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Everything posted by LatinII

  1. Oops Taco Limey. Back to Daemonheim for him I guess. And of course, he died because of Korasi's sword. God I wish they never created that weapon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13BRI8kH3vo
  2. Greedy, other than the 3 persons wearing Torva armor, the rest are all existing NPCs. The NPC with the dark blue armor is Leon d'Cour. The female in the "robes" is a female Fremennik which can be found in Daemonheim, the guy with the basic bow and rather awesome looking quiver is a Khazard ranger, the other ranger in the "strange armor" is an elite dark ranger found in the Black Knights' Fortress dungeon. The last guy you mentioned, the one in the orange armor, is Ignatius Vulcan, the guy who sells the Firemaking skill cape.
  3. Ehh yeah no... Would you like to test it on me? Yes 99.9% of the time I would win... Alright. I've already tested this out with a friend of mine, who is maxed in combat, has a chaotic rapier, dragon claws, Turmoil, Soul Split and was wearing Morrigan's with a spectral spirit shield and a master wand while being farcasted. I always won with ease lol. Sure, I'll fight you.
  4. Ah well, we'll find out next week. If he uses Ancients (which I assume he will), he'll likely be strong against Melee and somewhat weak to Ranged. I just don't want Melee to be the most effective combat style like usual... :twisted:
  5. its gonna be one way or the other probably either nex mages and you cant mage him, or nex doesnt mage and hes weak to mage id assume with 15 attacks that nex has a massive mage lvl, meaning you cant mage him Not necessarily. Necrolord, mysterious shades, shades and demons like The Warmonger use Magic as an attack style and they can be maged effectively.
  6. Looks like the mage in the first picture is using Ancient Magicks so I'll assume Nex does as well. Oh boy, he's going to be a tough boss then. I'm starting to think more and more that Melee is going to be very ineffective against him.
  7. I agree with SanNo. I SO hope it will fly up in the air if you try to Melee it as it is floating above the ground in the pictures. I hope he has a weakness to Zaros' his own Magic (Ancients). A mageable boss please :thumbup: I see it has black particles as well. Nice!
  8. How much is a power Slayer in combat? 90% or more?
  9. I have a question. I read somewhere that a true power Slayer is XX % of the time in combat, and not standing still, waiting for the loot to appear, or running around to attack far away monsters. Does anybody still know how much of the time it is?
  10. I need a bit of advice from a high leveled meleer. And I mean a meleer who has Soul Split and Turmoil. On Slayer tasks, would you use Bandos armor, or proselyte? What kind of cape would you be using? Do you use overloads, or extremes? And I've read somewhere, that a "true power Slayer" is XX % of the time fighting monsters, instead of standing still, waiting for the loot to appear. How much % of the time is this per hour? And lastly, how accurate is Melee? I know this really varies per task, but let's take abyssal demons as an example. How often do you miss on average? A chaotic rapier can swing for 1500 times per hour max, but it's obvious this is not a realistic number. How much would a devoted power Slayer actually be fighting monsters? I would really like these questions being answered, as it would help me a lot.
  11. I hope the Magic armor gives magical strength or more rune saving %.
  12. Okay, so Ranged is going to be as cost efficient as Melee is. Magic still costs 1m/hr on Slayer tasks. I want a 20% magic damage staff that can cast free Fire Surges :evil:
  13. Nooo Mark please don't return PJing :( It was incredibly annoying to get attacked by people if you were attacking your target from a distance. I was so happy when they fixed that. Please don't change how it works now.
  14. Haha I actually wouldn't be surprised if that picture turns out to be real.
  15. I'm a little worried. Remember what Paul said when free trading first got removed? He said that they had to either leave RWT as it was and shut the game down in a year, or undertake action against them and let the game live on for another six years or so. Now Jagex is handing out $10000 and bringing back free trading... I don't want 2011 to be RuneScape's final year, lol.
  16. Main issue with Magic is it's cost. It's DPS isn't that bad, is it? Chaotic staff, arcane stream necklace, Wolpertinger, celestial surgebox, hexcrest and a ferocious ring and you can inflict some heavy damage. I think Fire Surge maxes at around 718 in that armor. I would like to see a passive rune saving ability which increases the higher your Magic level is and a change to magic potions because they're not worth using on a Slayer task right now. Their duration should be lengthenend. Adding spell effects to elemental spells could be useful. For example, Fire Surge has a burning effect, similiar to the Blazer class ring in Daemonheim but much weaker.
  17. My screen didn't shake at all when I visit the door.
  18. ^That was supposed to be an underwater passage to the Zamorak camp in the Godwars dungeon, but it got scrapped.
  19. I could use your help now :P I've lost my void deflector, so if you could help me in with getting a high enough rank for another deflector would be great.
  20. I think you mean spectral? Arcane is for mage offense + defense anyway. Neither mage book, or tome of frost have soak either. Weather farseer is better than spectral is up for debate though. No I'm talking about the arcane spirit shield. The arcane spirit shield gives +3 more magic attack, +18 more crush defence, +12 more range defence and +3 prayer bonus than the farseer kiteshield so most people thought the arcane spirit shield was better. But now that the arcane spirit shield gives no damage soak, do you think it will be better than the farseer kiteshield, which gives +14% melee absorbtion.
  21. For all I know the damage soaking completely ignores the SoL special effect. Just tried it out at DA.
  22. The arcane spirit shield gives no damage soaking. Does this make the farseer kiteshield overall better than the arcane spirit shield?
  23. Please don't tell me I'm making a typo now... Zuriel's robes with a farseer kiteshield is 40% Melee absorption. Let's say that, without any damage soaking, I get hit for 800 from an AGS special attack. 800-200=600 so I will soak 40% of 600, which is 240. So instead of 800 damage, I will get hit for 560. That's an overall damage reduction of 30%?! O.O
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