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Everything posted by noble_aloof

  1. sooo is skiller actually the first maxed person, having exceeded the highest value possible within the game code?
  2. Not marketed towards girls? Good thing we have Gamestop! I mean, it's got all girls need. Cookin Mama, Bratz, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, and Hillary Duff. I mean...that's the kind of games girls like, right? I trust my dudes at Gamestop, they know games more than anyone, especially if you pay for the preorder. I was going to use my little pony and barbie as examples.. obviously some games are, but the games that are getting the best funding and development teams aren't wasting their time on women. how many "girl" games have gotten game of the year awards? the sarcasm in your post really doesn't make sense as you only picked out one part of my statement which i still believe to be accurate and relevant to this discussion. game developers assume that females do not have the attention span or intensity level to thoroughly enjoy or play today's "big" games. whether it be a lengthly RPG or a fast paced FPS, developers assume women are not on the same level as men, i somewhat concur. in some cases i bet women are actually better gamers than men.
  3. probably because video games are not geared or marketed towards females, nor are females encouraged to play them by the mainstream media. Most women do not want to be given the "nerd" stereotype which is common of most female gamers and an even higher percentage of female mmo gamers. a guy playing call of duty is considered cool or normal, while a girl playing COD in my eyes is nerdy or weird. its just how the gaming world (america) works. for the record if a girl introduces herself to me by mentioning (for an example) her COD playing i become much more suspicious of her than if she said she enjoyed playing softball. if a girl brought up runescape or WoW in conversation i would throw up the red flag and gtfo. From a personal standpoint, video games are my escape from real life, a place i can go and play with people just like me. playing with women just doesn't feel right.. i view video games as a male past-time, much like cheerleading or dancing is a female past-time. if girls see a male cheerleader or dancer, they figure he is homosexual. if i play with a female gamer, i infer that she is not one of the popular kids at school, doesn't have a boyfriend, is probably a nerd, and doesn't get outside too much.
  4. This. You have no other choice but to hop. Stop being stubborn. I'm in reallife a scientist. Last time i checked the scientific process does not involve asking people on a forum and not taking their (good) advice seriously. maybe its your internet connection, maybe its your mining level, but to be honest if this problem is plaguing you enough to cause you to ask people on forums then your stupid not to take toacctid's advice.
  5. worth every second of 2500+ hours you would have to spend at 400k per hour? I can't imagine someone honestly looking back at that enormous amount of time spent and coming to the conclusion that there was nothing better they could have done with their life.
  6. first big workout of the summer? our official season starts on the first... as does ours. when i said "big" workout i meant speed work that is equal to the degree of difficulty usually found within our seasonal workouts. there have been smaller ones and plenty of hill work but i felt that this one was on par with some that we've done during past seasons. sorry for any confusion every kid in my grade who runs under a 20 minute 5k wears mizuno shoes besides me. i swear by asics because they are known to be the best fitting and just about the longest lasting in terms of durability. my first pair is still that pearly white color with only one rip in them. i used to go cliff diving at the local swimming hole with them then the next day i could run a couple miles on them. as far as spikes go this year i'll be picking up a pair of saucony.. the design looks really, really sweet. Shay xc 2
  7. is this a joke? i even posted a TL;DR summary for people like you. and for those of you wondering- he quit in about a week after he got the account back, but he didn't spend any of his money stupidly.
  8. we did our first big workout of the summer today which consisted of a 12 minute 2 mile run.. i was the fastest and ended up coming in around 12:10 due to very poor pacing by the kid with the watch. i should be getting a new pair of shoes this week :D
  9. im not sure how prices have shifted in the last month but i prefer range boots and dhide cahaps over d boots and armadyl skirt mainly because for some tasks (at least at my level) tanking with platelegs is nessecairy. and archer ring is worht it
  10. same thing happened to an old inspiron my dad had- he took it to a local shop and the guy said it was the ribbon inside that caused the problem. the guy offered to do it for a measly $40 but my father decided not to take him up on it.
  11. thanks for posting. i read where it was impossible to brick but i used the term for lack of a better word. i used redsn0w for version 3.0 and it seemed to work but then it was telling me to connect to itunes. and of course then it made me restore it, but it wouldn't let me restore to 3.0 or 4.0 firmware (which had me very scared and is the reason behind this thread). i installed the new version of itunes (took almost 2 hours) and then it let me restore but it wouldn't allow me to put 3.0 i had to upgrade to 4.0 so no jailbreak for me -.-
  12. i would like to remind all moderators that under US law it is now legal to jailbreak ipods and iphones. Completely revised (found out most of the answers). questions: if i take the restore directly from apple, what software version will it be? what software version did i likely have on my ipod touch until this failed jailbreak?
  13. well, with one friend from my main he logged on when i was about 1 year into this account (2-3 years since i last talked to him). i asked him for his xbox gamertag as i was planning to get xbox soon (didnt happen for another year and a half). one day i decided to google his name and he was a really good halo player and his 1337 team had a myspace page. sooo then i found his myspace and started talking to him but he didn't recognize me. he did admit to playing runescape and he said he gave his account away and also claimed to be the first person to get a 3rd age coif.
