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Everything posted by AndJusticeForOne

  1. He can't use Kuradal. He's 67 Slayer.
  2. Grats ^^ Going for 85? =D Going for whatever I can get while getting maxed melee :P
  3. Only 1m over 3 hours? Not very lucky with the bars, are you? :(
  4. I definitely agree on Red being number 1. He kicked my [wagon] so many times....
  5. I don't even recognize what theme that is :-| I believe it's furnished. Can't really remember, though.
  6. Just a few pics I took :) Me finally getting 1500 total This was... interesting
  7. Enjoy the cries of "VENG ME PL0X I GIV U 5Keh!@$%!ygqavveqfg". :P
  8. It's because the scimitar gets 5 hits to the longsword's 4. In those 5 hits, it can do up to 200-300 more damage to an opponent's LP than the longsword could. With weapons like longswords and scimitars, speed > power.
  9. A great skill to have, so I hear :P I wouldn't be able to do it, though. So boring and SO EXPENSIVE.
  10. Back in my day, there wasn't a thing such as a "Grand Exchange". We had to spam SMD in every bank in Falador, Varrock, and Lumbridge to Sell Mithril Daggers Smd for short If you want to go that far back, I started playing in 2003 or 2004 :P Didn't really enjoy those days, though... Damn, I was a n00b....
  11. Back in my day, I didn't stand at the Grand Exchange with every random moron in the world asking "can i barrow ur gs plz???? i pay u 5k". I miss those days...
  12. Runescape... franchise... higher on the list than Final Fantasy... WHAT THE [bleep]!?
  13. AndJusticeForOne


    If you're killing some in Kuradal's dungeon and wearing a Ferocious Ring, it adds 40 damage to every hit and acts as a ring of life. In other words, a hell of a lot better than a zerker.
  14. They buffed up the speed of mauls from D'eering. They're now battleaxe/godsword speed.
  15. I've seen it several times. It was weird at first, but now I just ignore it.
  16. I'd say a rapier since you keep both slash and stab, both on aggressive mode. A battleaxe might come after that, but I think they're pretty slow.
  17. Finally broke that whip dry streak :D
  18. Some kind of spear. Rune, I think.
  19. Maddynubz <333333333333333333333333333333 Nao you can catch my dinner AND cook it. <33333333333
  20. I'd say claws in your situation. Then again, I'm probably wrong. >.>
  21. I did exactly what you're describing and trust me, it's not worth it. It might be if you boss hunt A LOT, but otherwise, just stick to the tried and true Whip/D Scim.
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