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Everything posted by AndyPandy

  1. I'd better do a lot of saving so I get a BGS by the time this starts!
  2. I'll see if I can edit your scanned version to make it look a little better, a bit like the second one.
  3. I vote for secondary as well. Mostly because it gives more of a chance for people to be individual.
  4. Just keep night vision on, except for one part where there are two F.R.O.G.S hiding up on top of a rock. It's easy enough, and the part afterwards, is one of the best bits of the game.
  5. I'm sorry, but I have 2 things against this: A) I never experience any downtime or cheaters on PSN, games are only slow when the host has a bad connection. B) Cheat programs are impossible, because the Playstation OS is closed. No-one could load up or install any codecs without it being allowed by sony.
  6. It's better than prostreet anyway. It's not as realistic as say GT5, but it's so much more fun. It's still very realistic though, I don't think any other game does Le Mans as well as this. Anyone tried the 24h one yet? Also, is it me or is there only one demolition derby in the game? They are my favourite event (in front of open wheel and that head-to-head tuscan race), nailing people in the cross jumps is just epic fun.
  7. I'm not ordering, but could you make me a PS3 theme if I were to order one? There's a theme creator kit on the sony website. I think all you need to do is pt in a image for each part, so, an image for each icon, a background etc. Could you do that?
  8. If I remember right this is an actual 3D render and that using it is ripping as it isn't actually "stock". Of course if you got this off of a stock site with the artist saying its ok, that's fine, but not every image you come across is stock-fodder. I'll be entering. Took it from a stock site. I don't think it's a 3D render, it's actually a photo manip I think.
  9. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GG66UWO3
  10. Also, 'the elements' also means weather. As in, 'I'm going out to brave the elements'
  11. Yep, my old topic got deleted :( . Anyhow, PSN: Goaliekid I play COD4 and TF2 mostly.
  12. Good guide, though at the start for hunting, I suggest running straight accross to where they spawned. If you are quick (9/10 time I find this) they will still be picking up the stone, or only just started running, this is my most effective method at FOG.
  13. How can I find your designs on the site? I really wanna buy one of those shirts!
  14. Also, make sure you kill the ones on the southern part of the island, the ones on the northern part use ancients.
  15. Oh yeah, in science once, I put together near every chemical that the science department had in stock, and my friend inhaled the fumes and fainted, and as he fell hit his head on the corner of a desk. Not pretty.
  16. I'm pretty good, but just get in trouble for random things. In one year, I got about 30 detentions.
  17. Apart from soul calibur, I've had all those games, but sold them on after completion because I just didn't play them much any more.
  18. Sure, it's by no means complete btw, in case you'rethinking that it is mostly the stock. Things will change. [hide=stock][/hide]
  19. :shock: at that fire. Best piece of pixelling I have seen for a while. WOW.
  20. :shock: elements! Yay! Here's my entry: [img=http://i37.tinypic.com/2u89rpe.png] I'll proably improve it more, so consider it a 'preview'. Also, any comments on it would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Going for a knifey-stealth kill and enemy turning round and shooting you - ftl!
  22. Made a simple design. tshirtdesign.psd
  23. I would have to say MGS4. that ending. Other than that, Burnout: Takedown. Absolutely mental game. Loved it from the first few seconds. Great fun with a steering wheel. Mercenafries. Had amazing fun blowing things up, and the factions system, and mafia shop really worked. The game that really introduced me to just messing about on a game, seeing what you could come up with. Monster Hunter. Good single player game, best online play of any game I've ever played. Working together to kill the huge monsters was great fun, also, a close community really helped the feel of it. It really brought me and my friends (playing online together) together, especially as at least 2 of them lived too far away to meet up with often. Best online experience I've ever had.
  24. I am waiting for that. Why is it that the Europe PSN is so slow to release things? Also, I have tried setting up american/japanese accounts, and it didn't work. If anyone could give me a guide on the subject it would help greatly! BTW, I love wipeout! HD should be amazing!
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