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Everything posted by Cheefoo

  1. more like castle wars :lol: Errr... what? Please make yourself a bit clearer. Frankly, I don't have any idea what that meant. And that damned animated gif emoticon isn't helping decipher that quick, encoded excerpt of confusion!
  2. BTW i saw it like 1 1/2 years ago -.- Psshh... That's all I have to say, PSSHH. Actually, I have this to say too: Don't try to defend yourself in that way, it only makes it worse. Try using facts, or something more solid. Saying "I saw that a a year and a half ago" only makes it sound like it wasn't really that long ago. Sure, that was a fact, but that doesn't hint at anything you'd want it to. It only shows that you do in fact agree with the statement, and you're admitting that it was only a year and a half ago that you watched that show. By the way, personally, I don't care either way if you watch it or not, even though I hate that show. By the other way, you could try backing yourself up with another opinion, if you're going against an opinion too. By the last way, I know, I may be going off topic a bit, but hey, the topic creator went off topic by talking about this imaginary song in this EVIL DISNEY show, so whatever. P.S. Wait, I mean "By the really last way" (I got a trend of rambling going on here, I can't change suit this far into the game!): I think daggers should give more of a magic bonus. Or at least some way that makes them more appealing to mages, seeing as it's a well known fact that mages use daggers.
  3. Clan Wars? King Black Dragon with a rather large group isn't so deadly.
  4. This is a seriously non-subject. Who really cares if there's no space? There wasn't much of a use for it before. You can just pull the item you deposited up, and put it in the space. AWWH NO! I CAN'T SPEND 5 EXTRA SECONDS ORGANIZING MY BANK! If you cared so much about keeping your bank organized, you certainly wouldn't want the old bank back. 5 seconds is nothing, especially nothing to whine about. P.S. This is a "lazy cop out"?! You do notice that you're complaining about spending an extra 5 seconds to keep your bank organized, right? *coughhypocritecough*
  5. Forum Name: Cheefoo124 Runescape Name: Cheefoo124 Picture: [img=http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/9480/tifpicbj7.png]
  6. You have a problem with good business sense? This won't hurt Runescape at all. They will make more money, get more employees, make more updates, better customer support, etc. If anything, it'll help. Unless of course you're a newbaphobe...
  7. To me, he looks like an ork/goblin, not much of an ogre. Ogres seem too human like to be related to Graardor. Or am I thinking of giants? Graardor doesn't look like an ogre, but more of a jogre. He seems pretty much like a big goblin to me, however. He does have goblin underlings after all. Let's just settle for a big ork/giant/goblin/ogre/jogre, okay? P.S. Has anyone confirmed what he counts as when it comes to slayer tasks yet?
  8. If you're a high enough level, you can get barrows armour quite easily from barrows itself. It's easy to get, thus being not that expensive, but probably the best armour around! Magic and range both have to use up money just by attacking (moreso for magic), and melee has to have some type of drawback, especially for amazing armour, and at a low base cost.
  9. Ever hear of people buying a law rune for 1k each? That's because they don't want to go all the way to the grand exchange, and they want to buy quickly, so they give more money. I was at the entrance to a dark hole, and the person needed a lantern desperately, so I wanted to sell mine. He said it was okay to buy for 1k, until he saw the market price. He instantly refused, even though I was the only one there with a lantern. He could have payed a few hundred gp extra to save him a long trip to the grand exchange. Most people buy for higher when desperate, but not anymore. Now some people won't buy for any bit higher EVER. It's pretty irritating, especially when they accuse me of trying to scam them.
  10. No PKing? It's still around in Bounty Hunter. They only made it a bit harder than before, and in a smaller area. Don't like it? That's just too bad, I guess you can't adapt. No market? WHAT?! There's still a market, it's called the Grand Exchange. Prices DO change, but at a somewhat slower rate. No drop trades? What, you like scamming people? Or is it just that you transfer items between accounts? Do you also like being banned? No staking? This is the only thing I really don't like. It WAS needed however, so they could stop RWTers. If they didn't make these changes, Real World Trading would LITERALLY destroy Runescape. Just because you can't adapt doesn't mean an entire company should be ruined, and millions of players be let down.
  11. They CLING! They refuse to loosen their hold! Ever since the balanced trade, I've noticed some foolish people never want to pay anything other than the given price. Example: Someone asks if anyone has a lantern in the Lumbridge Castle Basement. I say I have one, and I go to trade with him. I ask for 1k, and it's only worth about 250 gp. He absolutely REFUSES to pay any more. Before we initiated the trade, he even agreed to pay 1k! Then when he sees he's paying more than the minimum, he refuses to pay. I'm forced to get only 250gp. Another example: I'm selling a rune platebody for 45k. Someone comes up to me to buy it, but after seeing it isn't worth 45k, he refuses to pay. Once again, these stubborn punks force me to get less, because of that darn limit being shown! Jagex did nothing wrong, but some people just don't understand what trade limits are. They think they're getting scammed, but if they weren't shown the price, they'd probably agree. I'm not "super mad" or anything, I'm just mostly wondering if anyone else has experienced this annoying quirk in some players. P.S. No offence if you stick to market prices, I'm just against people refusing to move away from the base price by even a few gp (literally).
  12. Errrr.... what? Cook buys lobsters. Summoner beats "Wolf Whistle" quest. Cook goes to rogue's den. Summoner makes pouches with free the charms. Cook cooks lobsters. Summoner runs out of charms, goes to kill monsters for more. Cook cooks lobsters. Summoner kills monsters for charms. Cook cooks lobsters. Summoner uses charms and expensive spirit shards to level up with pouches. Cook cooks lobsters. Summoner runs out of charms, goes kill tougher monsters for better charms. Cook cooks lobsters. You get the hint... These skills are nothing alike.
  13. Probably increase essence prices, and lower rune costs. Good thing for me, because I like using magic! YAY! I couldn't think of a way that they'd update runecrafting without altering the prices of anything. Either it's more efficient experience wise (increase essence cost, thusly increasing some rune costs), more efficient amount of runes made (decrease essence price, or stays the same, decrease rune price)... Actually, Runescape has much more depth than that, so I can't really figure how everything would work out... One way or another, some price is going to change, making someone happy, and someone sad.
  14. In the "Olden Days" when you took out items, there was an empty slot where you took it from. When you exited the bank window, that slot would fill... So what's the point of it anyway? Maybe it was for "replacing" items with one another? Can't you just hold the item, scroll up, then place it in? Is it really that bad? Can someone give me an example of what they used to use the empty slots for? I'm not totally getting the whole story here...
  15. I DO respect firemaking, fletching, and cooking capes, but not as much as the others. They're just easier than the others, even though I do respect the achievment accomplished. However, if someone thinks they're better than someone for having 99 firemaking, fletching, or cooking, I'd have to strongly disagree, it only shows how rich and how dedicated they are to the game. If there was such an emote, if I saw someone with a summoning cape, I'd bown down to them in respect. Some capes are just more respectable than others.
  16. Awww, now I pretty much am sure that full void is useless. At least the top and bottom are good mage defence until I get 70 range for black dragonhide. Even then, the robe bottoms have better mage defence than black dragonhide, yay! Too bad it's only by about 2 points... Now I feel like I've wasted quite a while getting them... However, is full void mage better than mystic in magic accuracy? Even if they're the same, void has better defence stats. I'd REALLY appreciate help, thanks!
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