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Everything posted by MisterGreen

  1. I would do nothing but stay indoors. A velociraptor is about as intelligent as a chicken. They were smart for their time, not dolphin/chimp level intelligence, that's hollywood hype. Not to mention, velociraptors were the size of a modern day turkey. The ones in the movies were more deinonychus-like. In reality, a normal sized dog could probably kill one. "Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, the turkey-sized Velociraptor nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long, stiffened tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to kill its prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout. Velociraptor (commonly shortened to 'raptor') is one of the dinosaur genera most familiar to the general public due to its prominent role in the Jurassic Park motion picture series. In the films it was shown with anatomical inaccuracies, including being much larger than it was in reality and without feathers. It is also well known to paleontologists, with over a dozen recovered fossil skeletonsthe most of any dromaeosaurid." "The slashing hypothesis was tested during a 2005 BBC documentary, The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs. The producers of the program created an artificial Velociraptor leg with a sickle claw and used a pork belly to simulate the dinosaur's prey. Though the sickle claw did penetrate the abdominal wall, it was unable to tear it open, indicating that the claw was not used to disembowel prey. However, this experiment has not been published or repeated by other scientists, so its results cannot be confirmed" -Wikipedia Velociraptor size compared to a human- I see no problem with a human managing to kill one. If there is a pack, bring out some sort of sharp or blunt weapon. Almost anyone could handle a few turkeys with teeth... Now a deinonychus would be much more deadly, it is much larger and shares similarities with the 'raptors' in jurassic park. But, their bloodlust and intelligence were severely over-hyped, I see them being no more deadly than a modern day lion or tiger. It would simply be a matter of staying inside and waiting while they are either killed or tranquilized. A tyrannosaurus would pose a larger problem, but most of them weighed around 3-8 tons when fully grown, about elephant sized. Give a few people an elephant gun or a tranquilizer gun and you're set.
  2. We have polar shifts around every 11 years I think it is. Tried looking up how long the period is between polar shifts and found... nothing. But if it's every 11 years I guess we have nothing to worry about.
  3. Didn't some scientists recently discover we're going to have a polar shift around 2012? I don't know if it's true, just stated it in hopes someone knows about it.
  4. Being recently scarred by encyclopedia dramatica, I'm starting to have doubts that uncensoring everything is a good thing...
  5. I do, but that doesn't mean there cannot be exceptions.
  6. Well, It's more than just the spying thing. Sometimes when I'm cooking I have the bizzare feeling I might accidentally spawn some face-hugger (from the alien movies... You know the ones that plant an alien parasite in you that later bursts out of your chest? Yeah. That kind.) like thing when I experiment and mix in some new stuff. Crazy, I know. :? Maybe I have an overactive imagination? Who knows. (I should take a break from watching those films...)
  7. MisterGreen


    Have you ever had this bizarre, almost intuitive idea/feeling that is completely ridiculous, and you try to convince yourself it's stupid and nothing about the thought is based on facts/evidence, yet the thought keeps coming back to haunt you? For example, I'm paranoid about people reading my mind, secret cameras set up by my parents to spy on me when I'm alone, people watching me when I think no one is there, etc., etc. Am I crazy? Is it some sort of disorder? Could it be my guilty conscience trying to tell me to stop doing something? Or is it none of those things? I am posting this in hope of someone explaining this to me, or posting their own experience or something similar.
  8. I drink maybe 3 or 4 glasses a day, out of 16 fl. ounce cups. I suppose that's around the sufficient amount.
  9. [/hide] That is what praying gets you. Stories like that make me so sick.. It's disgusting how people like that can feel they're doing the right thing when their kid is dieing in front of them. I don't really mind if people pray for loved ones, but if it's a substitute for medical intervention, then I have a massive problem with it. That reminds me of this story- [hide=Story]"There was a man in an area that was about to be consumed by a massive storm. People were climbing aboard a ship to leave the city, due to the coming storm. A seaman yells to the man, " Hey get on the ship we are leaving", but the man says No thanks, God will save me;" the ship left. After an hour or so, a helicopter arrives to pick up any people left over. The pilot yells to the man," Hey, get on we are leaving," But the man refused and said " No thanks, God will save me."; the helicopter left. After another hour passed by, a motor boat comes along with three people on it, one person yells " Hey, get on we are getting the hell out of here". Yet, the man refused and said " No thanks, God will save me" After the motor boat had left, thirty minutes passed by, the man continued to pray. However, soon the storm came and destroyed the city, and killed the man.. The man then went to heaven and asked God " Why did you not save me? God replied: "I sent you a ship and you did not take it. I sent you a helicopter and you did not get on it. I sent you a motor boat, and you did not climb aboard. You died because you refused to listen to me."[/hide] Moral of the story: God helps those who help themselves. He doesn't necessarily always work in supernatural ways. As for the point of the thread, Yes I pray. I am a non-denominational Christian, and I try to be open-minded.
  10. MisterGreen


