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Everything posted by Wilmot

  1. Hehe nice topic Combat = 43442777 Total = 48972886 = 89% combat And to be fair that's not counting slayer which I think you should. With a little over 2m slayer xp :- Combat = 45556847 Total = 48972886 = 93% combat
  2. Weather or not the article last week presented fact or not, it DID represent a common belief among the player base of late. The impression that players are banned unfairly *already* existed, this article just brought it into focus. It's now upto jagex to reassure people that the banning system is fair. For instance I recently saw a post where someone got perm banned (I don't know if an appeal was sucessful) for jokingly telling someone who asked where to get a fire cape, "ebay". I think most people are scared of being banned for a joke. And Andrew's post on the last article gave the impression mistakes happen, we're sorry about them but don't care all that much since there are plently of player's left. A bit of reassurance would be nice and I think a 400 character box isn't very fair considering people put 1000s of hours into a character. Basicly there's an impression that you can be banned very easily and your appeal gets skimmed in 30 seconds by someone who reads 100s a day and doesn't really give a monkey's either way.
  3. Well the get the +12 gloves you need 175qp..that one heck of an investment of time say an hour per qp, 175 hours? Sure quests have other benifits but some people wouldn't bother with them without a really good reason to. I just finished the 8 parts and find myself needed 53qp to finish it. Now to do fight cave i don't need to do any quests, just get 90 range 70 def and have 15m to buy supplies. Which to some people is much the easier option.
  4. I think range is pretty effective vs this thing, your better off using that IMO. Dharoks might get lucky but I reckon range adds up to more most often.
  5. There does seem to be a climate of it being ok to scam. I find it wierd that someone can ask to borrow something and then turns round and throws that trust in your face.
  6. Sad how many people are defending it with its the wild it's dangerous bs. So is kq, you'd be a bit upset if you lost full veracs there. I'm a bit put out by the number of people posting crap like this. I'm all for a 3 itemer getting what's coming to them due to their own stupidity but this? It's bs and you know it. I wonder how much you pked from bug abuse yesterday? People that knew about it and exploited it should be banned. Would wipe out a few big clans I think.
  7. I didn't know him but his posts were alway right on. In as much as someone who barely knew him from an online game can, I offer my deepest sympathy to all who knew him. If anything good can be taken from something such as this then it's perspective. It's easy to forget the people behind the names sometimes. I know I'll make an effort to be much more considerate to people online from now on.
  8. Banning people such as raindeer poo and trippenflip isn't helping either.
  9. I wonder how many times you proof-read that article 8) I understand what you're getting at but I think so long as the intent is to use reasonable English (or any other language) then exact punctuation doesn't matter all that much. For instance when I typed the sentance above I didn't capitalize "english" - would it really of done any harm in that form? However, I'm left wondering why a banshee strapped to a jet engine makes any more noise than a banshee that isn't. Maybe a banshee with a megaphone...
  10. Dam lol, I always kinda suspected it did but your guide convinced me it didn't :P Thats a pretty big difference, I guess someone needs to do a few 100 trips at 50 or so now.
  11. Acid dragon my moneys on :) Dragon bow ftw...I can dream can't I?
  12. a = 1 b = 1 a = b a^2 = b^2 a^2 - b^2 = 0 (a-B)(a+B) = 0 (a-B)(a+B)/(a-B) = 0/(a-B) 1(a+B) = 0 (a+B) = 0 1 + 1 = 0 2 = 0 1 = 0 One sock always escapes the wash
  13. |_|_|_|x|_|_|_| |_|_|_|x|_|o|x| |_|_|x|o|_|o|x| |o|_|o|x|_|x|o| |x|_|o|x|_|o|x| |x|o|o|x|_|x|o|
  14. Sometimes it works the other way though. After the party hat dupe, the ones that took the chance they wouldn't be somehow deleted were the ones that got rich. On a lesser scale, when slayer was added, the people that bought 10s of k of broad arrows at 6 each (arrows that are ~ addy). Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't with fixes like this. Also, ontopic I think the book is pretty good? And the master wand might be handy in a stake.
