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Everything posted by technichien

  1. you quitting :o :shock: :( ? ps:there i posted :P
  2. you're catching up :? can't be bothered much though :? anyway, good luck on 1k ttl :
  3. nice o.o i always seem to fail at maze randoms :| btw: safari is the best . cb noob
  4. nice levels :o you'll beat me soon :( anyway, gl on 60 str :P
  5. paul, joo forgot joo medicine good luck on your goals (wuteva they may be) i think istp doesnt only steals pies, he even steals medicines from poor, english, nubcakes. where's this world going? :? anyway, gl on your goals :
  6. depending on what im doing: either full zombie or another random, or green d'hide(t) with air tiara, fancy boots and mime gloves so i voted coolest 8-) btw, is it me or is the banner about rsgold :-#
  7. lol, that was quite clear. nice article, keep them coming :thumbsup:
  8. graaaatttsssss :P the outfit looks hawt tbh
  9. your one failmuted person tbh how long are you muted? :( :( EDIT: lol, faily you, getting unmuted so quickly
  10. nice levels you got, you might be catching up with me *cough* not *cough* :twisted: anyway, when you plan an training crafting just buy silver ores and make tiaras, cheapest craft+smith xp : good luck on 1k ttl whoever gets that f2p must be hawt ;)
  11. 10/10 when you get those other 70s now 9/10 to keep you motivated :XD: nice herblore lvl btw
  12. grats xanonub get a 99 now, they're hawt :) edit:fail king :(
  13. veerrryyy nice :o good luck on your goals, your bank's not to bad.... it's awesome \
  14. i can't really comment on the first article, but i'd like to say something about the second: clan chats are very handy for f2pers who don't have a 'w99 edge' most of us are just in a world that suits the purpose for training a skill and change it when training another. So i think cc are verryy handy ;)
  15. lol, i wanted wout to notice to keep some of his selfesteem, you just ruined it paul -.-
  16. Exactly. It's an achievement. A pointless achievement. thanks dj :( i think getting total lvls *looks at sig* is harder to get in f2p then p2p simply because we have less skills to train, i mean what achievement is it to get 1k total in members (average of lvl 41,666...)? none, in f2p it get's challenging :)(average of 66, 666...) 25 lvls higher, so the correct answer is 'yes it is more of an achievement', but no, no use to brag around EDIT: please note this is my opinion ;)
  17. the idea's good, a bit of a ranged bonus won't hurt f2p, but jagex will never give that to us :( i don't care about rune arrows, it would be verrryyy nice but not necessary. :
  18. gl pie, trie to get 1k ttl before me ;) btw ninja, i bet this pauldude's stupid :P
  19. who's gone run around in full rune? for the rest, if your opponent's maging, run to the outside of a house, that way your opponent's stuck for a moment :P
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