developing serious problems. What China did well in was the educational, housing and healthcare benefits that came to couples who kept to the policy, and the punishments that came to the same factors if the rule was broken. India would have a hell of a job to do, especially with the millions of people living in slums - there would be no way to control people there.
  19. Anyone going this year? Above picture is for Reading festival but the lineup for Leeds is the same, just on different days. Couple of big names this year, GnR, Blink 182 and The Libertines. I'm a sucker for blink personally but would love to see the others.
  20. Hey Jude by The Beatles? edit:should have read OP properly - sorry.
  21. I don't classify 'bad music' as music, it's more of an irritating noise.
  22. I don't think i'm going to bother with this whole weekend, the only reason i play is for fun - so i don't really want to get captivated into all the special advantages Jagex do. They said they will do more days like this though, so chances are i'll buy summoning 2nds/raw materials etc... when they crash, and sell when people panic buy for them :)
  23. ...But anything could be justified as art. Which is fine, although this forum could be full of a lot of spam - i guess i might be the only one interpreting it that way though. (Also i thought we were trying to make the gallery less of a niche? - by removing the 'cliqueyness' as it were?) "Discuss critically the creative process"... ~ The meal you made for your family last night ~ The way you tied your shoelaces today ~ The paper aeroplane you made in math ~ The pattern you got on your toast as your spread the marmite ~ The way you wrote your signature on the back of your credit card ~ The song you wrote about your deceased hamster So, with all the above being a creative purpose - they would be perfectly acceptable topics in the gallery? Someone please clear this up, i think a line has to be drawn...
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