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Everything posted by noble_aloof

  1. i was just looking at your vids the other day thinking of how much of a legend you were. thanks for the gallery
  2. could someone explain the point of this guide/miniquest?
  3. hi. could someone direct me to a picture from 2008 that contained a bunch of rainbow-like crystals? it was epic.
  4. the name making skill seems to be overlooked these days
  5. if you had a summoning level (not sure why you don't) i'd advise just going to armadyl.. you could probably get 3 kills per trip. you should be able to pull off three trips in less than two hours. i trio'd a chestplate there ages ago.
  6. I remember more than 200k people on most of the time back in 07. as do i. however the exact number was not relevant to my example which included the number 100,000 for simplification purposes. edit: while the statistics are interesting, considering runescape's high rank (top 1.2k) in GLOBAL internet traffic, its safe to assume that runescape is growing, but other sites are just growing faster. anyone find it odd that jagex.com has a better rank/views than funorb?
  7. runescape has seen growth since then. it may not be apparent because easily 10-20% of active players used to be bots/farmers, if not more. 100,000 people playing in 2007 includes 15,000 bots. 100,000 people playing say, tonight, includes a couple hundred to a couple thousand bots
  8. if you are trying to imply that jagex took a major hit to the player base after those updates, jagex has/have already stated that they didn't lose many players at all. i believe it was mentioned that they lost more membership from suspected bots and sweatshops than then did from legitimate players.
  9. UK to singapore? interesting move. i ran 7 miles with the team today at the state park. saw some deer :thumbsup:
  10. slayer? the full helm will help.
  11. i believe i would need a moderator's permission to tell you to not be a [female dog] and give me the video if you had it There is no need for name calling. I was just informing you that I would help you if it wasn't for some factors. I also feel that if I am going to distribute a file of someone's video, they should at least know about it since they put hard work into producing it. I am sure you can find it on youtube somewhere. Nearly every popular video gets copied then re-uploaded from a different user so they get subs/views/popularity. Next time, please don't be so rude. no, nobody has it. there's only one of them uploaded and its the worst one in the series. obviously i'm joking around but if you seriously are considering asking someones permission to "distribute" a video.. reality check. this is the internet after all.
  12. noble_aloof

    Quick chat

    IQ scores didn't prevent George Bush from getting into the White House, and they're not going to prevent any idiots from talking freely in game. ever been on xbox live? go on XBL forums somewhere and request an IQ test for those people. why fix something that keeps imbeciles out of my chat box? this rant should, in all honesty, be locked and considered spam as it is baseless. you have yet to logically back up any of your points. Stupid? yes Pointless? very Annoying? yeah edit: based on the argument just given regarding the fact that IQ scores factor in age, how do you justify the fact that an interlligent 5 year old has the right to talk in a game such as Runescape? in addition, why and for what reason are you advocating a, literally, illegal update?
  13. i believe i would need a moderator's permission to tell you to not be a [female dog] and give me the video if you had it
  14. i ******** in my pants. incredible.
  15. i'm the truth brah, i kill the booth like superman by lex luthaa, i chill with clean dudes and give dirty ones baths EWB, my flows quicker than the flash (And yes obviously this rhyme scheme is impossible to do over a beat) my rap group in sig VVVV
  16. exactly.. why brush someone off when he's giving you the exact answer to your question.
  17. a minimum of 25 per hit? wow i might have to try that (once i get another 10 combat levels)
  18. he is quite a failure. i unsubbed him the other day.. it was a sad moment for me.
  19. just range her with that slayer helm for ranging. get a few sara brews and if you can manage a range potion your golden
  20. hello, i know this was a very old video, but i found it hysterical and it was one of the only rs videos that actually made me laugh out loud. if anyone can direct me to an archive of this video it would be appreciated
  21. can i ask what your magic level is?
  22. fishing has always been an overrated money maker and tbh that's why you never see it in guides or anything. sharks are okay at best, but compared to modern ways of gp-earning.. it just doesn't make sense.
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