    Same. \ D***it... I want to be a super saiy-moderator as well... Maybe if I get my power lev-post count higher it will happen.
  11. A serious case can cause scarring which doesn't diminish with shorter hair. Most hair doesn't get that greasy to the point that it causes scarring acne. I went 4 days without showering (bleck I know) and I have minimal acne whatsoever. maybe i'm just lucky. TMI... On the hairstyle, you should try out a buzz cut. That's what I have atm. But If you don't wanna do that, go with the messy hair look.
  12. I would leave a will explaining what to do with my stuff, and write a letter for my friends and family that would be found after my death. Then I would walk outside and get into the car, and go around town helping people with random stuff. After a few hours I would go visit a few people personally, not tell them anything about my impending doom, and try and have a good time with them. Finished with that, I would go on top a nearby mountain (It's only a few hundred feet) light a cig (I normally don't smoke) and die watching the sunrise. Sounds like a boring way to go, but I would die satisfied that I did a little good in the world.
  13. Ban on guns= criminals have guns, normal citizens don't. No ban on guns= criminals have guns, but citizens have them too. Which sounds better to you?
  14. Wait! What if we're in the matrix right now, and everyone that is supposedly dating irl is actually computer/internet dating? Then somehow then everyone is freed... LoL, I would call everyone a dating noob, then ask out the nearest hot girl. (I'm not serious if you haven't noticed.)
  15. People have died by knives accidentally. There have been tons of accidental deaths from cars, machinery, stairs, sports, scissors, electricity, etc. Why does the line suddenly appear once we talk about alcohol? It's because people need those things in modern society, alcohol isn't something you have to have.
  16. I.Q. tests are not accurate. I've taken three 'official' I.Q. tests and the scores were- 142 at 11 years old (Done by a doctor) 74 at 16 years old (Done by a speech therapist) 114 at 17 years old (Done by my highschool) My highest score, 142, is near the genius level. My lowest score, 74... well you need a minimum I.Q. of 80 to be in public school, no further explanation needed. 114, which I believe to be the most accurate, is 14 points above average. But in any case, I believe that I.Q. tests to be inaccurate and biased, (apparent with wildly fluctuating scores,) and should not be taken seriously. But that doesn't change the fact that I dislike Sarah Palin.
  17. You should pretend to start having phone sex with them. Trust me, they'll never call again. :lol:
  18. Whether the conspiracy is true or not, a full world government would not be a good idea. For example, countries prices of many products are determined by exports and imports, they regulate each other and keep things in balance. If there was only a single worldwide country, prices would skyrocket without this type of regulation. Also, giving that much power to a single governmental system, enough power to control the world, could lead to an abuse of power and result in a dictatorship. Hopefully the conspiracy is a hoax. If not, sign me up for the rebel alliance.
  19. This, I just find them a bit weird really. is what I grew up with. Don't know why you don't like it, but I think it kicks a**. What I could never get into? The sickeningly "cute" anime stuff. Some of my friends are into it, it makes my skin crawl.
  20. MisterGreen


    I say you have been there for longer than 30 seconds,unless you absorbed the full impact,because that's an expression used by 4channers. ...and 99% of the rest of the internet. All you have to do is look up 'motivational poster' on google images. not hard. Or you could make it yourself.
  21. MisterGreen


    I browsed 4chan's random board to see if it was as bad as some people say it is. I was only their for about 30 seconds. I feel nasty now. *Shivers*
  22. They cannot make a sandwich too large for them to eat, because it would have to greater than their own omnipotence. But then people would say they were not omnipotent because they cannot make something greater than infinity, but that's not the case at all. The most you could make is an infinite sandwich. They could then eat it because they are infinite as well. There is nothing greater than infinity. This paradox is only possible because people assume that there is something greater than something that never ends, but there isn't.
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