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Everything posted by rangeor

  1. I'll probably just dump all my MTK herbs a day or so before the weekend since I'm too lazy to go get the seconds. I'll probably train a mix of dungoneering, slayer, and runecrafting.
  2. rangeor


    For nearly ten years now my grandfather's made the best fudge I've ever had. He'd always bring it to family gatherings and it was the one thing I always looked forward to. I found out he gets the recipe from the back of a marshmallow fluff can. My disappointment was followed by immense joy when I realized how easy it is to make :3 Well, it's kind of difficult to get it perfect, but it's pretty simple.
  3. rangeor


    I recently got my first job at a small café. It's really fun, and my coworkers and boss are really cool people. I also get one free drink every day that I work, which I save for whenever a customer says, "Thanks a latté!" But that hasn't happened yet and I always just end up getting it whenever I leave :[
  4. rangeor


    That's great!! Sounds like a good job too, if you want an IT-related job in the future.
  5. I still haven't been added to the list yet.
  6. I lol'd :lol: Giordano Nick_6464 and most everyone else summed up my opinion. It isn't a big deal at all.
  7. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1939680 I know it isn't youtube, but it deserves to be here :lol: It's the Corgi Flop.
  8. rangeor


    Oh. See, I wouldn't know that, I've only lasted thirty seconds!
  9. rangeor


    I like your beard. What are you talking about?
  10. rangeor


    Today I tried voluntarily listening to a Ke$ha song, and I actually managed to last thirty seconds. I'm quite proud of that; thirty seconds is a long time when listening to Ke$ha.
  11. 1) Yes, this is faster points than PC and also a lot more fun. 2) Its only good use is for ranging; shield + void helm, skirt and gloves with a dhide/armadyl top gives better bonuses than the standard void range setup. You're probably going to be wrong. The game is a lot of fun. Castle wars has [cabbage]ty rewards yet people still play it all the time, because it's fun. In fact void is a lot better reward than castle wars tickets.
  12. This is awesome. It kind of sucks though that they still haven't made blazers/sport coats yet :\
  13. *reads post* ... *reads post again* ... You don't think much, do you?
  14. They're practically unheard of, at least in my area. I think they're fun to listen to; they always have interesting melodies. But they aren't anything special.
  15. Yeah that too. When I joined my first forum when I was like, ten or something, there was a roleplaying system where you'd level up every 100 or so posts, or something like that. So I spammed the hell out of that place as subtly as a ten-year old could. But I haven't really noticed it since. I never look at it unless someone mentions post count then I go, "huh I wonder what I'm at now. Oh. That's a lot. I spend too much time here. :( "
  16. Mozart, like the girl, was made a prodigy, not born one. Mozart's father rigorously trained him from an early age, and it paid off. He became a prodigy, earning perfect pitch and decent harpsichord skills by the time he was 7 or 8. The girl also had at least three teachers that I could tell, training her from two to six. She wasn't born a prodigy, she was just made into one. We're all born the same, the circumstances and opportunities that are presented to us in life are what make us different. I read the whole article. It was really interesting, but like other people said it wasn't anything new.
  17. I was just wondering if anyone knew which is the best gravite weapon for f2p pking. I know all about the ups and downs of the chaotic weapons, but I never hear anything about gravite so I was curious.
  18. Found this on N0valyfe's website. Best first whip drop statement ever: "I have procured... A whip!"
  19. I've learned that anonymity makes people like to argue more.
  20. rangeor


    Nice! I might end up going to Virginia Tech since in-state tuition is a lot cheaper. But when you get an ROTC scholarship, that doesn't really matter anyways :P I'm really regretting not doing better earlier in high school. I didn't do a bad job, but I was just average. GPA freshman year was 3.3, sophomore year brought it down to 3.2. I actually did really well last year, but it only managed to bring it up to 3.5 :\ Thankfully, my GPA at the community college I'm dual-enrolled with is a 4.0 :lol:
  21. Making a wanted item isn't making a skinner's box, well not necessarily. I suppose it's a bit far-fetched, but relevance comes from the potential reward Jagex could have given. They could have given the cape incredible stats and perhaps access to resources that give ridiculous exp rates to numerous skills. The punishment would then stem from the fact that they don't have access to more elite content. The situation's already there nowadays; if you don't have the best skills (e.g. extremes, turmoil, chaotic weapons, high summoning, high combats) you're never going to get anywhere trying to fight boss monsters. You'll try, but there will always be a crasher that keeps you from succeeding. Therefore, you'll spend hours of your life grinding away to get the right skills you need to beat the crashers. Obviously that situation won't happen for a long time, since 120 dungeoneering isn't exactly the quickest thing to get. It would definitely be a problem in the future though. There was once a time where 95 prayer was an incredible achievement, but now look at how many people have it!
  22. I'm glad that the cape is as underwhelming as it is. Jagex doesn't need to make its Skinner's Box any worse than it already is.
  23. SHOWING INDIFFERENCE TOWARDS ACHIEVEMENTS MAKES ME TOUGH! Good job, it takes a bit of planning early on to get HP as your first 99. Enjoy it!
  24. rangeor

    Electronic Music

    I suppose these guys are electronic enough to belong in this thread. Caravan Palace is an electro-swing band from Paris, and they make some really interesting music. and are songs I quite like.
  25. by Caravan Palace Really interesting. Electro-swing is the best way to describe it. They're a French band too.
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