  15. 50 barrows trips, 3 guthan helm, guthan body and veracs flail from them. Winning 20 santa hats from someone 23 lvls higher than me 8) Half key from a rock crab..left half from a fire giant. Went up to kbd for first time..managed to kill 3 before I needed to get out of there, 3rd one droped d-med.
  16. Worst movie ...mmmm Kingdom of heaven was probably the worst big recent film I've seen, would be good though if it had a plot, as your left wonding quite why your watching it. Actually, that leads on to my least favourit movie, day after tomorrow. There was no sense of stroy, of finale, no inevitable climax to the whole thing..just...oh look its stopped. Saw Y Tu Mama Tambien last night as well, was fairly boring for most of it. Not the worst film though.
  17. Woo man I love your posts I'm bored and stuck for someting to do - oh lets try barrows (and get 3 guthan helms, a flail and guthans body in <40 runs). Generally bored, there's some funny stroy about cannons that makes me less bored. And a run of sour luck at arena that leaves me down 18m...well you go and lose 30+ :D Thanks for the motivation, I think I'll go train slayer or something so I can get whips for the money back :)
  18. Leave hypodermic needles all arround you door :wink: Or get one of those air horns and wait by your front door - if anyone comes blast em with that. Bonus points if you make children under 5 cry.
  19. Well, I realise the editor needs to have an opinion or no one will bother to read it..but I don't agree with this one. I do agree that the *method* of contact was incorrect. Simply an official pm using their message system to a few appointed contacts wihin the fansite community would have been better. Or a news post on the frontpage better still, simply informing everyone of their request. However, I definately see why they would want the guide with held. There are a lot of people that just follow a guide and get no real satisfaction out of a quest - what's the point? Personally, I confess I might look at a guide if I was really stuck, or it was just a little prerequsite quest. But having quest guides up a mere day or so after the hardest puzzle in runescape is released hardly makes it the hardest puzzle. I have something like 90 QP and I havn't done heros - but when I do do a quest, I find them much more fun if I don't use a guide. Like desert treasure - an excelent quest thats much more enjoyable if you work it out on your own. Basicly, I think jagex has no time for people with 170 QP, that did every single one by following a guide. I don't either.
  20. Definately something I would support, since it would actually give a reason to specialise (tho not be pure). Ppl moan "range is to easy to train" - well I'd happily trundel allong and get maybe 110 range. Besides, I know what you mean, I only have 1 99 skill, range, but when I got it I kinda thought "smeg, what now". And for those that say it is to much, rs is easier these days to train and there are more people playing. People would get those lvls. Raise lvl cap to 120 :D Also, steal an idea from ffxi - when you ge to a certain lvl in a skill you have to do a quest of some sort to unlock the next few lvls and so on. That would be cool.
  21. Cool guide, got you to thank for getting me to try barrows and being a good few mil richer. Well that and some pretty sweet luck (3 guthan helms, verac's flail and guthan's body in under 35 trips) Thanks for the guide :) - should be on the main site I think.
  22. Very interesting post, sort of thing that is impressive that it all adds up in the end. Also, I wonder if you have an estimate as to the total value of all rares in the game? It would be an interesting figure to compare I think.
  23. Nice guide I guess. I dislike the way aa person, as you say, with no xp, can make 5-10mil out of other players hard work :? However, granted rares are a good money sink without them I think raw materials would cost a lot more. Also, I think what drives up the price of rares is more and more merchants taking up the trade. Which I guess would be the cynical purpose of this guide. Many people buying santa's for instance, are doing so in the hopes of making money on them - if those ppl didn't exist, prices would never be so high. ANyway, merchanting is the way to go if you want to make money that other people have earned :D EDIT: few other points. The has been such a dramatic increase in rare prices due to thier collapse in value at the start of rs2, when people had better things to do than stand around fally all day. Also, there is the fact that theere is simply a hell of a lot more money about these days.
  24. Nuff said really. I like the idea of something kinda on those lines to make the smithing skill more worth while (such as a chance when smithing to make exceptional versions of the item) - but really, melee is fine atm, you dont need food in guthans, dharok is fun as hell and verac not bad either. Range needs something, not something big...just something to keep things interesting - and not 'brutal' arrows..
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