  14. what i can't stand is the fact that they have spawned the white-trash "juggalo" gang culture and are actually compared by some to the WU TANG CLAN. edit: story that you probably won't find interesting: back in my myspace days a kid from my school claimed to be a hardcore juggalo, had the face paint and everything. well, some kid whose brother was apparently a blood (i know now that he is, and that several of his gang members were jailed recently) decided to diss the juggalo kid. it was hysterical watching the myspace battle rage back in forth concerning their "fams", what they believed in, and all the hardcore gang activities they took part in. of course they also argued as to what gang is better. to my knowledge, both of these gangstas both believed that they would stand up for their gang no matter what. i happened to have 2 classes with the juggalo. one day a kid who had found the myspace fight hilarious decided to tell the teacher ".......... is in the juggalo gang". the teacher then confronted the kid, and the kid said he wasn't a juggalo. his gang activities have since sprawled over to facebook.
  15. i know this sounds strange, but once i had the same problem with movies i downloaded. i went into properties and changed them to "music videos", put them in an on-the-go playlist and they worked.
  16. i5 models would be sufficient. you would really only notice the difference if you were doing a lot of Adobe stuff, converting files, hosting a server, etc. (correct me if i'm wrong) but they have a faster initial clock speed, anyway. my friend just got a computer with the 5770 and claims fps lag on crysis at maxed settings. it would be a worthwhile upgrade to get 5770, but if you really want to be able to play everything a game hands at you your better off crossfiring them, at least sometime down the road. no idea not a huge difference. maybe if you went from the slowest 1333 sticks to the fastest 1600 cards (in terms of latency) you would notice a performance increase. only if your looking to add fans or extra hardware down the road. antec makes great cases. general li and coolermaster have some good ones worth looking into
  17. Were you hacked, or are you just a moron? just a moron. i thought it was witty that i predicted sword95 having posted.. i guess not.
  18. i didnt even read his post; but i agree with evrrything sword95 has said if he has indeed already posted. edit: yes i agree
  19. <3: SEE IT'S NOT JUST ME i still like pds more.. but i think ray just does too many animal videos. at least he gives us shows when he's supposed to.. that unprofessional attitude that phillyd has was his downfall. anyway i can't stand fred or shaycarl
  20. Wha How is that racist? How could it even be misconstrued as racism? It really grrrrrrrrinds my gears when people always say "not to be racist." If you're racist, be racist. But thats another story....... I mean I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often, genes are genes. Although I honestly would lol if the mom just got some, and somehow the baby came out white. well because when i first glanced at the picture it looked like the baby had the big floppy lips that are definitive in the composition of many black people. i just didn't want to offend anybody but i was very intrigued and i pondered as to whether this baby will have big lips and muscle fibers that enable her to be an incredible distance runner, or if this was a complete genetic mutation in almost all ways considerable.
  21. when i heard that one of joe biden's platforms was the removal of internet piracy i actually chuckled a little considering he looks like he never has gone deeper into a computer than checking his email. I realize that piracy is a huge issue that causes losses of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.. but i feel that if the government is taking down masterminds who have built epic P2P networks and communities- where do they expect these people to go? People are passionate about P2P transfers and file sharing. like it or not, its a key part of what the internet is all about. lets use a real world analogy: a group of people frequent a bar where illegal activities tend to transpire. 95% of the people at the bar are engaged in these unlawful activities. one day, the authorities catch word from rich neighbors who live by the bar and city officials who claim the bar gives the city a bad name. after a small percentage of people are jailed and the bar is shut down, the crowd combines with another bar and continues illegal activities. continue the cycle and soon you have an entire population of people who have had their bars shut down and are ready to stand up for what they believe in against a common enemy. the men decide to go rob houses and murder people. the end. where are these people going to go? of course that analogy wasn't perfect because there are plenty of harmless teenage girls who use limewire and such to download music. but for the people who are serious about this, i'd go as far as predicting a sharp spike in internet crime (such as hacking and more people actually LEARNING how to crack games)
  22. haha, i don't think im going to stop using lol haha. in my circle of friends everyone strictly uses "haha"s
  23. Now this is worthy of a reality show. I'm actually very intrigued to see how this babies' life turns out. not to be racist but i wonder if the baby will show signs of its parents in areas such as lips, facial structure, and muscle fibers. btw the article clearly states it is not albinism, and the couple is not in africa.. they live in london.
  24. yes they were brought up in the early days of this thread but i'm glad you brought them up again because they are absolutely a revolutionary shoe. if i ever see a pair at a local running store and i have the chance to try them on, i will jump at the opportunity. for runners running on an extreme budget- i talked to a guy who said he logged over 1,200+mi on his pair of vibrams. the only reason they had to be replaced was because (according to him) the velcro literally stopped sticking and a sharp stick tore the mesh near mile 1100
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